TY - JOUR AB - High-resolution sedimentological and geochronological investigations of paleochannel systems in the Ried Central d'Alsace (northeastern France) allow for the reconstruction of the late glacial and Holocene fluvial evolution of this section of the Upper Rhine alluvial plain. During the Oldest Dryas, the landscape featured a dominant braided Rhine system and, to a lesser extent, a braided Fecht system. The shift to the Bølling-Allerød saw a narrowing of the Rhine's active channel belt, the development of a complex channel pattern, and the genesis of the Ill River. The river channel patterns remained unchanged during the Younger Dryas. In the Early Holocene, the Rhine's active belt narrowed further, and the Rhine and Ill Rivers developed braided-anastomosing and anastomosing channel patterns, respectively. Throughout the Holocene, both rivers maintained their channel patterns while migrating east and west across the alluvial plain, respectively. In the late glacial, fluvial dynamics in this section of the Upper Rhine plain were primarily influenced by climate-related environmental and hydrogeomorphological changes. Conversely, during the Holocene, the evolution of the fluvial hydrosystems was driven by a complex interaction of climatic and non-climatic factors, including human activity at the catchment scale, alluvial plain architecture, and local neotectonics. AU - Abdulkarim, Mubarak AU - Schmitt, Laurent AU - Fülling, Alexander AU - Rambeau, Claire AU - Ertlen, Damien AU - Mueller, Daniela AU - Chapkanski, Stoil AU - Preusser, Frank DB - Cambridge Core DO - 10.1017/qua.2024.22 DP - Cambridge University Press ET - 05/16 KW - Anastomosing channels Fecht River Fluvial dynamics Holocene Ill River Paleochannels Rhine River Upper Rhine plain late glacial PY - 2024 RN - fluvial SN - 0033-5894 SP - 109-131 JO - Quaternary Research TI - Late glacial to Holocene fluvial dynamics in the Upper Rhine alluvial plain, France UR - https://www.cambridge.org/core/product/E55C60217C86F97CE81BB266594AAE8E VL - 121 ID - 166 ER - TY - JOUR AB - While flint and similar materials are some of the most often preserved finds from the pre-historic archaeological records, trapped charge techniques can currently only be used on heated flint pieces. Here, we investigate if rock surface luminescence dating using the light-sensitive OSL signal is applicable to unheated flint nodules and cobbles by measuring OSL signal-depth profiles in flint samples collected from eastern Zealand and Møn, Denmark. We demonstrate that a detectable, natural OSL signal is present in the centre in eight out of the nine investigated flint samples. Additionally, the OSL signal had been bleached to various depths at the flint surfaces, which were exposed to daylight at the time of sampling. The field-saturated OSL is 50% or lower compared to the laboratory OSL after a 6 kGy dose was administered to field-saturated flint slices; this discrepancy could be related to signal loss occurring over geological time scales, but the exact nature of the mechanism of signal loss remains unclear. The presence of a natural OSL signal that bleaches into the flint when exposed to daylight suggests that rock surface dating of unheated flints is feasible, and the method should be further tested on known-age samples. AU - Ageby, L. AU - Jakathamani, S. AU - Murray, A. S. AU - Jain, M. AU - Rades, E. F. DA - 2024/08/01/ DO - 10.1016/j.quageo.2024.101566 KW - OSL Unheated flint Rock surface luminescence dating PY - 2024 RN - surface exposure dating SN - 1871-1014 SP - 101566 JO - Quaternary Geochronology TI - Feasibility of rock surface luminescence dating technique for measuring the burial ages of unheated flints UR - https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1871101424000700 VL - 83 ID - 74 ER - TY - JOUR AB - Understanding of the attenuation of light into a rock surface is fundamental to the successful modelling of the luminescence profile in rock resulting from prolonged daylight exposure. Here, we investigate this light attenuation. Variations in apparent attenuation is first examined using the variation of luminescence signals with depth, modelled in two different ways to obtain attenuation coefficients. These results are compared with direct measurement of optical attenuation for three different rock types (sandstone, basalt, and granite). We conclude that global fitting of different exposure times using a constant but unknown μ gives rise to larger errors than free fitting, where we allow μ to be different for each exposure time. Our results show that because of differences in lithology and distribution of luminescent minerals, the direct measurement of optical attenuation overestimates the attenuation based on luminescence signals. AU - al Khasawneh, Sahar AU - Murray, Andrew AU - Thompson, Warren DA - 2024/08/01/ DO - 10.1016/j.radmeas.2024.107192 PY - 2024 RN - surface exposure dating SN - 1350-4487 SP - 107192 JO - Radiation Measurements TI - Investigating luminescence-depth profiles from rocks with different lithologies UR - https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1350448724001409 VL - 176 ID - 116 ER - TY - JOUR AB - Wind is a significant geomorphological agent in formerly glaciated areas and aeolian deposits surround and stretch across the Store Mosse (Great Bog) bog complex in southwestern Sweden. Both peat and aeolian sand are underlain by lacustrine sediment and the deposits record the area's transition from an initially ice-dammed lake to Ancient Lake Bolmen, which gradually drained, exposing sediments to wind erosion and allowing peat to start forming in basins. Here, we present 25 luminescence ages from lacustrine, fluvial and aeolian deposits that range from the time of deglaciation (∼14.5 ka) to the late Holocene (∼3 ka). Most of the waterlain sediments are dated to 11.5–11 ka while the bulk of the dunes formed 10–6.5 ka ago, possibly during two phases in the early and early-middle Holocene, respectively. The parabolic shape of some dunes indicates aeolian deposition or reworking in a partially vegetated environment, and contemporary dune and peat formation suggest a mosaic landscape in the early Holocene. Younger sand drift events and re-activation of some dunes are corroborated by windblown dust events in mid-late Holocene and are likely related to regional storm periods. The results add to the growing understanding of aeolian activity in formerly glaciated landscapes and illustrate a complex interaction of lacustrine, fluvial and aeolian processes. The optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating was done on 180–250 μm quartz grains, which showed relatively dim luminescence signals dominated by a fast component. Several ages have relatively low precision which could be due to sediment mixing, either by bioturbation or by sampling across a significant layer thickness with an auger. AU - Alexanderson, Helena AU - Lund, E. Martin AU - Bjermo, Tim DA - 2024/08/01/ DO - 10.1016/j.quageo.2024.101591 KW - OSL Luminescence dating Quartz Holocene Scandinavia PY - 2024 RN - glacial and periglacial SN - 1871-1014 SP - 101591 JO - Quaternary Geochronology TI - From ice-dammed lake to aeolian dunes in the Store Mosse area, SW Sweden UR - https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1871101424000955 VL - 83 ID - 80 ER - TY - JOUR AB - Well-dated Middle Palaeolithic sequences that lie beyond the limit of radiocarbon dating (i.e., >50,000 years ago) are critical for understanding the long-term palaeoecological changes that took place during Neandertal occupation of Europe and the Iberian Peninsula. Among the two pits excavated in Galería de las Estatuas site, GE (Sierra de Atapuerca, Burgos, Spain) represents such sequence, having been previously dated using a combination of single-grain optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) and U-series. This site is one of the few across Eurasia to have yielded both Neandertal remains and genetic evidence of Neandertal population replacements during marine isotope stage (MIS) 5 to the beginning of MIS 4 (120,000 to 70,000 years ago). Understanding the prevailing climatic and environmental conditions during the period of Neandertal occupation is therefore of great importance. Small mammal remains are one of the best proxies to interpret past environmental and climatic changes, and among these, the Arvicolinae species (Cricetidae, Rodentia) are particularly useful. Here we provide a revision of the small mammal associations at both Galería de las Estatuas pits undertaking detailed study of Arvicolinae species composition in both excavation pits. Additionally, we present new single-grain OSL dating results to refine the existing chronostratigraphic framework and better contextualise the past climatic changes inferred from the small mammal record. Our results indicate that the lower levels were formed in cold-temperate conditions, with a predominance of an open landscape and Atlantic-type climatic regime. Progressively upward through the sequences, we observe warmer and more humid conditions, with a stronger Mediterranean climate regime and increased development of forest areas, although still with a predominance of open meadows. Finally, both sedimentary sequences seem to end with a deterioration of these climatic conditions, and show a drier environment, dominated by open landscapes and a return to an Atlantic climatic regime. We conclude that at least two marked climatic changes can be identified at each pit (GE-I and GE-II), from MIS 5.4 through to the beginning of MIS 4, by studying the small mammal record together with OSL dating. AU - Alfaro-Ibáñez, M. P. AU - Cuenca-Bescós, G. AU - Gómez-Olivencia, A. AU - Demuro, M. AU - Arnold, L. J. AU - Arsuaga, J. L. DA - 2024/11/01/ DO - 10.1016/j.quascirev.2024.108939 KW - Paleoecology Pleistocene Western Europe Single-grain OSL dating Small mammals PY - 2024 RN - archaeology SN - 0277-3791 SP - 108939 JO - Quaternary Science Reviews TI - Arvicolinae rodents of Galería de las Estatuas (Sierra de Atapuerca, Burgos) and insights into MIS 5- to −4 climatic conditions in Northern Iberia UR - https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0277379124004402 VL - 343 ID - 49 ER - TY - JOUR AB - Rock surface luminescence dating is being increasingly applied to constrain the chronologies of geological and archaeological deposits. Here we investigate the potential of the newly developed Risø Imager, a mobile system for measurements in the field, for screening samples with desirable luminescence characteristics. We show by analysing 8 different rock samples, that the Imagers sensitivity is about 50 times lower that than the more commonly used Risø TL-OSL Reader. However, the measurement sensitivity can be improved using longer acquisition times for non-destructive infrared photoluminescence. The imager provides a far superior resolution and precision in the luminescence-depth profiles compared to the Reader, with measurement times as small as few minutes. However, based on the examination of luminescence values at zero depth, we speculate that cross-talk from the poorly-bleached, regions below the focal plane of the Imager may be a source of contamination in the luminescence depth profiles, an aspect which requires future investigations. AU - Andričević, P. AU - Kook, M. AU - Jain, M. DA - 2024/08/01/ DO - 10.1016/j.radmeas.2024.107193 KW - Rock surface dating Luminescence sensitivity Spatial resolution Risø imager PY - 2024 RN - surface exposure dating instruments SN - 1350-4487 SP - 107193 JO - Radiation Measurements TI - Potential of luminescence imaging for screening sensitive and well-bleached samples for rock surface luminescence dating UR - https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1350448724001410 VL - 176 ID - 113 ER - TY - JOUR AB - The existing radiocarbon (14C) dating framework for Lagar Velho is broadly consistent but provides limited constraint on several geoarchaeological complexes (GCs) and does not favour detailed chronological comparisons across all sectors of the site; including the stratigraphically disconnected child burial complex in the east area and the broader archaeological sequence in the central-west area. In this study, we undertake a complementary chronological assessment of Lagar Velho Rock Shelter using single-grain quartz OSL, single-grain quartz TT-OSL and combined U-series/ESR dating of fossil teeth, with the aim of establishing more comprehensive reconstructions of archaeological events and placing the human occupation sequence in a firmer regional climatic context. Expanding on the original chronological study, we also compare the published 14C datasets against widely used sample quality indicators (i.e., organic preservation and contamination proxies) to ensure reliable comparisons with our new luminescence and combined U-series/ESR ages. Eight 14C samples pass our combined chronological and stratigraphic hygiene criteria and are included in the final dating evaluations. Ten of the twelve optical dating samples produce homogeneous equivalent dose (De) datasets indicative of suitable daylight exposure. The replicate single-grain TT-OSL De datasets exhibit more pronounced scatter, consistent with enhanced potential for insufficient bleaching of TT-OSL residual doses in some karst settings. The fossil enamel samples dated using U-series/ESR span relatively low natural dose ranges, necessitating the inclusion of maximum dose (Dmax)-adjusted dose response curve fitting and additional background noise subtraction to avoid De biases of up to 13%. Stratigraphically consistent ages (n = 26) spanning the full archaeological infill sequence are obtained using the four different dating methods, providing a robust interpretive framework and underscoring the significant role of single-grain OSL and combined U-series/ESR dating for refining early Upper Palaeolithic histories of Iberia. Bayesian modelling of the combined chronological dataset reveals a site accumulation history spanning 35,750–23,440 cal. BP and provides improved age constraints on all GCs; particularly the al, bs, tc, gs and ls deposits that were previously undated or imprecisely constrained. The age of the child burial complex is refined to 29,410–28,280 cal. BP, potentially occurring within Greenland Interstadial 4. Comparison of the modelled GC ages from the east and west-central areas enables improved temporal correlations of depositional events across stratigraphically disconnected sectors of the site. This analysis suggests that the child burial complex and the Late Gravettian occupation are statistically indistinguishable based on current dating evidence. The new dating assessments reveal three periods of human occupation at Lagar Velho: the Late Gravettian (including the shorter duration child burial event) 31.6–26.0 ka from the end of Heinrich Stadial (HS) 3 until the emergence of HS2; the Terminal Gravettian 26.5–24.5 ka coinciding with HS2; and the Middle Solutrean 25.2–23.4 ka extending from HS2 to the end of Greenland Stadial 3. The timing of these occupations during late Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 3 and early MIS 2 highlights the significance of central western Portugal for supporting regional human populations during periods when much of Europe was experiencing extreme cold, aridity and expanded glacial coverage. AU - Arnold, L. J. AU - Demuro, M. AU - Duval, M. AU - Grün, R. AU - Sanz, M. AU - Costa, A. M. AU - Araújo, A. C. AU - Daura, J. DA - 2024/08/01/ DO - 10.1016/j.quageo.2024.101572 KW - Single-grain OSL Single-grain TT-OSL Combined U-Series/ESR Gravettian Solutrean Iberian Peninsula Upper palaeolithic PY - 2024 RN - archaeology ESR SN - 1871-1014 SP - 101572 JO - Quaternary Geochronology TI - Single-grain luminescence and combined U-series/ESR dating of the early Upper Palaeolithic Lagar Velho Rock Shelter, Leiria, Portugal UR - https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1871101424000761 VL - 83 ID - 72 ER - TY - JOUR AB - The emergence of ‘standing stone’ monuments within the European Late Prehistoric landscape is considered to be associated with a pivotal human cultural transition from hunting and gathering to agriculture and permanent settlement, being the earliest monuments currently dated by radiocarbon to the 5th millennium BCE. However, many standing stones were first erected, subsequently collapsed, and then re-erected during the following three millennia. The excavation of the site of an apparently in situ statue-menhir at Cruz de Cepos in NE Portugal provided the rare opportunity in Iberian prehistory to apply radiocarbon and luminescence techniques to establish the date of construction. On the basis of the iconography, the standing stone was assigned to a sculptural tradition of north-western and western Iberia, loosely dated to the Early/Middle Bronze Age (ca. 2000/1900–1250 BCE). The optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) and dosimetry characteristics of quartz extracted from sediment samples taken from locations associated with the socket pit and surrounding backfilling deposits were examined, producing OSL single grain ages at eight locations. Comparison of the OSL and calibrated radiocarbon ages shows very good agreement, with the mid-3rd millennium BCE dates confirming original erection during the Copper Age and not a much later transformation of the monument. These encouraging results indicate that OSL has the potential to provide reliable dating of depositional processes related to the construction process and is suitable for wider application to megalithic monuments of this type. AU - Bailiff, I. K. AU - Andrieux, E. AU - Díaz-Guardamino, M. AU - Alves, L. B. AU - Comendador Rey, B. AU - García Sanjuán, L. AU - Martín Seijo, Maria DA - 2024/08/01/ DO - 10.1016/j.quageo.2024.101569 KW - Late prehistory Statue-menhir Chronology OSL Radiocarbon Quartz Single grain PY - 2024 RN - surface exposure dating archaeology SN - 1871-1014 SP - 101569 JO - Quaternary Geochronology TI - Dating the setting of a late prehistoric statue-menhir at Cruz de Cepos, NE Portugal UR - https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1871101424000736 VL - 83 ID - 85 ER - TY - JOUR AB - Beachrock formations are proxies of coastal morphodynamics, and are thus commonly utilized for paleoenvironment interpretations. Linear beachrock outcrops parallel to the shoreline are typical of the Mediterranean coastline of Israel. A new geomorphic and sedimentological analysis of beachrock, integrated with relative and absolute geochronology, characterizes their clastic composition and determines their ages. In-situ beachrock outcrops in the sandy beaches of the Sharon coast of central Israel are composed of quartz sand, shells and shell fragments, and show a significant contribution of fragmented rocks from the coastal cliff. Sections of beachrocks analyzed using portable Optically Stimulated Luminescence (pOSL) provided a relative chronological framework within and between the sections. The results show a moderate optic signal accumulation, indicating a gradual beach build-up during initial beachrock formation stages. Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) ages indicate deposition of unconsolidated beach sediments dated to about 1600–800 years before present (BP). The sediment burial at the former foreshore enabled rapid consolidation in the intertidal zone. AU - Bar, Amir AU - Zviely, Dov AU - Roskin, Joel AU - Galili, Ehud AU - Porat, Naomi AU - Bookman, Revital DA - 2024/11/15/ DO - 10.1016/j.geomorph.2024.109408 KW - Beachrock Sandy beach Coastal morphology Portable OSL Paleo-beach Mediterranean Sea Holocene PY - 2024 RN - portable SN - 0169-555X SP - 109408 JO - Geomorphology TI - Beachrock: A chronological benchmark for Late Holocene build-up on the coast of Israel UR - https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0169555X24003581 VL - 465 ID - 22 ER - TY - JOUR AU - Bartz, M. AU - Duval, M. AU - Alonso Escarza, M. J. AU - Rixhon, G. DO - 10.5194/egqsj-73-139-2024 IS - 2 PY - 2024 RN - fluvial ESR SN - 2199-9090 SP - 139-144 JO - E&G Quaternary Science Journal TI - Older than expected: fluvial aggradation of the Rhine's main terrace at Kärlich dated around 1.5 Ma by electron spin resonance UR - https://egqsj.copernicus.org/articles/73/139/2024/ VL - 73 ID - 146 ER - TY - JOUR AB - The impact of climate on mountain relief is often questioned, mainly due to the difficulties of measuring surface processes at the timescale of glacial-interglacial cycles. An appropriate setting for studying mountain erosion in response to Quaternary climate change is found in the Tateyama mountains in the Hida mountain range (northern Japanese Alps) due to distinct geomorphological features. The Japanese Alps uplifted within the past ∼1–3 Myr and experienced multiple glaciations during the late Quaternary. We use ultra-low temperature thermochronometers based on the luminescence of feldspar minerals from 19 rock samples and the electron spin resonance (ESR) of quartz minerals from 8 rock samples, in combination with inverse modelling to derive rock cooling rates and exhumation rate histories at 104–106 year timescales from three transects in the Tateyama region. While luminescence signals have already reached their upper dating limit, ESR signals (Al and Ti centres) yielded ESR ages of ∼0.3–1.1 Ma, implying surface processes active in the Pleistocene. Based on a negative age-elevation relationship, local relief reduction at a cirque-basin scale is identified over the past 1 Myr, whereas a positive age distribution with elevation for samples close to the mountain top does not follow this trend. Inverse modelling reveals rock cooling rates on the order of 20–70 °C/Myr, with slightly faster cooling for cirque-floor samples, which equate with erosion rates of 0.5–1 mm/yr that exceed rates from periglacial and slope processes in the same locality. Thus, our data suggest that Quaternary climate change coupled with distinct surface processes modified the slopes of the Tateyama mountains leading to a localised decrease in relief within an individual cirque basin over the second half of the Quaternary. AU - Bartz, M. AU - King, G. E. AU - Bernard, M. AU - Herman, F. AU - Wen, X. AU - Sueoka, S. AU - Tsukamoto, S. AU - Braun, J. AU - Tagami, T. DA - 2024/10/15/ DO - 10.1016/j.epsl.2024.118830 KW - Rock cooling Erosion Quaternary Electron spin resonance Luminescence Japanese islands PY - 2024 RN - thermochronology SN - 0012-821X SP - 118830 JO - Earth and Planetary Science Letters TI - The impact of climate on relief in the northern Japanese Alps within the past 1 Myr–The case of the Tateyama mountains UR - https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0012821X24002632 VL - 644 ID - 14 ER - TY - JOUR AB - Single-grain OSL dating of quartz is a popular approach to OSL dating, even when incomplete bleaching is not likely to be significant. However, little testing of the accuracy of single-grain dating has been published; particularly for samples older than 50 ka. In this study, we investigate the accuracy of single-grain quartz OSL dating, when a significant number of individual grains are no longer able to accurately measure the burial dose because of saturation effects. We compare standard multi-grain OSL results with those obtained from single-grain OSL measurements for five OIS substage 5e (Eemian) samples (∼128 ka). We show that for these samples, standard multi-grain quartz dose estimation results in dose estimates in good agreement with the predicted doses (four of the five samples recover age control), but that standard frequentist single-grain dating procedures significantly underestimate the age controls, i.e. the measured to predicted dose range between 0.42 ± 0.03 and 0.84 ± 0.06, where the underestimation increases with increasing relative number of grains in saturation. Attempting to remove the inevitable bias in the dose estimation resulting from a significant number of saturated grains (by using the Dc criterion) reduced the underestimation, i.e. the measured to predicted dose ratio range between 0.63 ± 0.05 and 0.94 ± 0.08, but only the sample with the smallest absorbed dose is consistent with the age control. Using Bayesian analysis (“BayLum”) the ratio of measured to predicted dose range between 0.75 ± 0.07 and 1.14 ± 0.08, but only two of the five samples agree with the independent age control. Our results have implications for the evaluation of single-grain OSL dating of quartz in the 100–200 Gy natural dose range. AU - Baumgarten, Frederik H. AU - Thomsen, Kristina J. AU - Guérin, Guillaume AU - Buylaert, Jan-Pieter AU - Murray, Andrew S. DA - 2024/10/01/ DO - 10.1016/j.quageo.2024.101602 KW - Luminescence Quartz OSL Single-grain Accuracy Multi-grain Independent age-control Dose models PY - 2024 RN - basic research SN - 1871-1014 SP - 101602 JO - Quaternary Geochronology TI - Testing the accuracy of single-grain OSL dating on Eemian quartz samples UR - https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1871101424001067 VL - 84 ID - 100 ER - TY - JOUR AB - Our work follows up on the initial methodological ESR dating study by Ben Arous et al. (2022) on several quartz samples from the Plio-Pleistocene to Holocene aeolian coastal dune deposits of the Wilderness-Knysna area (South Africa) that were previously dated by optically stimulated luminescence (OSL). Here, we extend this first ESR-OSL comparison with five additional optically-bleached quartz samples. We used the Multiple Aliquot Additive Dose (MAAD) method to specifically (i) evaluate the influence of the irradiation dose steps on the determination of low De values (<100 Gy) and (ii) obtain finite ESR ages for older samples that sometimes show saturated OSL signals. Following the Multiple Centre ESR dating approach, the Aluminium (Al) and Titanium (Ti) signals (Ti–H and Ti–Li–H, the latter resulting from a mixture of Ti centres) were systematically measured in all samples, and resulting De values and age estimates were compared with the corresponding OSL data. Our results show that for young samples (<50 ka) showing De values of a few tens of Grays (Gy), the use of smaller irradiation steps spaced by < 100 Gy has a noticeable impact on the MAAD dose evaluation from the Ti centres, usually leading to De results closer to the expected values (for 2/3 samples). However, this also makes the ESR measurements somewhat more challenging, with higher experimental uncertainties, lower measurement repeatability and lower goodness-of-fit resulting from the relatively weak Ti ESR intensities, ultimately impacting the robustness of the ESR data collected. In this sense, our study illustrates the limitations of the ESR method to detect very low dose irradiation values < 30 Gy with our experimental conditions (i.e., using MAAD procedure, a standard resonator and a measurement temperature of ∼90 K). On the contrary, it also highlights the greater potential of the Ti–H signal to date Late Pleistocene samples, confirming previous studies. Moreover, our results suggest that the transport and bleaching conditions of these aeolianite deposits may not be ideal for the reset of the radiation-induced Al and Ti ESR signals, which is consistent with the very few existing studies specifically focused on this type of samples, but contrasts with other previous dating applications centered on fluvial environments. Finally, we also provide additional chronological constraints to the Landward barrier complex and Coversands deposits, two of the oldest Plio-Quaternary formations in the Wilderness-Knysna area. AU - Ben Arous, E. AU - Bateman, M. D. AU - Duval, M. DA - 2024/08/01/ DO - 10.1016/j.quageo.2024.101580 KW - Electron spin resonance (ESR) dating Quartz grains Multiple centre approach Dunes South Africa PY - 2024 RN - coastal ESR SN - 1871-1014 SP - 101580 JO - Quaternary Geochronology TI - Extending the ESR and OSL dating comparison on coastal dune deposits from the Wilderness-Knysna area (South Africa) UR - https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1871101424000840 VL - 83 ID - 93 ER - TY - JOUR AB - The Middle Stone Age (MSA) is the major chrono-cultural phase associated with the emergence and evolution of Homo sapiens in Africa. Despite its importance, the MSA has not been evenly investigated across Africa, and West Africa in particular remains poorly understood. Although new research is beginning to fill in this crucial gap of knowledge, the existing MSA chronologies in West Africa only rely on Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) dating. In this context, the increasing use of a multi-method dating approach appears essential to strengthen this emerging geochronological framework. Here, we apply such approach to constrain the age of Bargny locality, located in close proximity to the modern Senegalese coast (South of Dakar), and which documents one of the oldest MSA occupations in West Africa. Specifically, we combine OSL and Electron Spin Resonance (ESR) methods to date the MSA sites of Bargny 3 (BG3) and Bargny 1 (BG1). A mean OSL age of 127±8 ka may be proposed for the MSA of BG3, which is in good agreement with a mean Ti-H ESR age of 125±14 ka from the same unit. Interestingly, similar ages are obtained by OSL (144±7 ka) and Ti-H ESR (138±14 ka) for the MSA horizon from BG1. While these results illustrate the great potential of the combined OSL-ESR dating approach to establish robust chronologies, they also contribute to improve the geographical and chronological resolution of the MSA record in West Africa. More specifically, they also corroborate the presence of MSA occupations along the Senegambian coast around the MIS 6-MIS 5 transition. In combination with the associated estuarine environments and mangrove forest, the evidence from Bargny adds to the known diversity, and likely complex behaviour, of early human populations living by Africa’s coastlines. AU - Ben Arous, E. AU - Niang, K. AU - Blinkhorn, J. A. AU - Del Val, M. AU - Medialdea, A. AU - Coussot, C. AU - Alonso Escarza, M. J. AU - Bateman, M. D. AU - Churruca Clemente, A. AU - Blackwood, A. F. AU - Iglesias-Cibanal, J. AU - Saíz, C. AU - Scerri, E. M. L. AU - Duval, M. DA - 2024/12/01/ DO - 10.1016/j.qeh.2024.100044 KW - ESR dating OSL dating Middle Stone Age West Africa Quartz mineral IS - 6 PY - 2024 RN - ESR archaeology SN - 2950-2365 SP - 100044 JO - Quaternary Environments and Humans TI - Constraining the age of the Middle Stone Age locality of Bargny (Senegal) through a combined OSL-ESR dating approach UR - https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2950236524000422 VL - 2 ID - 6 ER - TY - JOUR AB - A technique for parameterizing rock surfaces for luminescence surface exposure dating involves the use of known age rock surfaces which may host no surficial alterations or weathering rinds. However, exposure dated rock surfaces often host subsurface weathering rinds or foreign surficial components, which may impact the development of luminescence depth profiles in the rock material. To observe any effects of depth profile development and parameterizations of naturally altered rock surfaces, controlled exposure experiments were conducted on surface altered and surface non-altered luminescence saturated quartzite samples from the top and bottom portions of rock surface cores, collected from two erratic members of the Foothills Erratics Train, Alberta. Spatially resolved OSL laser scanning techniques were used to acquire two-dimensional OSL maps of the surface core samples for depth profile generation. Results produced varied intensities of depth profile data scatter and depth profile parameterizations between surface altered and non-altered samples. Several cores which exhibited surface alterations produced lower attenuation coefficients than comparable cores with no surface alterations, possibly from the effects of surface features and weathering rinds attenuating light intensity for OSL stimulation. These trends indicate samples hosting surface alterations such as weathering rinds, lichen cover, and staining may offer parameterizations which are inequivalent to rock surfaces with no surface altered components, and that depth dependent, multi-order parameterizations may be needed to adequately parameterize rock surfaces hosting surface altered features for exposure dating. AU - Bench, Tristan AU - Sanderson, David AU - Feathers, James DA - 2024/08/01/ DO - 10.1016/j.quageo.2024.101600 KW - Surface exposure dating OSL Laser scanning Imaging PY - 2024 RN - surface exposure dating SN - 1871-1014 SP - 101600 JO - Quaternary Geochronology TI - Observing impacts on luminescence depth profile evolutions from surface altered quartzite using OSL laser scanning and controlled light exposed rock sampling techniques UR - https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1871101424001043 VL - 83 ID - 59 ER - TY - JOUR AB - We examined the thermal characteristics of the E' (E′1) center in gamma-ray irradiated natural quartz using electron spin resonance (ESR) spectroscopy. Assuming first order kinetics, we suggested a mechanism and, consequently, an analytical model to explain the thermal evolution of the effective concentration of E′ point defect. The model was used to track the ESR evolution of E′ centers signal while taking into account the existence of two independent types of E′ centers. The kinetic characteristics (activation energy and frequency factor) of both E′ centers were found to be slightly different. The activation energies of thermal production and annihilation of these two centers were shown to be different from process to another and to be linearly dependent on their associated frequency factors in respect to the accumulated gamma-dose, following the Meyer-Neldel rule. As a result, one of the two E′ is shown to have been irradiation-annihilated like center, while the other is found to have been irradiation-induced like center. AU - Benzid, Khalif AU - Tani, Atsushi DA - 2024/01/01/ DO - 10.1016/j.jlumin.2023.120218 KW - E′ center Thermal properties Natural quartz Gamma-rays irradiation ESR PY - 2024 RN - basic research ESR SN - 0022-2313 SP - 120218 JO - Journal of Luminescence TI - Thermal behavior of E′ point defects in gamma-irradiated natural quartz: Study of the Meyer-Neldel rule using electron spin resonance UR - https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0022231323005513 VL - 265 ID - 148 ER - TY - JOUR AB - We report new geochronologic and paleoenvironmental data for Mnaraeka 01, a prehistoric site located in the Kilwa district of coastal Tanzania. The oldest trace of human activity at the site comes from a context dated to 71 ± 6 thousand years ago (ka) where flaked stones but techno-typologically non-diagnostic were uncovered. Stratigraphic units dated to 43.9 ± 2.4 ka and 41.8 ± 2.1 ka have revealed stone artifacts broadly characteristic of the Middle Stone Age (MSA) while a context dated to 10.0 ± 0.6 ka has produced artifacts referrable to the Later Stone Age (LSA). Eight soil samples from the site subject to stable carbon and nitrogen isotope analyses reflect grassy-woodland habitat during the settlement episodes with δ13C values ranging from −19.3‰ to −27.8‰ (vs. VPDB). The results demonstrate the persistence of coastal woodland vegetation and human foraging populations in coastal East Africa during the onset of the cold Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 4, between the cold spells of Heinrich Events 4 and 5, and during the Holocene Climatic Optimum. Our study shows that the Stone Age archaeology of coastal Tanzania has the potential to shed light on the role of coastal ecozones as potential refugia for human populations during variable climate conditions of the late Quaternary. Furthermore, the emergent datasets from Mnaraeka 01 open a window into the deep human history preserved in the Kilwa basin. AU - Beyin, Amanuel AU - Ryano, Kokeli P. AU - Buylaert, Jan-Pieter AU - Wright, David K. DA - 2025/02/01/ DO - 10.1016/j.jasrep.2024.104874 KW - Coastal East Africa Later Stone Age Middle Stone Age Mnaraeka Optically stimulated luminescence dating Stable isotopes of carbon and nitrogen PY - 2025 RN - archaeology SN - 2352-409X SP - 104874 JO - Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports TI - Late Quaternary human occupation of the Kilwa coast (Tanzania): OSL ages and paleoenvironmental proxies from isotope geochemistry UR - https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2352409X24005029 VL - 61 ID - 34 ER - TY - JOUR AB - The Brahmaputra foreland basin, is one of the most dynamic in terms of tectonism and sediment load, revealed a variety of seismically generated soft sediment deformation structures (SSDS) in the form of clastic dikes, sand sills and related micro-faults. The qualitative and quantitative parameters of these SSDS in the study area such as dimension, angle of intrusion to capping layer, cross-cutting relations, wall shattering, sand sills, and micro-faults seem to be caused by multiple strong seismic events. The causative earthquake with intensity (VIII-X), paleo-peak ground acceleration (0.55 g) and magnitude (M ≥ 7.0) might have caused liquefaction features in the study area. Along with the geometry of various SSDS and Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dates derived for the clastic dikes indicate the oldest possible age for the seismic event as 0.94 ka. Further, the intensity and age obtained for the present study indicates a possible near seismic source like Kopili Fault Zone, Mishmi Thrust, and neotectonic lineament with trend NW-SE, which can be traced as micro faults and in clastic dikes. Liquefaction potential studies in the area indicate the likelihood of very high liquefaction potential (>45) with ground failures regardless of earthquake size or epicentral distance. The present study highlights the importance of SSDS for establishing paleoseismology in tectonically active regions where surface ruptures are sporadic due to dense alluvial cover and most of the active faults are blind. AU - Bhadran, Arun AU - Duarah, B. P. AU - Girishbai, Drishya AU - Atif Raza, Mohammad AU - Mero, Avi AU - Lahon, Sandeep AU - A.L, Achu AU - Gopinath, Girish DA - 2024/01/01/ DO - 10.1016/j.jseaes.2023.105894 KW - Paleoseismology SSDS Brahmaputra Basin Liquefaction PY - 2024 RN - earthquake (and fault related) SN - 1367-9120 SP - 105894 JO - Journal of Asian Earth Sciences TI - Soft sediment deformation structures from the Brahmaputra Basin: A window to the eastern Himalayan paleoseismicity and tectonics UR - https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1367912023003553 VL - 259 ID - 157 ER - TY - JOUR AB - The Shyok Valley, within the Upper Indus Basin in Trans-Himalayas, lies in the cold and arid region. It is fed by the Siachen glacier; the largest glacier in the third pole. The fluctuations in this glacier are attributed to varying intensities of the two weather regimes namely mid-latitude westerlies and Southwest Monsoon. The reconstruction of the magnitude, timing, and landscape impact of glaciers in Nubra-Shyok valley have been explored in past decade yet they are contentious and uncertain. Therefore, the present study investigates the sediments from the key sites (Agham, Khardung, Changmar, Chalunka) in the Shyok valley using Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) dating technique. The diverse geomorphology, including moraines, sand dunes, mass movement zone, alluvial fans are mapped to represent the geomorphic setting of the region. The chronological ages from the lower Shyok Valley (Agham section: 18.4 ± 2.2 ka) suggest extensive glacier expansion beyond the present terminus of the Siachen Glacier during the Marine Isotopic Stage (MIS)-2. The Khardung section has glaciofluvial deposits: 24.0 ± 2.4 ka (KHG-1), younger moraine: 8.2 ± 1.0 ka (KHG-9) and lacustrine deposits (KHGL-5, KHGL-6, KHGL-7): 14.1 ± 2.0 ka, 12.1 ± 1.1 ka, 10.7 ± 1.3 ka. The glacial events that occurred around 8.2 ka and 12.0 ka suggest glacial advancement which are likely due to a period of lower temperature. The Changmar section displays lacustrine deposits and debris flow events dated to the late glacial (14.5 ± 1.7 ka, CHG-1; 13.2 ± 1.6 ka, CHG-2) and deglaciation period (6.5 ± 1.2 ka, CHG-3; 5.5 ± 1.0 ka, CHG-4). The presence of the Holocene-aged lateral moraines (20 km away from Chalunka village: 14.3 ± 1.3 ka, CLM-2; 5.7 ± 0.9 ka, CLM-3; 0.4 ± 0.04 ka, CLM-4) and CHG-8: 2.1 ± 0.3 ka; outwash plain deposits: COP-7: 2.4 ± 0.4 ka aligns with the previous findings in the Nubra Valley, suggesting glacial advance in Little Ice Age in the whole valley. The glacial event occurring between 2.4 and 2.1 ka corresponds to the Neoglacial epoch, characterized by a glacial advance likely caused by a decrease in temperature during the late Holocene period. The intensified mid-latitude westerlies during MIS-2 are inferred to be the key factor in increased moisture to the Shyok Valley which led to the glacier expansion. These findings enhance our understanding of past climate changes in this high-altitude region and serve as a valuable baseline for future studies on glacial response to climate variations. AU - Bhardwaj, Pranshu AU - Nagar, Y. C. AU - Singh, Tejpal AU - Shekhar, M. S. AU - Ganju, A. DA - 2024/11/15/ DO - 10.1016/j.quaint.2024.08.010 KW - Palaeoclimate Shyok valley MIS-2 LGM Quaternary Glaciers PY - 2024 RN - glacial and periglacial SN - 1040-6182 SP - 1-17 JO - Quaternary International TI - Reconstruction of landscape change of Shyok valley, Ladakh during Late Quaternary using OSL technique UR - https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1040618224002684 VL - 710 ID - 44 ER - TY - JOUR AB - Quaternary sea level fluctuations have been responsible for significant remodelling of coastal landscapes, generating distinctive sea level indicators at different positions and altitudes that are still visible today. Raised coastal deposits are among the characteristic features of significant value in reconstructing the tectonic and sea-level history of the areas in which they are preserved. To date, few remnants of Quaternary coastal deposits have been described and directly dated along the coast of the Cantabrian margin (on the north of the Iberian Peninsula). In this work, two new deposits located in the towns of Castro-Urdiales and Mendexa were analysed and dated using U/Th geochronology and Optically Stimulated Luminescence. Considering the ages and altitudes of these deposits, it seems most likely that they correlate to the Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 5e. Furthermore, the data acquired suggest that most of the Cantabrian margin underwent a similar tectonic evolution, with no significant tectonic uplift, since at least MIS 5e. AU - Bilbao-Lasa, Peru AU - Aranburu, Arantza AU - Álvarez, Irantzu AU - del Val, Miren AU - Cheng, Hai AU - Arriolabengoa, Martin AU - Iriarte, Eneko DA - 2023/09/01/ DO - 10.1016/j.csr.2023.105096 KW - Sea level highstand MIS 5 interglacial Geochronology Quaternary Northern iberia PY - 2023 RN - coastal SN - 0278-4343 SP - 105096 JO - Continental Shelf Research TI - Record of the last interglacial sea level highstand based on new coastal deposits in the Cantabrian margin (Northern Iberian Peninsula) UR - https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0278434323001735 VL - 266 ID - 171 ER - TY - JOUR AB - Dating of rock surface using optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) is an emerging tool to estimate exposure age and post exposure erosion rates. The present study points out the lacuna in the mathematical model that is used for this method. So far, all existing research, use first order kinetics (FOK) model. The FOK model predicts an exponential decay of OSL signal of polymineral rock with sunlight exposure, which is contrary to the observation. The non-exponential decay of OSL signal, more precisely infrared stimulated luminescence (IRSL) of feldspar, can be better explained by general order kinetics (GOK). Thus, we propose a new GOK model for OSL surface exposure dating. Present theoretical study shows, for FOK model the OSL (IRSL) depth profile propagates faster with time of light exposure than actual. Consequently, the FOK model predicts lower exposure age. The propagation of OSL profile with time depends on order of kinetics of the GOK model. We demonstrate how the order of kinetics can be constrained through laboratory bleaching experiment. The impact of the GOK model on exposure age and upper age limit, for different order of kinetics are presented. We apply this new GOK model on experimental data, available in the literature (Luo et al. in Geophysical Research Letter 49: e2022GL099526, 2022), of OSL depth profile on exposed fault scarp and reevaluate the exposure ages for different order of kinetics to validate the GOK model. We conclude that the GOK model better explains the IRSL of feldspar than the FOK model and should be preferred for OSL rock surface dating. AU - Biswas, Rabiul H. AU - Pathan, Arbaz N. AU - Malik, Javed N. DA - 2023/09/01 DO - 10.1007/s43538-023-00172-y IS - 3 PY - 2023 RN - surface exposure dating SN - 2454-9983 SP - 644-654 JO - Proceedings of the Indian National Science Academy TI - General order kinetics model for OSL rock surface exposure dating UR - https://doi.org/10.1007/s43538-023-00172-y VL - 89 ID - 139 ER - TY - JOUR AB - ABSTRACT Channel deposits from meandering rivers have proven to be far more complex than the well-known lithofacies model consisting of coarse-grained channel, gravelly channel-lag and fine-grained overbank deposits. Sharp bends in rivers are subject to different hydraulic processes than bends with lower curvatures, enabling erosion of inner banks and deposition of fine-grained sediments in the outer bend, resulting in downstream migration of river bends. This phenomenon is known as counterpoint deposition, forming counterpoint bars. This research investigates whether scroll bars associated with a sharp bend in the Lower Rhine River, The Netherlands, are such a counterpoint-bar deposit. A counterpoint bar is expected based on: (i) the surface morphology of the scroll bar; (ii) the confinement of the river course by an ice-pushed ridge resulting in a sharp bend; and (iii) the archaeological context of successive Roman settlements atop the ice-pushed ridge, potentially moving downstream with the migrating river bend. This hypothesis is tested through detailed borehole descriptions combined with optically stimulated luminescence dating, the latter being a novel approach to identifying counterpoint deposits. The deposits consist of clays and sandy clays with fine sand laminations, and sporadic larger sand bodies. Further upstream these deposits grade into channel deposits dominated by coarser sands with gravels. These lithologies are explained using earlier proposed mechanisms for counterpoint formation; substrata match those described in previously studied counterpoint deposits and their point bar counterparts. Optically stimulated luminescence dates indicate that the Lower Rhine River bend migrated downstream, confirming counterpoint deposition. A migration rate of 1.93?m/year was established through weighted linear regression. This study demonstrates the potential of optically stimulated luminescence dating to investigate counterpoint bar presence. The identified counterpoint bars and associated bend migration provide insight into meandering river dynamics that is crucial for river management and in aiding river restoration and rewilding initiatives. AU - Boterman, Lisa AU - Candel, Jasper AU - Makaske, Bart AU - Wallinga, Jakob DA - 2024/08/01 DO - 10.1111/sed.13180 KW - Counterpoint deposition downstream migration fluvial sedimentology meandering point bar IS - 5 PY - 2024 RN - fluvial SN - 0037-0746 SP - 1457-1476 JO - Sedimentology TI - Late-Holocene counterpoint deposition in the Lower Rhine River UR - https://doi.org/10.1111/sed.13180 VL - 71 Y2 - 2024/12/16 ID - 165 ER - TY - JOUR AB - In luminescence thermochronometry, the thermal stability of feldspar minerals is conventionally constrained from isothermal decay experiments. However, despite recent refinement of the measurement protocol, measurements take several days and are routinely done for each individual sample. Following that most other thermochronometric methods usually use only a single reference set of thermal kinetic parameters, and that recent studies on direct physical probing of feldspar sample properties have shown that trap depth and band-tail width are broadly similar despite large variations in chemical composition, we sought to optimise luminescence thermochronometry measurements by exploring whether a single set of thermal kinetic parameters can describe luminescence thermal decay in feldspar. We explored the effect of using averaged thermal kinetic parameters rather than sample-specific thermal kinetic parameters to model luminescence signal accumulation under different thermal conditions. A set of K- and Na-feldspar minerals extracted from all over the world were analysed after being measured with a multi-elevated temperature protocol, comprising four different IRSL signals at 50, 100, 150, and 225 °C. Comparisons were done between the thermal kinetic parameters of each IRSL signal depending on different variables such as geographic region, transect, lithology, or mineralogy of the analysed feldspar grains. Even though it is not possible to generalise the thermal kinetic parameters between IRSL signals measured at different temperatures, the variance between the thermal kinetic parameters of different samples measured at the same IRSL temperature is consistent with the uncertainties on the individual parameters (i.e., <2–10%), suggesting that averaged, rather than sample-specific values may be appropriate. We then explored the effect of using these averaged parameters to model luminescence signal accumulation under different synthetic and natural thermal conditions. For our dataset, results show minimal impact on the obtained cooling histories and exhumation rates. We therefore propose the use of averaged rather than sample-specific thermal kinetic parameters for rapid investigation of luminescence thermochronometry samples. Based on careful initial characterisation of a few samples to verify the validity of using averaged thermal kinetic parameters, this would reduce measurement times by ca. 50% (i.e., 3–4 days per sample), allowing higher resolution sampling and measurement. AU - Bouscary, Chloé AU - King, Georgina E. DA - 2024/08/01/ DO - 10.1016/j.radmeas.2024.107215 KW - Luminescence thermochronometry Thermal kinetic parameters Feldspar PY - 2024 RN - thermochronology basic research SN - 1350-4487 SP - 107215 JO - Radiation Measurements TI - Exploring the use of averaged thermal kinetic parameters in luminescence thermochronometry UR - https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S135044872400163X VL - 176 ID - 115 ER - TY - JOUR AB - The sedimentary record of fluvial systems is known to preserve important archives of the effects of climate change on the landscape over time and space. While temperate and arid (semi-arid) regions are relatively well studied, our understanding of fluvial dynamics in tropical mountainous areas throughout the Quaternary is poorly known. Here, we propose a model of the landscape evolution of the Upper Caquetá River in the Northern Tropical Andes (NTA) over the past 130 ka, based on mapping and optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating of the sediments building alluvial fans and fluvial terraces. The OSL ages indicate that the distributary system was active from 130 to 65 ka; from 65 to 31 ka channels carved the deposits, reorganizing the drainage network to a tributary pattern with rivers flowing into incised valleys. Four fluvial terrace levels were mapped in these valleys and OSL ages indicate sediment deposition around 30, 15, 5, and 1 ka. Based on available palaeoenvironmental data, we have interpreted that the shift in the fluvial landscape from distributary to tributary incised system is related to precipitation change in the NTA, driven by the variation in the latitudinal position of the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) due to insolation cycles. Our data suggest that the decreased rainfall, caused by the northernmost position of the ITCZ, combined with the expansion of arboreal elements in the Andean Piedmont, favoured alluvial deposition by both the distributary system (Marine Isotopic Stage - MIS 5 and 4) and the tributary (MIS 2 to the present). Our data supports that following an incision phase during MIS 3, the decrease in the amplitude of precession and obliquity signals led to greater stability of the landscape and to the transition of the distributary fluvial pattern in the upper Caquetá River to its present tributary pattern. AU - Breda, Caio AU - Pupim, Fabiano N. AU - Cruz, Carolina Barbosa Leite AU - Souza, Priscila Emerich AU - Monsalve, Gaspar AU - Cardona, Agustin AU - Sawakuchi, André Oliveira AU - Parra, Maurício DA - 2024/10/01/ DO - 10.1016/j.geomorph.2024.109333 KW - Caquetá River OSL dating Palaeoenvironmental change Alluvial fans Fluvial terraces PY - 2024 RN - fluvial SN - 0169-555X SP - 109333 JO - Geomorphology TI - Variation in the ITCZ position controls the evolution of the piedmont landscape of the tropical Andes (Colombia) during the late Quaternary UR - https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0169555X24002836 VL - 462 ID - 18 ER - TY - JOUR AB - Glacially overdeepened basins are a common landform of subglacial erosion. However, the controlling erosional–depositional processes and their age remain poorly understood on a global scale. Terminal overdeepenings near the former glacier margins are critical for the understanding of subglacial processes and their development over time. This study examines the geomorphology and sedimentology of buried terminal overdeepenings eroded below the Rhein Glacier and adjacent lobes in the distal northern foreland of the European Alps. The evolution of erosion and infilling in the overdeepened troughs over time is investigated using high-quality drill cores (∼1463 m of core in total) that were logged for lithofacies, petrophysical, geotechnical and compositional properties. The drill data is integrated with 2D-reflection seismics (∼41 km in total) and supplementary subsurface data. This extensive dataset reveals that the studied overdeepened basins include twelve typical facies associations (partially emplaced in characteristic sequences) and characteristic architectural elements. These categories serve as effective tools to reduce the high facies variability and facilitate easier comparison and correlation of the valley fill. Our analysis shows that the formation of terminal overdeepenings on soft sedimentary bedrock (Molasse) is the result of a combination of erosional processes. Subglacial water erosion and evacuation are the dominant processes and active during periods of glacier–bed decoupling and flushing. Direct subglacial erosion occurs during glacier–bed coupling and is documented by bedrock glacitectonites. The valley fill architecture shows that the studied overdeepenings typically undergo a multiphase evolution, with several phases of overdeepening erosion, deposition and partial re-erosion (or re-activation). The combined dataset (including geochronological data) suggests that the overdeepenings were eroded during many, if not all, extensive glaciations during the Middle–Late Pleistocene that reached the distal foreland. These are findings relevant for the large number of overdeepenings known from the Northern Alpine foreland and overdeepened features worldwide. They corroborate the importance of overdeepenings as archives for the paleoenvironmental change and landscape evolution during the Quaternary. AU - Buechi, Marius W. AU - Landgraf, Angela AU - Madritsch, Herfried AU - Mueller, Daniela AU - Knipping, Maria AU - Nyffenegger, Franziska AU - Preusser, Frank AU - Schaller, Sebastian AU - Schnellmann, Michael AU - Deplazes, Gaudenz DA - 2024/11/15/ DO - 10.1016/j.quascirev.2024.108970 KW - Quaternary Glaciation European Alps Glacial geomorphology Glacial sedimentology Subglacial processes PY - 2024 RN - glacial and periglacial SN - 0277-3791 SP - 108970 JO - Quaternary Science Reviews TI - Terminal glacial overdeepenings: Patterns of erosion, infilling and new constraints on the glaciation history of Northern Switzerland UR - https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0277379124004712 VL - 344 ID - 54 ER - TY - JOUR AB - Growing concerns surround the future of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) and its impacts on tropical regions, particularly due to changes in the dynamics of the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ). Northeastern Brazil, a tropical region strongly influenced by ITCZ dynamics, exhibits significant biological and social vulnerability to climate change, making it timely to understand how its hydroclimate could be impacted by AMOC changes in the face of anthropogenic global warming. The penultimate deglaciation was marked by a millennial-scale weak AMOC event called Heinrich stadial 11 (HS11; ∼136-129 ka), providing an instructive target interval for improving our understanding of Northeastern Brazil hydroclimate responses to climate change. Here, we reconstruct paleoclimate changes during HS11 based on a multi-proxy approach applied to a high-resolution marine core from the western equatorial Atlantic. Our results suggest that HS11 was marked by a southward shift of the ITCZ, evidenced by paleoprecipitation records showing increased precipitation over Northeastern Brazil. These changes were concurrent with increased sea surface temperatures and reduced bottom water ventilation in the western equatorial Atlantic, interpreted as consequences of a weak AMOC. Importantly, we identified centennial-scale events within HS11, which are similar in nature but smaller in magnitude than HS11. These events align with North Atlantic climate changes, highlighting the crucial role that not only millennial- but also centennial-scale AMOC variability may play in low latitudes. Our findings raise concerns about the potential future impacts that an AMOC weakening may have on the hydroclimate of Northeastern Brazil and other tropical regions. AU - Campos, Marília C. AU - Chiessi, Cristiano M. AU - Nascimento, Rodrigo A. AU - Kraft, Laura AU - Radionovskaya, Svetlana AU - Skinner, Luke AU - Dias, Bruna B. AU - Pinho, Tainã M. L. AU - Kochhann, Marcus V. L. AU - Crivellari, Stefano AU - Mineli, Thays D. AU - Mendes, Vinícius R. AU - Baker, Paul A. AU - Silva, Cleverson G. AU - Sawakuchi, André O. DA - 2025/01/15/ DO - 10.1016/j.quascirev.2024.109095 PY - 2025 RN - glacial and periglacial SN - 0277-3791 SP - 109095 JO - Quaternary Science Reviews TI - Millennial- to centennial-scale Atlantic ITCZ swings during the penultimate deglaciation UR - https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0277379124005973 VL - 348 ID - 58 ER - TY - JOUR AB - Fixed and semi-fixed deserts are widely distributed in arid Central Asia (ACA). Environmental changes in these deserts can affect the regional radiation balance, climate dynamics, and global climate through a series of feedback effects. This study analyzed luminescence dating from 37 sites, with a particular focus on dendritic dunes (a pattern of vegetated linear dunes) and the ancient dunes beneath them in the Gurbantunggut Desert and yielded the following insights. (1) Primary ridges of dendritic dunes originated approximately 1.0 ka, whereas secondary ridges predominantly formed at 8.5 ± 0.3 ka. The formation of the underlying ancient dunes commenced at least 11.0 ± 0.5 ka and ended between 8.5 ± 0.3 ka and 8.2 ± 0.4 ka. (2) During the Holocene, the Gurbantunggut Desert underwent two distinct environmental phases. From 11.7 ka to 8.1 ± 0.1 ka, the region was characterized by vigorous aeolian activity, marked by the prevalence of mobile dunes. Conversely, the period from 8.1 ± 0.1 ka to 0 ka exhibited substantial environmental amelioration, with limited aeolian activity and the intermittent partial development of vegetated linear dunes. (3) A comprehensive analysis of the principal factors affecting regional aeolian activity revealed that at 11.7 ka–8.1 ± 0.1 ka, moisture (precipitation) and near-surface wind intensity primarily governed aeolian activity in the Gurbantunggut Desert. At 8.1 ± 0.1 ka–0 ka, aeolian activity was mainly influenced by moisture (precipitation), near-surface wind intensity, and external sand supply. (4) Similar patterns of Holocene aeolian activity were observed in the fixed Bayanbulak, Karakum, and Kizil Kum Deserts within the ACA. On a suborbital scale, winter insolation served as the primary driving factor, along with the ice volume and atmospheric CO2 concentration. These factors collectively controlled regional winter temperatures, which determined moisture (precipitation) and near-surface wind intensity by affecting the winter westerlies and Siberian High, ultimately controlling regional aeolian activity. AU - Cao, Min AU - Lü, Ping AU - Ma, Fang AU - Yang, Linhai AU - Yu, Junlin AU - Xia, Zishu AU - Li, Chao DA - 2024/11/01/ DO - 10.1016/j.catena.2024.108368 KW - Arid Central Asia Gurbantunggut Desert Vegetated linear dunes Luminescence dating Holocene PY - 2024 RN - aeolian SN - 0341-8162 SP - 108368 JO - CATENA TI - Holocene aeolian environmental dynamics in fixed and semi-fixed deserts over the arid Central Asia revealed by comprehensive sand-dune records UR - https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0341816224005654 VL - 246 ID - 7 ER - TY - JOUR AB - Laoya Cave is a significant prehistoric human site in Guizhou Province, Southwest China, and optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) and a Bayesian depositional model were used to update the chronology of the cave. Six OSL samples were dated to 16.7 ± 1.2, 18.0 ± 1.1, 28.8 ± 2.3, 32.1 ± 2.8, 57.7 ± 6.5, and 74.0 ± 5.9 ka, respectively, and the Bayesian deposition model has provided a coherent chronological framework, revealing boundaries with median ages of 18.5, 25.0, 27.5, 28.6, 29.9, and 74.4 ka for Boundaries 1/2, 2/3, 3/4, 4/5, 5/6, and 6/9, respectively. By comparing the new chronological framework with the related records of paleoclimate and human activities, we gain insight into the relationship between the environment and Paleolithic hominins at different times. During relatively warmer periods, humans tend to spread, while in relative colder climates, they tend to rely more heavily on caves and employ hunting strategies with an equal age distribution. These survival strategies help humans prevent the threats of cold weather. Additionally, the analysis of OSL dating results uncovers a discrepancy between OSL and accelerator mass spectrometry radiocarbon (AMS 14C) dating methods, with AMS 14C dates generally appearing older at later ages (<∼30 ka). This phenomenon may be due to disturbances caused by human activity, and OSL dating may recognize this to some extent. AU - Cao, Yakun AU - Zhang, Xinglong AU - Sun, Xuefeng AU - Yu, Lupeng AU - Guo, Xiaoqi AU - Cai, Huiyang AU - Wang, Xinjin DA - 2024/10/15/ DO - 10.1016/j.quaint.2024.07.009 KW - Laoya cave OSL Dating methods Hominin survival strategy Late pleistocene PY - 2024 RN - cave SN - 1040-6182 SP - 50-59 JO - Quaternary International TI - OSL re-dating and paleoclimate of Laoya Cave in Guizhou Province, southwest China UR - https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1040618224002258 VL - 707 ID - 43 ER - TY - JOUR AB - The aeolian landforms of the Mojave Desert in the SW USA have been studied in detail over the last three decades, particularly in terms of their relationship to the region's topography and Pleistocene climate / sediment supply histories, as well as wider developments, such as the aeolian “sediment state” concept. In this context, the evolution of the Mojave River and its associated palaeolakes is thought to have been a key control on long-term sediment supply to aeolian systems, and luminescence dating chronologies for a range of (resulting) aeolian landforms have been related to these hydrological changes. Here we argue that at least some of these aeolian chronologies need to be re-assessed. We focus on luminescence chronologies for aeolian landforms within and marginal to the Cady Mountains, a mountain block adjacent to the Mojave River and palaeolake Manix, east of Barstow, California. We demonstrate that quartz in this locale exhibits several malign luminescence properties, and that low temperature K-feldspar infrared stimulated luminescence (IRSL) consistently exhibits high anomalous fading rates. Both contribute to age underestimation. We address these issues via post-infrared IRSL (pIRIR) and post-isothermal post-IR (pIt-IR) analyses of K-feldspars. The resulting ages span the last ~120 ka and imply phases of aeolian activity of a substantially greater antiquity than previously inferred. Notably, at one well-studied site – the Soldier Mountain sand ramp – the new ages suggest a landform dating not to Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 1 or 2, as previously suggested, but more likely to MIS 5. The Cady Mountain record indicates that the only period of the last glacial cycle lacking evidence for aeolian sedimentation is ~40–9 ka, broadly consistent with expectations of increased regional humidity. These results also suggest that site topographic context may influence the age structure of aeolian deposits. In this instance, sand ramps consistently represent the oldest type of deposit (range ~ 40–120 ka), while early-mid Holocene dune accumulation is associated with sandsheets and valley-fill sands. Based on these findings, we argue that there is a need to critically re-assess the existing regional luminescence age database, and that there is potential to significantly revise our understanding of the region's aeolian system responses, and associated paleoenvironmental interpretations. AU - Carr, Andrew S. AU - Hay, Alex S. AU - Bateman, Mark D. AU - Livingstone, Ian AU - Powell, D. Mark DA - 2024/10/15/ DO - 10.1016/j.geomorph.2024.109349 KW - Aeolian Topography OSL IRSL Anomalous fading Sandsheet Lake Manix PY - 2024 RN - aeolian SN - 0169-555X SP - 109349 JO - Geomorphology TI - How old are the Mojave topographic dunes? The implications of new luminescence dating analyses from the Cady Mountains, Mojave Desert, southwest USA UR - https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0169555X2400299X VL - 463 ID - 19 ER - TY - JOUR AB - Abstract In the Biosphere Reserve of the Maya Lowlands, the large-scale characterisation of the current wetlands ecology and the exploitation and management of their natural resources by the ancient Maya is severely constrained by the forest. This paper presents an integrated geomatic, geoarchaeological and ecological approach, developed to overcome this obstacle in the microregion of the Naachtun Maya city. It is based on the analysis of LiDAR, and field and laboratory data. This approach has revealed the mosaic of current ecological conditions of the wetlands, thanks to the characterisation and spatial modelling of the landforms, hydrology, vegetation and soil cover. It has enabled the characterisation of numerous hydraulic and agricultural structures: 70 large reservoirs, raised fields (the largest over 1.5?km²), canals and ditches (with a cumulative length of over 300?km) and dikes. Eight morphological types of hybrid structures?hydraulic and agricultural?are described. These constructions have enabled the intensive exploitation of water and soil resources, their management and the resulting environmental risks. This study has shown that the agroecosystems of lowland areas were created as early as ~1500 B.C.E. and evolved in a polyphasic way, until a phase of radical decline around 1000 C.E. This study has made it possible to characterise the legacy of the Maya Early Anthropocene on current wetlands, as well as their important natural and cultural heritage. AU - Castanet, Cyril AU - Fernandes, Amaury AU - Mokadem, Fatima AU - Hatté, Christine AU - Gauthier, Caroline AU - Develle-Vincent, Anne-Lise AU - Cavero, Julien AU - Dru, Hugo AU - Virmoux, Clément AU - Sipos, Gyorgy AU - Dussol, Lydie AU - Nondédéo, Philippe DA - 2024/09/01 DO - 10.1002/gea.22003 KW - agroecosystem heritage LiDAR Maya natural resources wetlands IS - 5 PY - 2024 RN - archaeology SN - 0883-6353 SP - 530-562 JO - Geoarchaeology TI - Wetland landscapes in the Southern Maya Lowlands (Naachtun, Guatemala) from the ancient agroecosystems to the tropical biosphere reserve: Ecology, exploitation and management of water and soil resources, and heritage legacy UR - https://doi.org/10.1002/gea.22003 VL - 39 Y2 - 2024/12/13 ID - 133 ER - TY - JOUR AB - Parts of Central Asia have been dominated by high dust flux since the start of the Quaternary. The resulting loess-palaeosol deposits are important archives for landscape and climate changes, but there is a lack of chronological data for the subaerial deposits of Southern Tajikistan. Our study presents a high-resolution luminescence chronology for the Khonako II section in the Khovaling region. Thirty-seven samples were collected from the first ∼8 m of the section, corresponding to the Holocene soil and the upper part of the Loess 1 (L1) unit. We applied quartz OSL dating to the coarse-silt fraction (40–63 μm) and polymineral pIRIR200,290 dating to the very fine sand fraction (63–90 μm). The polymineral pIRIR200,290 signal has satisfactory characteristics. The quartz dose response curve displays a non-single exponential growth above ∼100 Gy, thus, the De values were estimated by fitting a single exponential function plus linear component to the dose response data. To assess the pIRIR200,290 residual dose at deposition, we used the offset between our quartz and polymineral chronologies from Khonako II and equivalent doses measured on modern dust samples from Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. The resulting 9.2 ± 0.4 Gy dose was then subtracted from the pIRIR200,290 doses for final age calculation. The quartz OSL and pIRIR ages are then generally consistent. The obtained high-resolution luminescence chronology shows that the upper part of the L1 unit accumulated during the end of marine isotope stage (MIS) 3 and through MIS 2 (39–20 ka). The average dust accumulation rates (DAR) increased from ∼31 cm ka−1 to 41 cm ka−1 between MIS 3 and MIS 2. The DAR reached a peak of ∼71 cm ka−1 at 21 ka. A hiatus of ∼7–9 ka was then identified between the end of the last glacial maximum (LGM) and the beginning of the Holocene, and the average DAR decreased during the Holocene. Our results indicate a continuous high dust flux in the Khovaling plateau over the last 39 ka, but reworking processes and potential deflation events mark the LGM-Holocene transition. High-resolution luminescence dating studies in Tajikistan are therefore important to detect potential discontinuities in the sequences and provide an independent timescale for interpreting the climate proxies and calculating dust accumulation rates. AU - Challier, Amélie AU - Thomsen, Kristina J. AU - Kurbanov, Redzhep AU - Sosin, Piotr AU - Murray, Andrew AU - Guérin, Guillaume AU - Meshcheryakova, Olga AU - Karayev, Asliddin AU - Khormali, Farhad AU - Taratunina, Natalia AU - Utkina, Anna AU - Buylaert, Jan-Pieter DA - 2024/08/01/ DO - 10.1016/j.quageo.2024.101571 KW - Southern Tajikistan Quartz OSL dating Polymineral pIRIR dating High-resolution dating Dust accumulation rates PY - 2024 RN - loess SN - 1871-1014 SP - 101571 JO - Quaternary Geochronology TI - A detailed quartz and feldspar luminescence chronology for the Khonako II loess section (Southern Tajikistan) UR - https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S187110142400075X VL - 83 ID - 65 ER - TY - JOUR AB - Despite high rock uplift and surface runoff, most Himalayan river valleys feature tens of meters thick fill terraces, a legacy of aggradational episodes. Climate oscillations during the late Quaternary are commonly invoked to explain shifts from river incision to aggradation. While tectonic processes are known to cause transient aggradation, identifying their signatures and possible causes remains challenging. This study comprehensively analyzes ∼120-m thick valley-fill deposits exposed above the modern channel of the upper Beas River in the northwestern Indian Himalayan state of Himachal Pradesh. Luminescence dating of the valley fill reveals an aggradation period exceeding 100 kyr during the late Pleistocene, which likely commenced considerably earlier, based on an estimated >400-m thick fill buried beneath the present valley floor. The prolonged aggradation, encompassing several glacial-interglacial cycles, and the absence of systematic changes in Image 1Be-derived paleo-erosion rates or Image 2Sr/Image 3Sr and Image 4Nd/Image 5Nd isotope ratio-derived sediment provenance over time rule out late Quaternary climate oscillations as the sole driver of aggradation. Instead, we explain the longevity and extent of valley aggradation as the fluvial system's response to localized higher rock uplift rates downstream, as substantiated by the southern range flank morphology and the river network topology. We suggest that along-strike variations in thrust kinematics in this sector of the Himalaya likely caused the out-of-sequence lateral range growth and, consequently, triggered aggradation in the upstream valley. The implied temporal changes in stress and strain are critical for seismic hazard assessment. AU - Chauhan, Vaishanavi AU - Mandal, Sanjay Kumar AU - Scherler, Dirk AU - Jaiswal, Manoj Kumar AU - Christl, Marcus AU - Shukla, Anil D. DA - 2024/12/01/ DO - 10.1016/j.epsl.2024.119054 KW - Valley aggradation Himalaya Luminescence dating Cosmogenic Be Tectonics PY - 2024 RN - fluvial SN - 0012-821X SP - 119054 JO - Earth and Planetary Science Letters TI - Prolonged sediment aggradation in an internal Himalayan valley due to out-of-sequence lateral fault growth UR - https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0012821X24004862 VL - 647 ID - 15 ER - TY - JOUR AB - The interaction between climate, hydrological environment, and human activities in prehistoric times has consistently attracted significant interest. However, the process and mechanism of this interaction remain unclear due to a lack of detailed materials that provide information on both human activity and environmental evolution. Here we present a comprehensive dataset of optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating and pollen analysis derived from lacustrine facies deposits in the vicinity of the Dongzhao Site in Central China, which is a key region for the origin and development of Chinese civilization. These data have revealed the existence of multiple cycles of environment-human interaction during prehistoric periods. The gradual improvement in the climate and minor fluctuations facilitated the settlement of prehistoric populations in the region, fostering uninterrupted cultural development for millennia since the early Holocene. The increase in population and intensification of human activities significantly affected regional vegetation, resulting in a decrease in the number of trees around 4.0 ka BP. Environmental changes influenced the prehistoric architectural style, resulting in a decrease in houses with “wood bone and mud walls” that were prevalent during the Yangshao periods (7.0–5.0 ka BP) due to a lack of trees. Our research once again highlights the perpetual cycle of interdependence and interaction between natural environments and human activities. AU - Chen, Panpan AU - Lu, Peng AU - Tian, Yan AU - Li, Ye AU - Wang, Hui AU - Zhang, Jiaqiang AU - Zhao, Xiangli AU - Mo, Duowen DA - 2024/12/01/ DO - 10.1016/j.catena.2024.108540 KW - Central China Holocene environment Vegetation change Climatic fluctuations Prehistoric anthropogenic activities PY - 2024 RN - soil SN - 0341-8162 SP - 108540 JO - CATENA TI - The interplay between prehistoric vegetation, climatic fluctuations and anthropogenic activities in Central China UR - https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0341816224007379 VL - 247 ID - 10 ER - TY - JOUR AB - The effect of non-monotonic dose dependence of TL intensity on the irradiation dose has been reported in some materials in the past. As opposed to the regular case in which the intensity of the emitted TL light increases monotonically with the applied dose until it reaches saturation, in some reported cases, the light intensity reached a maximum and then declined at higher doses. The effect has been explained by using an energy level model including two electron traps and two hole centers competing with each other, thus yielding the effect. In the present work we show that with the use of certain sets of trap and center parameters, the effect can be seen with a reduced model of one trapping state and two recombination centers. Also, in recent years some experimental results showed more complex non-monotonic dose dependence, namely that following a maximum in the dose-intensity curve, and a certain range of decline, the TL intensity starts to increase again with the dose. We offer a new physical model that may explain this wiggly dose dependence. The energy-level diagram we propose is the same as before, with one electron trap and two kinds of recombination centers, one of which is radiative. In addition, we assume that the high energy radiation can produce more defects in the material which form more radiative recombination centers, this in addition to the filling of new and existing traps and centers by the irradiation. We consider the simultaneous differential equations governing the processes during irradiation, relaxation and heating with the variable dose-dependent concentration of the radiative recombination centers. We solve the equations numerically and by an analytical way with plausible approximations. The wiggly dose dependence results with certain sets of the relevant parameters. AU - Chen, R. AU - Lawless, J. L. AU - Arora, R. DA - 2024/09/01/ DO - 10.1016/j.radmeas.2024.107235 KW - Thermoluminescence (TL) Dose dependence Energy-level model Simulations PY - 2024 RN - statistics, simulation, and modelling SN - 1350-4487 SP - 107235 JO - Radiation Measurements TI - Non-monotonic dose dependence of thermoluminescence (TL) revisited UR - https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1350448724001835 VL - 177 ID - 120 ER - TY - JOUR AB - Water is critical for ecological systems in arid regions, making it imperative to understand how moisture in arid Central Asia (CA) responds to anthropogenic warming. The oscillation of warming and cooling events since the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM, ∼24–19.5 ka) provides a window for exploring the relationship between moisture and temperature. Employing 109 luminescence ages derived from eight sand dune sediment cores in the Bayanbulak Basin in the CA, this study endeavors to reconstruct the evolution of sand accumulation, and by extension, moisture dynamics. We found that pre-Holocene sand accumulation was predominant during the LGM and Heinrich Stadial 1 (HS1, ∼18–14.6 ka), indicative of a cold-dry climate prevailing during these two cold stages. During the Holocene, sand accumulation during Early Holocene is significantly stronger than that during Middle-late Holocene, supporting a long-term wetting trend. Additionally, this study reveals that the colder Little Ice Age (LIA, ∼0.55–0.2 ka) exhibited a wetter condition compared to the warmer Medieval Warming Period (MWP, ∼1–0.55 ka), indicating a cold-humid climate during the LIA. Corroborated by TraCE-21ka (Transient Climate of the Last 21,000 Years) simulation, we propose that diminished evaporation over North Atlantic during the LGM and HS1 potentially led to a reduction in water vapor transported by westerlies to the CA. During the Middle and Late Holocene, increased evaporation over North Atlantic, attributed to decreased ice sheet, westerlies intensity became the primary limiting factor. Notably, stronger westerlies during the LIA could have contributed to elevated moisture levels compared to the MWP. These findings not only resolve the debate surrounding the transition from cold-dry to cold-humid conditions but also enhance our comprehension of future moisture variations. AU - Cheng, Liangqing AU - Long, Hao AU - Zhang, Jingran AU - Wu, Yubin AU - Cheng, Jun AU - Yang, Linhai AU - Cheng, Hongyi DA - 2024/12/01/ DO - 10.1016/j.quascirev.2024.109057 KW - Luminescence dating Arid central Asia Climatic transition Northern hemisphere ice sheet Transverse dunes PY - 2024 RN - glacial and periglacial SN - 0277-3791 SP - 109057 JO - Quaternary Science Reviews TI - Retreating ice sheet caused a transition from cold-dry to cold-humid conditions in arid Central Asia UR - https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0277379124005596 VL - 345 ID - 56 ER - TY - JOUR AB - Evaluating remnant doses is crucial for luminescence dating of late Holocene sedimentary deposits, especially when slow-bleaching feldspar pIRIR signals are employed. Previous research demonstrated that the bleaching capacity varies between individual grains, but only a few attempts have been made to quantify this. In this research, we evaluate variance in bleachability at a single-grain level for a low-temperature pIRIR signal from K-rich feldspar extract. The research is conducted through experimental exposure to natural sunlight of two natural samples. The degree of zeroing is monitored over exposure times up to 100 min and related to the recuperation values obtained on the same grains from the standard pIRIR sequence. We find a positive correlation between recuperation doses of grains and their residual doses, which suggests that recuperation provides a proxy for grain bleachability. In addition, we combine our dataset of bleachability with information on the difference between IRSL50 and pIRIR175 equivalent doses determined on the same grain (De ratio), which allows us to identify grains for which light exposure was too limited to reset both signals. The results demonstrate that prior inheritance, light exposure, and grain bleachability all may impact the residual dose of grains, resulting in overdispersion in equivalent dose distributions. Combining the assessment of bleachability with the information on the De ratio can support the identification of best-bleached grains in a natural sample. Finally, the different bleachability of individual grains demonstrates that it may not be advisable to subtract the mean residual dose from paleodoses obtained with a minimum age model and for Holocene-aged deposits. AU - Choi, Jungyu AU - Chamberlain, Elizabeth AU - Wallinga, Jakob DA - 2024/08/01/ DO - 10.1016/j.quageo.2024.101577 KW - Bleachability Low-temperature pIRIR luminescence Potassium feldspar Recuperation Residual dose Sediment dating PY - 2024 RN - basic research SN - 1871-1014 SP - 101577 JO - Quaternary Geochronology TI - Variance in pIRIR signal bleaching for single grains of feldspar UR - https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1871101424000815 VL - 83 ID - 82 ER - TY - JOUR AB - Plaggic anthrosols demonstrate the significant and widespread influence of agriculture on the landscape of northern Europe and testify to increased land-use intensity over the last millennium. However, a lack of established chronologic methods to interrogate these soils has hindered research on their formation history, so the timing and process of plaggic anthrosol development remain poorly quantified. Recently, luminescence dating methods have emerged as a tool for tracing the past movement of grains, including within the soil column. This study combines two primary luminescence methods – single-grain feldspar infrared stimulated luminescence (IRSL) along with post-infrared infrared stimulated luminescence (pIRIR) measurements and small-aliquot (or multi-grain) quartz optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) – to reconstruct the formation of a plaggic anthrosol at Braakmankamp (eastern Netherlands). Toward this aim, we present a new method to identify well-bleached single grains of feldspar using the ratio of the grain's IRSL and pIRIR signals as a filter. The results provide both methodological and applied archaeological insights. Both small-aliquot quartz OSL and single-grain feldspar pIRIR ages yield reliable ages for plaggen deposits when the new filtering approach is used to remove poorly bleached feldspar grains from the analysis. Single-grain pIRIR feldspar has the added benefit of revealing complex soil formation histories for naturally bioturbated deposits, including those at the base of the plaggen layer. Augmenting this information with conventional quartz OSL dating builds confidence in the geo-chronologic record and allows us to reconstruct the timing and processes of plaggic anthrosol formation in Braakmankamp. According to the luminescence dating results, land clearance occurred around 900–1000 years ago, and accumulation of plaggen material began around 700–800 years ago. The average accumulation rate of plaggen material is estimated at ∼ 1.1 mm yr−1. AU - Choi, J. AU - van Beek, R. AU - Chamberlain, E. L. AU - Reimann, T. AU - Smeenge, H. AU - van Oorschot, A. AU - Wallinga, J. DO - 10.5194/soil-10-567-2024 IS - 2 PY - 2024 RN - soil SN - 2199-398X SP - 567-586 JO - SOIL TI - Luminescence dating approaches to reconstruct the formation of plaggic anthrosols UR - https://soil.copernicus.org/articles/10/567/2024/ VL - 10 ID - 179 ER - TY - JOUR AB - ABSTRACT The study of alluvial terraces helps in reconstructing the past geometries of rivers and makes it possible to assess the rate and pattern of fluvial incision and bedrock uplift. The fluctuations of river base levels are particularly variable and complex during the Late Quaternary in the lower course of rivers due to the interplay of responses to sea-level fluctuations, tectonics and glacio-isostasy. In this paper, the geometry and chronology of Manoir Brésil, an outcrop of alluvial terraces of the Lower Seine River, northern France, are investigated through a multidisciplinary study. Fluvial incision during MIS 8 in the Lower Seine in relation to sea-level drop is recorded by an erosional surface cut into the chalk bedrock. This surface is covered by MIS 7 tidal deposits and then by younger, mostly periglacial colluvium (head). Manoir Brésil is therefore considered to be a chronological equivalent of the nearby, well-studied Tourville-la-Rivière outcrop. The deposits are affected by post-MIS 7 cryoturbation processes. Based on the local elevation of MIS 7 tidal deposits and erosional surfaces at Manoir Brésil, a minimum bedrock uplift rate of 25?40?m/Ma and an erosion rate of 125?m/Ma during glacial periods can be proposed. A regional correlation of the MIS 8 erosional surface is increasingly deformed by uplift towards the North, making it difficult to correlate the fluvial deposits along the Seine without precise chronological control. We interpret this regional tilt as the result of isostasy rebound after glaciations, consistent with the distribution of the elevations of MIS 5e and MIS 7 marine deposits along the English Channel. AU - Chourio-Camacho, Diana AU - Grimaud, Jean-Louis AU - Tissoux, Hélène AU - Bessin, Paul AU - Voinchet, Pierre AU - Vartanian, Emmanuel AU - Noble, Mark AU - Bertran, Pascal DA - 2024/08/01 DO - 10.1002/jqs.3640 KW - alluvial terraces incision rate Late Quaternary uplift Lower Seine MIS 7 periglacial deposits tidal deposits IS - 6 PY - 2024 RN - ESR fluvial SN - 0267-8179 SP - 872-889 JO - Journal of Quaternary Science TI - Incision and rock uplift along the Lower Seine River since Marine Isotope Stage 8 UR - https://doi.org/10.1002/jqs.3640 VL - 39 Y2 - 2024/12/16 ID - 143 ER - TY - JOUR AB - The ongoing war in Ukraine is associated with unprecedented radiological threats to the public in Ukraine and the neighboring countries. This calls for fundamental revision of the preparedness plans and established approaches to radiological monitoring of the populations affected by potential radiological emergencies. Dosimetric information will be needed for triage of victims and support to decision makers for prioritizing mitigation actions. Retrospective dosimetry methods strive to find a solution that would achieve this and enable fast and accurate feedback with information on individual doses to the concerned public. All known approaches to emergency dosimetry, both in biological and physical (instrumental) dosimetry have limitations, in particular – preventive cost, limited availability of samples for analysis, insufficient sensitivity (high dose threshold) and/or stability of radiation-induced markers (i.e. high fading). At the moment each of considered dose assessment methods possesses some combination of the aforesaid limitations. A suggestion to overcome these deficiencies is to use ordinary table salt (NaCl), read by optically stimulated luminescence (OSL), with well-known good dosimetric properties, and which allows anybody to prepare improvised individual dosemeters at home to be carried like a regular personal dosemeter until readout of the OSL signal is possible. This paper considers pros and cons of the use of NaCl as an OSL dosemeter in an emergency situation, with emphasis on practical aspects of its application for mass dose assessments for individuals among populations affected by radiological emergency situations. AU - Chumak, Vadim AU - Bakhanova, Elena AU - Karampiperi, Maria AU - Bernhardsson, Christian DA - 2024/09/01/ DO - 10.1016/j.radmeas.2024.107233 KW - Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) Table salt (NaCl) Personal dosimetry Radiological emergency Mass screening Emergency preparedness PY - 2024 RN - dosimetry SN - 1350-4487 SP - 107233 JO - Radiation Measurements TI - OSL dosimetry with table salt for mass screening of individual doses during radiological or nuclear emergencies UR - https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1350448724001811 VL - 177 ID - 121 ER - TY - JOUR AB - Study region A flood study was performed in the ephemeral Ugab River in the arid north-western part of Namibia. The headwaters of the river lie on the higher Namibian plateau, where most floods are generated and propagate west, through the Namib desert, to the Atlantic Ocean. Study focus Estimation of a 1 % Annual Exceedance Probability (AEP) flood is required for upgrading of road infrastructure. In compliance with revised road standards, the existing Ugab River bridge needs to accommodate the 1 % flood or be replaced at a high cost. From hydraulic modelling it was determined that the bridge can accommodate a ∼2000 m3s–1 flood. The Regional Maximum Flood model estimates the 1 % flood at ∼3600 m3s–1 while a Flood Frequency Analysis (FFA), based on short term systematic data, predicts the flood at ∼550 m3s–1. This inconsistency needed to be resolved. Incorporation of palaeoflood discharges (14 floods over the last 1260 years) into the FFA produced a 1 % flood of ∼820 m3s–1, indicating that the existing bridge has sufficient flood capacity. New hydrological insights for the region This study shows that palaeoflood hydrology improves conventional hydrological methods in dryland regions, providing long-term registers for reliable estimation of FFA. This is especially applicable to regions with complex hydrology or with scarce gauged discharges, or where data is simply unavailable. AU - Cloete, G. AU - Benito, G. AU - Grodek, T. AU - Porat, N. AU - Hoffman, J. AU - Enzel, Y. DA - 2022/12/01/ DO - 10.1016/j.ejrh.2022.101263 KW - Palaeoflood Hydrology Ephemeral rivers Scarce data Hydraulics Infrastructure PY - 2022 RN - fluvial SN - 2214-5818 SP - 101263 JO - Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies TI - Palaeoflood records to assist in design of civil infrastructure in ephemeral rivers with scarce hydrological data: Ugab River, Namibia UR - https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2214581822002762 VL - 44 ID - 140 ER - TY - JOUR AB - Determining the age of precise sea level markers such as marine terraces is often difficult because of the inherent limitation of traditional dating methods. A novel method based on Optical Stimulated Luminescence applicable to rock surfaces has been showing great promise in dating boulder and cobble surfaces from various environments. We performed Optically Stimulated Luminescence Rock Surface Dating (OSL RSD) on five cobbles from a basal transgressive lag deposit sealing a marine terrace referred to as the Last Interglacial (Marine Isotopic Stage 5e). We applied a consistent and highly selective 3-step acceptance criteria on five cobbles and obtained that only one was sufficiently well-bleached prior to burial. The resulting ages of 131 ± 8 ka and 127 ± 8 ka (obtained on 22 analyzed aliquots, n = 22) derived from the post-infrared infrared stimulated signal at 225oC (pIRIR225) and the preceding infrared stimulated signal at 50oC (pIR50/225), respectively, are consistent with each other as well as with the conventional luminescence age of ∼135 ka from the same sequence and with the U/Th age of ∼130 ka obtained from coral fragments. This work demonstrates that the RSD is a promising method for dating gravel veneer deposits overlaying marine terraces, enabling new chronologies for similar Quaternary deposits. AU - Cossu, Giulia AU - Sechi, Daniele AU - Sohbati, Reza AU - Murray, Andrew AU - Pascucci, Vincenzo AU - Andreucci, Stefano DA - 2024/12/01/ DO - 10.1016/j.quageo.2024.101630 KW - Gravelly transgressive lag Rock surface dating Luminescence Bleaching PY - 2024 RN - surface exposure dating SN - 1871-1014 SP - 101630 JO - Quaternary Geochronology TI - Luminescence dating of rock surfaces in challenging environments: The case of MIS5e gravelly transgressive lag deposit (Southern Sardinia, West Mediterranean Sea) UR - https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1871101424001341 VL - 85 ID - 104 ER - TY - JOUR AB - Data on how Stone Age communities conceived domestic and utilitarian structures are limited to a few examples of schematic and non-accurate representations of various-sized built spaces. Here, we report the exceptional discovery of the up-to-now oldest realistic plans that have been engraved on stones. These engravings from Jordan and Saudi Arabia depict ‘desert kites’, humanmade archaeological mega-traps that are dated to at least 9,000 years ago for the oldest. The extreme precision of these engravings is remarkable, representing gigantic neighboring Neolithic stone structures, the whole design of which is impossible to grasp without seeing it from the air or without being their architect (or user, or builder). They reveal a widely underestimated mental mastery of space perception, hitherto never observed at this level of accuracy in such an early context. These representations shed new light on the evolution of human discernment of space, communication, and communal activities in ancient times. AU - Crassard, Rémy AU - Abu-Azizeh, Wael AU - Barge, Olivier AU - Brochier, Jacques Élie AU - Preusser, Frank AU - Seba, Hamida AU - Kiouche, Abd Errahmane AU - Régagnon, Emmanuelle AU - Sánchez Priego, Juan Antonio AU - Almalki, Thamer AU - Tarawneh, Mohammad DO - 10.1371/journal.pone.0277927 IS - 5 PY - 2023 RN - archaeology SP - e0277927 JO - PLOS ONE TI - The oldest plans to scale of humanmade mega-structures UR - https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0277927 VL - 18 ID - 172 ER - TY - JOUR AB - Luminescence dating methods are widely used to date coastal sediments, while luminescence tracing methods are an upcoming approach to reconstruct coastal sediment pathways. Both methods rely on subaqueous resetting (bleaching) of luminescence signals and would benefit from quantification of this process in the natural coastal environment. We describe the set-up and outcomes of an in situ subaqueous bleaching experiment for luminescence signals of K-feldspar grains in the Dutch Wadden Sea. We deployed a full-day bleaching field experiment with irradiated feldspar samples tethered to a pole at various positions within and above the water column to quantify (1) the bleaching potential, that is, the light intensity and spectrum as a function of time, depth and tidal stage, and (2) the bleaching efficiency, that is, the degree of bleaching of infrared stimulated luminescence (IRSL) and post-infrared IRSL (pIRIR) signals measured at 150, 225 and 290°C after a full day of light exposure above and below water. Our bleaching-potential results show that the strongest subaqueous light attenuation took place during low tide when sediment concentrations are the highest. We also observed stronger attenuation of the ultraviolet part of the spectrum compared to other parts of the spectrum. Our bleaching-efficiency results show that bleaching reduces with depth, that pIRIR signals bleach slower than IRSL signals underwater and that bleaching efficiency reduces with pIRIR measurement temperature. None of the investigated signals were fully reset after 13.5 hours of light exposure, even for subaerially exposed samples. Our work provides the first quantitative data on pIRIR bleaching in a natural subaqueous environment, which is relevant for K-feldspar-based luminescence dating and tracing applications. AU - de Boer, Anna-Maartje AU - Seebregts, Marloes AU - Wallinga, Jakob AU - Chamberlain, Elizabeth C7 - e22 DB - Cambridge Core DO - 10.1017/njg.2024.18 DP - Cambridge University Press ET - 11/19 KW - Bleaching K-feldspar luminescence Wadden Sea subaqueous light climate PY - 2024 RN - coastal SN - 0016-7746 SP - e22 JO - Netherlands Journal of Geosciences TI - A one-day experiment quantifying subaqueous bleaching of K-feldspar luminescence signals in the Wadden Sea, the Netherlands UR - https://www.cambridge.org/core/product/15D3C18740E211B6E9B9BC41A2AC51EF VL - 103 ID - 4 ER - TY - JOUR AB - The major river basins of the Iberian Peninsula that drain towards the Atlantic coast contain extensive Lower Palaeolithic (Acheulean) records associated with well-preserved fluvial terrace sequences. These open-air archaeological records are often difficult to constrain chronologically due to a lack of suitable material for dating (e.g., faunal remains) or because their Middle Pleistocene antiquity precludes the use of otherwise routinely applicable geochronometric techniques such as conventional optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating. As a result, many important Iberian Acheulean sites lack precise and accurate chronologies, and their existing temporal frameworks are based solely on morphostratigraphic correlations with regional fluvial terrace systems. Here we present the first application of extended-range luminescence dating – namely multi-grain post-infrared infrared stimulated luminescence (pIR-IRSL) dating of K-feldspars and single-grain thermally transferred-OSL (TT-OSL) dating of quartz – to a series of terrace sequences in the Duero basin (central sector) and Guadiana basin, as well as associated Lower Palaeolithic sites of La Maya I, II and III along the Tormes River, Burganes (and related sites) along the Tera River, and Albalá along the Guadiana River. Additionally, we present results of a parallel electron spin resonance (ESR) quartz dating study of the Tormes River terrace (Duero basin), which has been undertaken independently on the same samples to enable stratigraphically paired dating comparisons. Our study indicates that sedimentary quartz from this sector of the Duero basin produces very weak TT-OSL signals, variable Al signal repeatability and below-average Ti signal fitting uncertainties, though it is still possible to determine consistent comparative ages using the measurements protocols employed here. For samples where both pIR-IRSL and TT-OSL signals were measured, the paired luminescence dating ages are in agreement at 1σ. Agreement between the quartz ESR and TT-OSL ages is also observed for one sample from the Tormes River. However, the ESR signals (both Al and Ti) of a second sample showed insufficient bleaching and age overestimation in comparison to the paired TT-OSL dataset. Comparison of our latest dating results with published chronological datasets point to some fluvial terraces of the Duero basin potentially having diachronous formation histories. Despite this, our combined chronological results show that the terrace systems are chronologically ordered and suggest that, regionally, the +8 to +34 m terraces likely post-date marine isotope stage (MIS) 10, whilst the +50 m terraces formed prior to, or during, MIS 10. The related Acheulean sites that contain lithic material in stratigraphic position are dated to MIS 9–7 (193–314 ka at 2σ age range), and temporally overlap with the early Middle Palaeolithic records in the Duero basin, also dated here to MIS 8–7 (or 159–259 ka at 2σ). Our results are consistent with previous observations regarding the chronological overlap of these two technologies in the region, and support the possibility of a non-linear pattern of replacement for the Acheulean in the Iberian Peninsula during the Lower to Middle Palaeolithic transition. AU - Demuro, Martina AU - Arnold, Lee J. AU - Duval, Mathieu AU - Churruca Clemente, Alicia AU - Santonja, Manuel AU - Pérez-González, Alfredo DA - 2024/08/01/ DO - 10.1016/j.quageo.2024.101567 KW - Single-grain TT-OSL Post IR-IRSL ESR dating Acheulean Fluvial terraces Iberian Peninsula PY - 2024 RN - ESR archaeology SN - 1871-1014 SP - 101567 JO - Quaternary Geochronology TI - Extended-range luminescence and ESR dating of Iberian fluvial terraces (Duero and Guadiana basins) associated with the Lower Palaeolithic sites of La Maya I, II, III, Burganes and Albalá (west-central Spain) UR - https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1871101424000712 VL - 83 ID - 78 ER - TY - JOUR AB - The Qicheng city wall is located in Puyang, Henan Province, China, and it is an important archaeological site from the Neolithic period in the North China Plain region. A trench across the northwest corner of the city wall revealed an 11 m thick sediment sequence, closely associated with human activities, which provides valuable records for the dating and environmental evolution of the site. In this study, we have applied field geological investigation, grain size analysis, optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating, and radiocarbon (14C) dating to reveal the history and changes in the site. The ancient city wall was built on the sedimentary sequence (U1) of the high terrace of the Ancient Yellow River. The upper 11 m thick sedimentary sequence (U2) recorded early moat sedimentation (U2L) and was followed by three cycles of paleosol-flooding deposits (U2U). The quartz OSL signals of the U2 silts are extremely bright, indicating high sensitivity. Partial bleaching was observed as well. The quartz OSL single-grain SAR dating results are consistent with that of charcoal 14C dating and are closer to the ‘true’ burial ages of the sediments than those obtained with multiple grains. By using a Bayesian statistical model, a chronological framework for the U2 sedimentary sequence was established. The earliest construction date of the Qicheng city wall is dating to 2100–1300 BC, during the late Longshan period, which is consistent with archaeological evidence (Li et al., 2015). The Qicheng city was not significantly affected by paleo-flooding prior to 870–960 AD, but experiences frequent flooding thereafter. AU - Di, Ning AU - Yang, Huili AU - Chen, Jie AU - Yang, Jinsong AU - Li, Yipi AU - Qin, Jintang AU - Luo, Ming DA - 2024/07/20/ DO - 10.1016/j.quaint.2024.05.005 KW - Qicheng city wall Quartz OSL dating C dating Longshan culture Flooding PY - 2024 RN - archaeology SN - 1040-6182 SP - 1-10 JO - Quaternary International TI - Chronology of late Holocene sediments related to the Qicheng ruins in central China UR - https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1040618224001526 VL - 698 ID - 40 ER - TY - JOUR AB - In general, the energy calibration of gamma-ray detectors is carried out by using radioactive sources with well-known emission lines. The fact that the scintillator material LaBr3 includes natural radioactivity is often taken advantage of to perform an energy calibration without the need to handle an external radioactive source. For this purpose, the emission energy of photons to be detected in peaks has to be well known. Though the energies of the emission lines of the relevant isotope 138La and further information on radioactive contaminations are published with high precision, there are inconsistencies in the literature concerning the effective energies of observed photon peaks caused by inherent radioactivity. In this article, the actual peak positions are published as a result of high-precision measurements. The potential and limitations of an energy calibration of LaBr3 detectors based on the inherent radioactivity are discussed, as the emission lines of 138La are detected in clusters rather than single, clearly defined lines. AU - Dombrowski, Harald AU - Stenger, Jörn DA - 2024/09/25 DO - 10.1088/1748-0221/19/09/P09033 IS - 09 PY - 2024 RN - instruments SN - 1748-0221 SP - P09033 JO - Journal of Instrumentation TI - Energy calibration of LaBr3 detectors using inherent radioactivity UR - https://dx.doi.org/10.1088/1748-0221/19/09/P09033 VL - 19 ID - 3 ER - TY - JOUR AB - The use of luminescence signals from single mineral grains for optical dating has become a valuable and frequently utilised tool in Quaternary Geochronology. Single grain luminescence dating is particularly beneficial in complex depositional settings, however the ability to measure single grain signals also offers the opportunity to assess intrinsic luminescence properties of individual mineral grains. The use of spatially resolved luminescence technologies such as an electron multiplier charge coupled device is of benefit when making luminescence measurements at single grain scales because they allow stimulation with light emitting diodes, and this offers a number of key benefits related to stimulation power when it comes to the assessment of characteristics such as optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) decay rate and the calculation of parameters such as the fast ratio and photo ionisation cross-sections. In this paper, the intra- and inter-sample variability of sensitised single grain thermoluminescence (TL) and OSL signals is considered. A comparison between TL and OSL signals is undertaken, as well as calculation of the fast ratio, OSL component photo ionisation cross-sections, thermal stability, and characteristic dose for a suite of quartz samples from a range of geographic locations and depositional settings. For these heated signals, key findings include the lack of relationship between OSL signal intensity and dominance of the fast component, the fitting of two components (a fast and slow component) is the most common fit for single grain OSL signals, characteristic doses from fast dominated signals suggesting saturation at c. 150 Gy, and the identification of the ultrafast OSL component. Intra-sample variability across all measured parameters is observed, suggesting that for this suite of samples, variability is the norm rather than the exception, and that the intrinsic luminescence characteristics of quartz are variable and diverse. AU - Durcan, Julie A. AU - Duller, Geoff A. T. DA - 2024/09/01/ DO - 10.1016/j.radmeas.2024.107260 KW - Components Characteristic dose EMCCD OSL Quartz Single grain TL PY - 2024 RN - basic research SN - 1350-4487 SP - 107260 JO - Radiation Measurements TI - Further investigation of spatially resolved single grain quartz OSL and TL signals UR - https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1350448724002087 VL - 177 ID - 122 ER - TY - JOUR AB - Constraining time frames, patterns and rates of sandstone caprock disintegration in tablelands under temperate climate remains challenging. This is due to the scarcity of material in the appropriate geomorphological context that could be dated. Sandy cones are widespread below the sandstone plateaus and may serve as a direct sedimentological evidence of caprock disintegration via subsurface erosion. However, they have not been utilised to their full potential. The paper presents the results of investigation of two sandy cones in the Stołowe Mountains tableland, SW Poland, and soil profiles developed within them. The study also included collecting material for charcoal 14C and single grain Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) dating. Both soil profiles (Dystric Arenosols (Humic)) are dominated by sand fraction. The lens–like laminae of light-coloured sand and darker material enriched in organic matter result from changing sedimentation dynamics. Charcoals were found to be widespread and occur down to the bottom of the studied soil profiles. While they record some of the oldest fire events ever documented in the tableland (mostly from Preboreal and Boreal, in one case from the Younger Dryas), we show that they are inappropriate to determine the timing of sediment deposition because of long residence time in the fissure network. Contrarily, single grain OSL dating is far better suited to trace the sedimentological history of the cones that initiated 10.5 ± 1.5 ka ago. The overall sedimentation trends are similar, likely reflecting climate fluctuations throughout the Holocene and the impact of deforestation. Although sandy cones may serve as a universal geochronological proxy in sandstone tablelands under temperate climate, the patterns and rates at which they develop are site-specific and controlled primarily by local geomorphological and topographical circumstances, governing the efficiency of the sediment supply. This finding was supported by a novel approach to the analysis of FMM components. AU - Duszyński, Filip AU - Waroszewski, Jarosław AU - Fenn, Kaja AU - Kacprzak, Andrzej AU - Jancewicz, Kacper AU - Egli, Markus DA - 2024/12/01/ DO - 10.1016/j.catena.2024.108529 KW - Tableland Sandstone Underground erosion Sandy cones OSL dating C dating PY - 2024 RN - soil SN - 0341-8162 SP - 108529 JO - CATENA TI - Cliff-foot sandy cones: A proxy to study the time frames, patterns and rates of sandstone caprock decay? UR - https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0341816224007264 VL - 247 ID - 9 ER - TY - JOUR AB - The Pamir Mountains are one of the highest mountain systems in the world; they act as sources of fresh water for the main rivers of Central Asia: the Amudaria and Syrdaria. Throughout the Quaternary, the Pamirs played a major role in controlling atmospheric circulation and land-surface processes, and provided great volumes of terrigenous sediments for transport by large rivers to the depressions in the Aral and Caspian regions. These ultimately provided broad aeolian cover in the sandy deserts, and finer dust for the widely distributed loess-palaeosol sequences. The glaciation history of this highly dynamic region provides an important basis for understanding climate change, sediment source and landscape evolution in Central Asia during the Quaternary. The question of the number, distribution, extent and timing of Pleistocene glaciations in the Pamir is debated. One of the main obstacles to research, together with difficulties of access and severity of current climate, is the varying degree of preservation of traces of previous glaciations in the western and eastern Pamir. As a result of a geological survey, we for the first time identified a thick lacustrine deposit at high altitudes in a tributary of the Panj – the valley of the Sary-Shitharv River – this records the damming of the Panj River valley by a large glacier. Luminescence measurements were undertaken to obtain the age of the Sary-Shitharv glacially-dammed lake. As often in mountain catchments the quartz OSL signal was unsuitable for dose estimation, and so the chronology of the Sary-Shitharv section is based entirely on post-IR IRSL signals from K-rich feldspar. We used pIRIR50,290 and pIRIR200,290 protocols and obtained indistinguishable ages from both protocols. Given the high sedimentation rates deduced from the structure of lacustrine deposits, the entire sequence must have been accumulated rather quickly, over a period of no more than a few thousand years. The average age over the whole series of dates is 165 ± 11 ka. This places the existence of the glacially-dammed lake at Sary-Shitharv in late MIS 6, a result that fits well with the general course of the glacial history of the Pamirs. AU - Efimova, M. O. AU - Deev, E. V. AU - Taratunina, N. A. AU - Buylaert, J. P. AU - Sosin, P. M. AU - Panin, A. V. AU - Murray, A. S. AU - Schneider, R. AU - Lukyanycheva, M. S. AU - Tokareva, O. A. AU - Meshcheryakova, O. A. AU - Kurbanov, R. N. DA - 2024/08/01/ DO - 10.1016/j.quageo.2024.101596 KW - Late quaternary Glaciations Climate change Geochronology Shakhdara range High Asia Proglacial lake PY - 2024 RN - glacial and periglacial SN - 1871-1014 SP - 101596 JO - Quaternary Geochronology TI - Luminescence dating of the MIS 6 glaciation of the Pamir mountains (Central Asia) UR - https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1871101424001006 VL - 83 ID - 64 ER - TY - JOUR AB - This geoarchaeological survey was dedicated to (i) the Umm an-Nar (2700\–2000 BCE) settlement site of Dahwa and surrounding areas in the foothills of the Hajar Mountains as well as (ii) the coastal area near Saham on the Batinah coastal plain in northern Oman, the latter without focus on a specific cultural epoch. Stratigraphic sections from the proximal coastal plain provide insights into highly dynamic episodic sedimentation patterns with thick units of variable grain sizes and sorting. In one of the stratigraphic profiles in the town of Saham, a small anthropogenic pit or channel was found, interpreted as a pit hearth used by the Samad culture (300 BCE\–100/200 CE) based on granulometry, thin-section analysis, clustered macro-charcoals, amorphous organic remains, as well as luminescence and 14C dating. Our coincidental discovery of this site indicates that there might be abundant traces of the Samad culture buried in the thick alluvium, from a period of hydrologically favourable conditions c. 50\–300 CE. The Umm an-Nar dating of the Dahwa archaeological site in the foothills of the Hajar Mountains was confirmed for the first time by luminescence dating, although the low dose rate and high scatter of equivalent doses pose substantial challenges to the regional application of this method. AU - Engel, Max AU - Zander, Anja AU - Kehl, Martin AU - Feulner, Gary R. AU - Douglas, Khaled AU - Al-Jahwari, Nasser Said Ali AU - Al-Hinai, Nasser Hamad AU - Brückner, Helmut DO - 10.5334/oq.141 KW - en_US IS - 1 PY - 2024 RN - coastal SP - 8 JO - Open Quaternary TI - From the Northern Hajar Foothills to the Batinah Coast – a Geoarchaeological Survey at Saham and Dahwa (Northern Oman) VL - 10 ID - 29 ER - TY - JOUR AB - The precise dating of sedimentary archives covering the last 200 years in floodplains massively impacted by human activities is a major challenge. A combination of geochronological approaches is necessary to accurately date post-1800 sedimentary deposits. Here, we use a combination of a wide range of methods to unravel floodplain sedimentary dynamics, through the example of the Upper Rhine which is a highly regulated river. This comprises short--lived radionuclides (137Cs, 210Pbxs) and Infrared Stimulated Luminescence (IRSL) single-grain dating. Luminescence profiling methods (IRSL screening, portable luminescence reader) were also used to further characterise sedimentation dynamics. These were combined with a hydrogeomorphological approach based on historical planimetric and hydrological data, the knowledge of engineering works as well as the morpho-sedimentary adjustments they induced. Our study demonstrates the value of historic maps as well as historical hydrological data, which provide precise time markers for dating the sedimentary archive under study. We illustrate different assumptions, validity domains and limitations inherent to each method, especially the complexity of 137Cs to date floodplain sediments and the potential of luminescence methods for dating and estimating sedimentation continuity. We finally show the advantage of combining geochronological approaches in the construction of robust age models for young floodplain sedimentary archives in highly anthropized fluvial environments. AU - Euzen, Cassandra AU - Chabaux, François AU - Rixhon, Gilles AU - Preusser, Frank AU - Eyrolle, Frédérique AU - Chardon, Valentin AU - Zander, Anja M. AU - Badariotti, Dominique AU - Schmitt, Laurent DA - 2024/08/01/ DO - 10.1016/j.quageo.2024.101561 KW - Upper Rhine floodplain Geochronology IRSL single-grain Cs Pb IRSL screening Portable luminescence reader Planimetric stratigraphic and hydrological analyses Age-depth model PY - 2024 RN - fluvial portable SN - 1871-1014 SP - 101561 JO - Quaternary Geochronology TI - Multi-method geochronological approach to reconstruct post-1800 floodplain sedimentation in the upper Rhine plain, France UR - https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1871101424000657 VL - 83 ID - 79 ER - TY - JOUR AB - In this study, pellets fabricated from powdered rose quartz are investigated for their potential as ionizing radiation detectors, taking advantage of the abundant availability of quartz in the Earth's crust. For this purpose, optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) technique, using blue and green light stimulation, was used. The pellets were irradiated with a 90Sr/90Y beta source to doses from 80 to 550 mGy (dose rate = 0.08Gy/s). Analysis of the OSL decay curves showed a good fit with 3 exponential components (fast, medium, and slow). A linear dose-response relationship was observed within this interval of dose for both light stimulations. The repeatability of the OSL signal was found to be 3% for blue light and 2% for green light. Additionally, the fading experiment indicated that, after 1 hour, 41% and 35% of the OSL signal remains for blue and green stimulation, respectively. The results obtained highlight the promising usefulness of rose quartz-based pellets as effective detectors of ionizing radiation. AU - Ferreira, Neilo Marcos AU - Nunes, Matheus Cavalcanti dos Santos AU - Yoshimura, Elisabeth Mateus AU - Trindade, Neilo Marcos AU - Chithambo, Makaiko L. DA - 11/28 DO - 10.15392/2319-0612.2024.2568 IS - 4 PY - 2024 RN - basic research SE - Articles SP - e2568 JO - Brazilian Journal of Radiation Sciences TI - Luminescência opticamente estimulada em pastilhas de quartzo utilizando iluminação azul e verde UR - https://doi.org/10.15392/2319-0612.2024.2568 VL - 12 Y2 - 2024/12/02 ID - 5 ER - TY - JOUR AB - Overdeepened valleys are structures scoured into the underlying substrate by glaciers that have been subsequently filled with sediment, which recorded the environmental history of the adjacent landscape. Investigated here is an overdeepened structure that was formed beneath the Salzach Paleoglacier west of Freilassing, Bavaria (southern Germany). In a previous study, infinite infrared stimulated luminescence (IRSL) ages have been determined for the lower part of the core using a multi-grain approach. Applying single-grain feldspar luminescence dating allows to identify the unsaturated signals, previously masked by multi-grain signal averaging. Identification of the normally distributed leading edge in equivalent dose (De) distributions allows for the dismissal of low value De (LOVED) grains that appear to reflect underestimating outliers. Measurement of eleven samples distributed along the entire length of the core yielded two distinct age clusters, for which fading corrected IRSL50 and uncorrected pIRIR225 ages agree within uncertainties. Whereas the younger age cluster at the top of the sequence is attributed to Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 3, the older age cluster is assigned to MIS 6. It is shown that single grain pIRIR measurements will allow to resolve the infill chronology of overdeepened structures in the Alps, at least for the last ca. 200 ka. Overall, the present study represents a further step towards understanding and handling complex De distributions often encountered in single grain feldspar luminescence dating. This contributes to better understand the frequently observed age offset between single grain and single-aliquot measurements. AU - Firla, Gustav AU - Lüthgens, Christopher AU - Neuhuber, Stephanie AU - Schmalfuss, Clemens AU - Kroemer, Ernst AU - Preusser, Frank AU - Fiebig, Markus DA - 2024/12/01/ DO - 10.1016/j.quageo.2024.101627 KW - Luminescence dating Incomplete bleaching Equivalent dose distributions Low outliers Glacial basins European alps PY - 2024 RN - glacial and periglacial SN - 1871-1014 SP - 101627 JO - Quaternary Geochronology TI - Analyzing complex single grain feldspar equivalent dose distributions for luminescence dating of glacially derived sediments UR - https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1871101424001316 VL - 85 ID - 110 ER - TY - JOUR AB - This paper discusses recent archaeological fieldwork conducted at El Castillejo, a medieval Islamic settlement in Los Guájares, Granada, southern Spain. Results from combined archaeological excavation and archaeoseismological assessment of standing structures suggest that the site was affected by a destructive earthquake during its occupation. Radiocarbon samples and OSL analysis point to a seismic event in the period CE 1224–1266. The earthquake occurred within an area marked by a ‘seismological gap’ in terms of historic seismicity and the causative fault has been tentatively identified in the Nigüelas-Padul Fault System which lies north of the settlement. This event is not recorded by national or European seismic catalogues and represents the oldest historic earthquake in the Granada area. Our work stresses the significant impact that targeted archaeological investigations can generate in our understanding of the local historic seismicity, thus providing clear implications for seismic disaster prevention and reduction. AU - Forlin, Paolo AU - Reicherter, Klaus AU - Gerrard, Christopher M. AU - Bailiff, Ian AU - García Porras, Alberto DO - 10.1371/journal.pone.0300549 IS - 4 PY - 2024 RN - earthquake (and fault related) SP - e0300549 JO - PLOS ONE TI - Recovering a lost seismic disaster. The destruction of El Castillejo and the discovery of the earliest historic earthquake affecting the Granada region (Spain) UR - https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0300549 VL - 19 ID - 127 ER - TY - JOUR AB - <p>We use lidar- and field-based mapping coupled with single-grain infrared-stimulated luminescence dating to constrain three new slip rate estimates from the western and central segments of the Garlock fault in southern California, revealing a more complete picture of incremental slip rate in time and space for this major plate-boundary fault. These new rates reinforce and refine previous evidence showing that the Garlock fault experiences significant temporal variations in slip rates that span multiple earthquake cycles, with multi-millennial periods of very fast (13-14 mm/yr) early and late Holocene slip separated by a mid-Holocene period of slow slip (3 mm/yr). Similar ca. 8 ka slip rates for the central Garlock fault of 8.8 ± 1.0 mm/yr and 8.2 +1.0/-0.8 mm/yr for the western Garlock fault demonstrate that the fault has slipped at a faster long-term average rate than suggested by previous studies. These fast rates are consistent with kinematic models in which the western and central Garlock fault segments are driven primarily by lateral extrusion associated with N-S contractional shortening, with additional slip driven by WNW-ENE Basin and Range extension north of the fault and minor rotation of the Garlock within the N-S zone of dextral ECSZ shear.</p> AU - Fougere, Dannielle AU - Dolan, James AU - Rhodes, Edward AU - McGill, Sally DA - 07/05 DO - 10.26443/seismica.v3i2.1202 IS - 2 PY - 2024 RN - earthquake (and fault related) SE - Articles JO - Seismica TI - Refined Holocene Slip Rate for the Western and Central Segments of the Garlock Fault: Record of Alternating Millennial-Scale Periods of Fast and Slow Fault Slip UR - https://seismica.library.mcgill.ca/article/view/1202 VL - 3 Y2 - 2024/12/16 ID - 152 ER - TY - JOUR AB - The Late Pleistocene of southwestern Asia witnessed hominin diversification, admixture, and adaptation to new environments. The Iranian Plateau in southwestern Asia lies at the crossroads between Africa, Europe, Central Asia, and the Far East, and therefore, has contributed substantially to the history of hominin migration. On the Iranian Plateau, the Middle to Upper Palaeolithic transition is a puzzling phase that lacks chronological precision and stratified archaeological materials. The timing and geographical context of this transition are essential for understanding the spread of modern humans and their interactions with other species, including the Neanderthals. Sorheh Rockshelter in the southern piedmonts of the Alborz Mountains on the northern Iranian Plateau is a newly discovered site on high altitude of 1903 m asl., with the potential to answer some of these questions. In 2019 and 2022, excavations at Sorheh revealed distinct hominin behavioural and settlement systems, falling under the description of the Initial Upper Palaeolithic in the Levant, eastern Europe, Siberia, and Mongolia. In the chronological window covered at Sorheh (∼50–35 ka), the Upper Palaeolithic cultures had already been developed in other regions of the Iranian Plateau. The new data we obtained from Sorheh determines, for the first time, a physiogeographic, chronostratigraphic, and anthropogenic picture of the Initial Upper Palaeolithic on the Iranian Plateau, filling the gap in the distribution of this techno-complex between the Levant and eastern Eurasia. Deciphering the Initial Upper Palaeolithic in Sorheh indicates the complex and diverse nature of hominin behaviours during the transitional Middle-Upper Palaeolithic phase and reveals the critical role of the northern Iranian Plateau in hominin expansion towards Central Asia. AU - Ghasidian, Elham AU - Frouin, Marine AU - Grandfield, Taylor AU - Hariri, Nemat AU - Douka, Katerina AU - Ashari, Saeedeh AU - Samei, Siavash AU - Kehl, Martin AU - Deckers, Katleen AU - Azizi, Faramarz AU - Asiabani, Samran AU - Fotuhi, Elham AU - Ahmadnejad, Farzan AU - Hariryan, Hamid AU - Ramzanpour, Hosein AU - Guran, Saman H. DA - 2024/11/15/ DO - 10.1016/j.quascirev.2024.108962 KW - Late Pleistocene Initial Upper Palaeolithic Levallois technique Iranian Plateau Alborz Mountains Southern Caspian sea Central Asia PY - 2024 RN - archaeology SN - 0277-3791 SP - 108962 JO - Quaternary Science Reviews TI - Initial upper Palaeolithic on the Iranian Plateau: Sorheh Rockshelter, Southern Alborz mountains UR - https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0277379124004633 VL - 344 ID - 55 ER - TY - JOUR AB - In classic loess areas research into dust deposition and concomitant environmental changes has a long history and numerous well-investigated loess-palaeosol sequences provide insights into Late Quaternary landscape responses to climatic change on orbital to centennial time scales. This contrasts with mountain regions, where an understanding of dust deposition under rapidly changing climatic and environmental conditions is much less developed. Here we describe two sediment records from the Austrian Alps that provide rare evidence for intramontane loess accumulation. Dust deposition has been numerically constrained to the Younger Dryas (YD) to earliest Holocene interval, making these sites the first proof of significant intramontane aeolian activity during this time interval in the Eastern Alps. At study site 1, located in the Northern Calcareous Alps, a loess layer 10–20 cm in thickness and laterally exposed over more than 300 m is sandwiched into an alluvial-fan succession. Two optically-stimulated luminescence ages of quartz and four radiocarbon ages of charcoals indicate loess accumulation during the Younger Dryas to earliest Holocene. This laterally extensive loess drape suggests much drier climatic conditions compared to today, which is corroborated by palynological investigations. Macro- and micro-charcoal particles within the loess indicate regional wildfires that might have exaggerated climatically induced sedimentary processes. The second site is a Mesolithic site located ∼30 km southeast of site 1. At site two, redeposited till and pebbly scree are sharply overlain by a few centimetre thick light-grey loess layer, which is capped by the archaeological living floor hosting 14C dated fireplaces suggesting human presence as early as 10.9 ± 0.2 cal ka BP. These radiocarbon ages in combination with single-grain IRSL dating of feldspar at site two suggests concomitant aeolian deposition at site 1 and 2. Recently, a widespread drape of loess deposited immediately subsequent to the LGM was described for the same sector of the Eastern Alps (Gild et al., 2018). The present study expands on these findings and provides evidence for the recurrence of loess deposition also during the YD to earliest Holocene, and suggests a highly sensitive response of the geomorphic system in mountain ranges to abrupt post-LGM climate fluctuations. We conclude that, in addition to moraine records of Alpine glaciers and speleothems that accurately chronicle Late Glacial temperature fluctuations, the spatio-temporal pattern of inner-Alpine loess deposits records the mode and sensitivity of landscape responses to such cooling events. Because such aeolian sediment layers can be redeposited or pedologically overprinted, they are often overlooked, and are thus still severely under-researched. AU - Gild-Haselwarter, Charlotte AU - Meyer, Michael AU - Geitner, Clemens AU - Haas, Jean Nicolas AU - Vranjes-Wessely, Sanja AU - Hejny, Clivia AU - Kofler, Werner AU - Krainer, Karl AU - Remias, Daniel AU - Szidat, Sönke AU - Sanders, Diethard DA - 2024/11/15/ DO - 10.1016/j.quascirev.2024.108959 KW - Quaternary Loess Aeolian sediments Palynology Luminescence dating IRSL OSL Radiocarbon dating PY - 2024 RN - loess SN - 0277-3791 SP - 108959 JO - Quaternary Science Reviews TI - Dynamic landscape response to Younger Dryas and earliest Holocene cooling events in the European Eastern Alps (Austria) UR - https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0277379124004608 VL - 344 ID - 52 ER - TY - JOUR AB - Rock engravings are globally ubiquitous, provide evidence for symbolic behaviours, and demonstrate connections to country and the desire to communicate with other humans. However, rock engravings have proven difficult to date. The development of luminescence rock surface dating approaches has the potential to address this deficiency in applicable dating techniques. Specifically, luminescence rock surface exposure dating methods can be used to tell how long a rock surface has been exposed to sunlight, thus providing a potential avenue to date rock engravings. Here, we present results from laboratory and field bleaching experiments from the Murujuga rock art complex in Western Australia. Four major art-bearing lithologies are petrographically characterised and tested for useable luminescence signals. Three bleaching experiments are conducted: two in the laboratory and one at the study area. The gabbro and microgranite lithologies are shown to be bleachable and show potential for rock surface burial dating. The microgranite can be used to accurately estimate exposure duration over the timescales tested in all experiments, demonstrating promising potential to date rock engravings. AU - Gliganic, Luke A. AU - McDonald, Jo AU - Mather, Caroline AU - White, Lloyd T. DA - 2024/12/01/ DO - 10.1016/j.quageo.2024.101633 PY - 2024 RN - archaeology surface exposure dating SN - 1871-1014 SP - 101633 JO - Quaternary Geochronology TI - A method to date rock engravings using luminescence – tested at Murujuga, Western Australia UR - https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1871101424001377 VL - 85 ID - 105 ER - TY - JOUR AB - Ancient pottery fragments from the Churajon archaeological complex, Arequipa, Peru, were analyzed by OSL, XRD, and XRF techniques to provide absolute chronology, crystalline structure, and elemental composition. The fragments with base and rim have been projected with design techniques used in archaeology to find the type of vessel to which it belongs. After chemical treatment of the ceramic fragments, quartz grains were obtained. The analysis of the diffraction patterns obtained by the XRD technique of these grains corresponds to that of silicon dioxide SiO2. By the XRF technique, SiO2, Al2O3, and Fe2O3 have been observed as the main components. For equivalent dose (De) determination, SAR protocol was employed. For the dose rate (Dr) determination, the 232Th, 238U, and 40K- concentrations within the ceramic and of the surrounding sediments were measured using the gamma spectroscopy technique. The ages of the ceramic fragments found range from the colonial era (from 1530 to 1821 A.D.) to the eruption of the Huaynaputina volcano (1600 A.D.) with an Engobated and Simple Churajon style. The oldest pottery dated to 1043 ± 198 yr, which corresponds to the Late Intermediate period with a Middle Churajon style (1200–1350 A.D.). AU - Gonzales-Lorenzo, Carlos D. AU - Pacompia, Yolanda AU - Cano, Nilo F. AU - Rocca, René R. AU - Chubaci, Jose F. D. AU - Sullasi, Henry S. L. AU - Vilca, Zaida V. AU - Ayca-Gallegos, Oscar AU - Ayala-Arenas, Jorge DA - 2024/10/15/ DO - 10.1016/j.quaint.2024.07.008 KW - Luminescence dating Spectroscopic characterization Ancient ceramics Churajon culture Sahuaca hill PY - 2024 RN - archaeology SN - 1040-6182 SP - 38-49 JO - Quaternary International TI - Quartz OSL dating of ancient ceramics fragments from the Churajon archaeological complex in Arequipa, Peru UR - https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1040618224002118 VL - 707 ID - 42 ER - TY - JOUR AB - ABSTRACT Kalkriese, near Osnabrueck (NW Germany), is considered the location of the ?Battle of Varus?, where a coalition of Germanic tribes, under the leadership of Arminius, defeated three Legions under the command of Varus in 9 ad. Roman coinage and remains of military equipment prove that the Oberesch site at Kalkriese saw military operations between Germanic tribes and the Roman legions during Early Imperial times, but the sequence and magnitude of the military operations still remain unclear. In this study, we present for the first time absolute dates from the Oberesch site to decipher the general sequence of the Holocene landscape development at Kalkriese, identify the antique surface, and evaluate the ?Germanic Rampart Theory? and the ?Roman Encampment Theory?. The geoprofile encompasses the entire stratigraphic sequence from the Pleistocene base, indicating intensive agricultural use of the area since the Early Neolithic. A fossil topsoil of late Pre-Roman Iron Age to Roman Imperial Age was identified, which probably represents the antique surface of the Roman conflict site. Our results do not support either the ?Germanic Rampart Theory? or the ?Roman Encampment Theory?, as both linear structures seem to be of High Middle Age origin. AU - Härtling, Joachim W. AU - Stele, Andreas AU - Ortisi, Salvatore AU - Jepsen, Andre AU - Rappe, Marc AU - Bussmann, Jens AU - Fülling, Alexander DA - 2025/01/01 DO - 10.1002/gea.22031 KW - conflict site geoarchaeology Germanic Rampart Kalkriese Roman Encampment Roman Imperial times IS - 1 PY - 2025 RN - archaeology SN - 0883-6353 SP - e22031 JO - Geoarchaeology TI - Germanic Rampart or Roman Encampment?—New Geoarchaeological Evidence at the Roman Conflict Site at Kalkriese (NW-Germany) UR - https://doi.org/10.1002/gea.22031 VL - 40 Y2 - 2024/12/13 ID - 134 ER - TY - JOUR AB - Snakes form a large, familiar, and distinctive component of the world’s reptile fauna, with a rich body fossil record stretching back to the Jurassic. The sparse, minimal, and questionable evidence of snake traces in the ichnological record is therefore surprising. Extant snakes in southern Africa employ three types of locomotion—rectilinear, sidewinding, and undulatory, all of which result in distinctive, recognizable traces. A site exhibiting convincing evidence of rectilinear motion, probably made by a puff adder, has been identified in Pleistocene aeolianites on South Africa’s Cape south coast. A new ichnogenus and ichnospecies, Anguinichnus linearis, have been erected to describe this trace. A new suite of optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) ages from aeolianites from the De Kelders Cave locality, 1.4 km to the south, suggests that the site dates to ∼93–83 ka. Trace fossil evidence of sidewinding and undulatory motion is more equivocal and open to alternative interpretations. AU - Helm, Charles W. AU - Bateman, Mark D. AU - Carr, Andrew S. AU - Cawthra, Hayley C. AU - De Vynck, Jan C. AU - Dixon, Mark G. AU - Lockley, Martin G. AU - Stear, Willo AU - Venter, Jan A. DA - 2023/04/03 DO - 10.1080/10420940.2023.2250062 IS - 2 PY - 2023 RN - coastal SN - 1042-0940 SP - 98-114 JO - Ichnos TI - Pleistocene fossil snake traces on South Africa’s Cape south coast UR - https://doi.org/10.1080/10420940.2023.2250062 VL - 30 ID - 138 ER - TY - JOUR AB - The Galería karstic complex, situated within the Atapuerca Multilevel Karst system (Burgos, Spain), records an impressive sedimentary sequence from the Early to Middle Pleistocene period. One of the notable features of this complex is the presence of thick fluvial deposits (waterlain facies), providing a detailed record of the transitional moment between the formation of the middle and lower Atapuerca karst levels. Examining these sediments, barely dated thus far, is crucial for gaining a comprehensive understanding of fluvio-karstic dynamics at the Atapuerca site. In our study, we conducted dating analyses on sediment samples from different areas of the Galería complex using Electron Spin Resonance (ESR) on quartz grains (4 samples from Covacha de los Zarpazos and 1 from Tres Simas Norte outcrops) and paleomagnetism (12 samples). The aim was to refine the chronological framework of the Galería complex, providing ages for the formation of these passages. Considering the geological context, our results revealed underestimated Aluminium (Al) ESR ages ranging from 372 ± 78 to 569 ± 80 ka in Covacha de los Zarpazos, along with consistent dates of 1184 ± 120 and 1001 ± 302 ka in Covacha de los Zarpazos and Tres Simas Central, respectively. Our results agree with previous estimates obtained through luminescence dating methods, indicating Middle Pleistocene ages for the samples. In contrast, reverse polarity estimates disagree with those from radiometric dating methods, except for samples ZAR1501 and TSC1501. Caution should be taken when interpreting these ages, as various geological factors including leaching processes from upper zones, post-sedimentary structures, and lithological variations may indicate alterations in the primitive geochemical composition of the sediment. Consequently, these factors can potentially affect the total Dose rate parameter and introduce uncertainties into the age calculations. AU - Hernando-Alonso, Isabel AU - Moreno, Davinia AU - Ortega, Ana Isabel AU - Benito-Calvo, Alfonso AU - Alonso, María Jesús AU - Campaña, Isidoro AU - Parés, Josep María AU - Cáceres, Isabel AU - García-Medrano, Paula AU - Carbonell, Eudald AU - Bermúdez de Castro, José María DA - 2024/08/01/ DO - 10.1016/j.quageo.2024.101575 KW - Geochronology ESR dating Atapuerca Arlanzón valley Karstic sediments PY - 2024 RN - ESR cave SN - 1871-1014 SP - 101575 JO - Quaternary Geochronology TI - ESR chronology of the endokarstic deposits of Galería complex (Sierra de Atapuerca, Spain) UR - https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1871101424000797 VL - 83 ID - 94 ER - TY - JOUR AB - Here we report luminescence dating results on exhumed fault rocks from the North Tehran Fault (NTF, Iran), including the fault gouges. The NTF is an oblique-dip thrust fault expanding from west to east at the northern fringe of the megacity of Tehran. Although the fault is known to be active and a major threat to the city, only little is known about its earthquake history. We present first data on the timing of past fault motion using dating of fault rocks. Three sites have been selected for this study in which the fault damage zone is associated with Eocene volcaniclastic rocks (Karaj Formation). The fault gouge, transitional and damage zone were sampled for which we observed slip planes in the field. The fault rocks are composed of quartz and alkali feldspar favourable for luminescence dating. However, our study reveals that the quartz optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) signal of the Karaj Formation does not seem to have a measurable fast decaying signal component. Instead, the post-infrared stimulated luminescence at 225 °C (pIRIRSL225) of polymineral fine-grain fraction appears to be the most feasible signal for these samples. The first luminescence-based results presented here comprise an age range from 45 ± 5 ka to 72 ± 13 ka for fault gouges and transitional zone. Since dating the transitional zone close to the fault gouge led to a younger age than the fault gouge at one site, we conclude that the sampling location plays a crucial role in dating exhumed fault rock using luminescence dating. The obtained ages are far older than those of the previous palaeoseismological studies that dated earthquake-related sedimentary features in the region. Therefore, more research is required to shed light on the resetting mechanism and condition of these fault rocks due to the recent activity of the NTF. AU - Heydari, Maryam AU - Ghassemi, Mohammad R. AU - Grützner, Christoph AU - Tsukamoto, Sumiko AU - Chruścińska, Alicja AU - Preusser, Frank DA - 2024/08/01/ DO - 10.1016/j.quageo.2024.101562 KW - Luminescence dating Fault gouge dating Palaeoseismology North Tehran Fault Iran PY - 2024 RN - earthquake (and fault related) SN - 1871-1014 SP - 101562 JO - Quaternary Geochronology TI - First luminescence dating of exhumed fault-zone rocks of the North Tehran Fault, Iran UR - https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1871101424000669 VL - 83 ID - 68 ER - TY - JOUR AB - The Tibetan Plateau (TP) is currently experiencing rapid warming, which has been associated with an increase in atmospheric water vapor, contributing to the replenishment of the Asian Water Tower. The climate of the TP is influenced by the interplay between the Asian summer monsoon (including both the East Asian summer monsoon and the Indian summer monsoon) and the westerlies. However, the specific changes in monsoon-driven vapor transport, the behavior of the westerlies, and their interactions with ongoing climate change remain unclear. In this study, we adopt a comprehensive approach that integrates luminescence chronology and climate modelling to reconstruct and simulate the paleoclimate changes during Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 5, i.e., the last interglacial period. Luminescence dating of K-feldspar, using both multiple and single grain techniques, was applied to establish reliable chronologies for three sedimentary sequences from two catchments, Qinghai Lake in the northern TP and Selin Co in the central-southern TP. Our findings reveal a striking discrepancy in the timing of lake highstands, occurring during the late MIS 5 in Qinghai Lake but during the early MIS 5 in Selin Co, respectively. Model simulations indicate that a strengthened Indian summer monsoon was the primary driver of increased precipitation and elevated lake-levels in the central-southern plateau, while enhanced westerlies and their southward shift led to wetter conditions in the northern TP. Despite ensemble models predicting a substantial long-term trend towards increased precipitation across the entire TP in the future, with a shift from dipole to monopole precipitation pattern, our study suggests that an out-of-phase precipitation pattern over the TP is likely to persist. AU - Hou, Yandong AU - Long, Hao AU - Zhang, Jingran AU - Dai, Gaowen AU - Zhang, Zhongshi DA - 2024/11/15/ DO - 10.1016/j.quascirev.2024.108931 KW - Lake level Luminescence dating Selin Co Qinghai lake Out-of-phase PY - 2024 RN - lacustrine SN - 0277-3791 SP - 108931 JO - Quaternary Science Reviews TI - Asynchronous hydroclimate changes across the Tibetan Plateau during Marine Isotope Stage 5 UR - https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0277379124004323 VL - 344 ID - 51 ER - TY - JOUR AB - Grain shape is a crucial sedimentological attribute commonly employed for reconstructing depositional environments and transport history. The new dynamic image analysis (DIA) techniques enable testing a large number of individual mineral grains simultaneously and overcomes many shortcomings of traditional visual evaluation. However, there is a relative dearth of comprehensive analysis on large quantities of sediments in recent and geological period to accurately document their grain shape properties and further evaluate their applicability in distinguishing sedimentary setting and its environmental significance. In this study, we measured the grain shape and size of 77 samples collected from modern surface sand (28 beach sand and 17 dune sand samples) and stratigraphic sediment (16 paleo-dunes sand and 16 paleo-lacustrine sand samples) along the Poyang Lake in southeastern China using the DIA method, and optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating was used to constrain the age of stratigraphic sediments from two sand hill sections. Also 217 published grain shape data from various sedimentary environments (coastal beach, desert dune and fluvial sand) were compiled as comprehensively assess the applicability of grain shape discrimination for sedimentary setting. Our results show the significant difference on grain shape feature among fluvial, coastal beach and dune sand. Dune sand exhibit the highest values for circularity (Ci), symmetry (Sy), aspect ratio (AR), and convexity (Cx), while fluvial sand displays high Ci, Sy, Cx value, and lowest AR value. This indicate that the grain shape can be a powerful tool for discriminating sedimentary setting. Principal component analysis shows that circularity and aspect ratio effectively describe the shape of the analyzed sediment and are decisive indicators for identification depositional environments, whereas the convexity has limited sensitivity in distinguishing grain edge roundness. The paleo-lacustrine sand (PLS) intercalated within the sand hill profiles returns OSL age of age of ∼ 26.5 ± 1.4 ka, which indicate the emergence of interdune lake rather than high lake level of Poyang Lake. PLS and modern beach sand (BS) exhibiting identical grain shape characteristics to those of modern aeolian dune sand (DS) suggested the occurrence of aeolian-fluvial interaction processes in our study area during the Last Glacial Maximum and present day. The paleo-dune sand (PDS) samples, yielding OSL age of 1.2 ± 0.1 ka, are characterized by higher Ci, Sy, and AR, indicating strong aeolian activity and dune reworking during the past two millennia along the Poyang Lake. AU - Hu, Fangen AU - Xiao, Xia AU - Fan, Qingbin AU - Yu, Lupeng AU - Xu, Yun AU - Feng, Yangwei AU - Zhou, Yang AU - Yu, Mengyao DA - 2025/01/01/ DO - 10.1016/j.catena.2024.108588 KW - Grain shape Sedimentary environments Transport history Dynamic image analysis PY - 2025 RN - lacustrine SN - 0341-8162 SP - 108588 JO - CATENA TI - Grain size and shape analysis of recent and paleo sediments along Poyang Lake with insight into its environmental significance UR - https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0341816224007859 VL - 248 ID - 12 ER - TY - JOUR AB - In recent years, the infrared photoluminescence (PL) of feldspar has been explored for geological dating because it offers a great increase in signal intensity with increasing radiation dose. However, a comprehensive understanding of the PL emission spectra of different types of feldspar minerals remains poorly understood and the uncommonly available instruments have hindered its research. In this study, we investigated PL characteristics (e.g., emission spectra and the dependence of PL emission on irradiation dose) of single-crystal alkali and plagioclase feldspars using a commercial Raman microscope instrument configured to excite samples with 532 and 785 nm lasers. The results show that despite being sample-dependent, 2–3 PL bands peaking at ∼2.10 eV (590 nm), 1.75 eV (710 nm), and 1.43 eV (865 nm) under 532 nm laser excitation, and 0–2 peaks ranging from ∼1.44 eV (863 nm) to ∼1.34 eV (925 nm) under 785 nm laser excitation, are broadly observed. These variations in PL bands may be attributed to subtle differences in chemical composition and crystal structure among the feldspar minerals. The sensitivity of PL emission to irradiation dose varies greatly depending on feldspar types and peak positions. The PL intensities of the peaks at ∼1.43 eV (865 nm) are particularly sensitive in K-feldspar, demonstrating their potential applicability for dating applications. Additionally, solar bleaching experiments demonstrate that PL signals of these peaks can be effectively reset by 1.5 h of solar exposure. The dose-response curves obtained using 860–870 nm PL signals of K-feldspar conform to a relationship of a single saturating exponential function between the signal and irradiation dose. Furthermore, this study demonstrates that a commonly available Raman system can be utilized for PL measurements of single grains. AU - Huang, Chang AU - Li, Sheng-Hua DA - 2024/09/01/ DO - 10.1016/j.radmeas.2024.107248 KW - Photoluminescence Raman system Feldspar Emission spectra Irradiation dose PY - 2024 RN - basic research SN - 1350-4487 SP - 107248 JO - Radiation Measurements TI - Photoluminescence studies of different types of feldspars and the implications to the dating application using a Raman system UR - https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1350448724001963 VL - 177 ID - 117 ER - TY - JOUR AB - Breaching of natural dams in the Hutiao Gorge of the Jinsha River across the Yulong-Haba Mountains is one of the major geomorphological events in the largest river of Asia. Catastrophic flood events have an important influence on the geomorphological evolution of the First Bend of the Yangtze River since the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). However, detailed geomorphological evidence, ages, and depositional phases of outburst flooding remain unclear. In this paper, large-scale gravel bars overlying the river terraces and dammed lakes are analyzed within the Daju Basin. The macroscopic geomorphological characteristics of megaflood landforms with large thickness and uniform gravel bars are similar to those of Missoula and Altai megafloods. Morphological analysis shows that eddy gravel bars (EGBs) with rhythmic structure are characterized by a dome-shaped protrusion in the cross section and a gravel mound in the longitudinal section. Each bar with oblique, parallel and massive bedding was analyzed from the horizontal and vertical directions. Three dome-shaped bars clearly show at least three palaeoflood phases. Quartz grain surface macrotextures are mainly V-shaped pits and conchoidal fractures, which exhibits a high-energy environment during the flood. The stratigraphic sequence model of EGBs is dominated by coarse sand and fine gravel rhythmic bedding in high-energy eddy environments and suspended sand deposits in low-energy backwater environments. Such phenomenon reveals megaflood fluctuates, which is also confirmed by geochemical difference. The episode of natural dam break floods triggered by tectonic activity and glacier fluctuation was dated to 20–17 ka during the LGM. Sedimentary pattern of EGBs offers fresh insights into understanding the megaflood geomorphological characteristics of the upper Yangtze River and better identification similar high-energy palaeoflood landforms in the southeast Tibetan Plateau. AU - Huang, Xiaoling AU - Zhang, Yuzhu AU - Guo, Yongqiang AU - Ge, Yonggang AU - Mao, Peini AU - Liu, Tao AU - Wang, Sikai DA - 2024/11/15/ DO - 10.1016/j.geomorph.2024.109415 KW - Megafloods Palaeoflood landforms Sedimentary pattern Daju basin Southeast Tibetan Plateau PY - 2024 RN - fluvial SN - 0169-555X SP - 109415 JO - Geomorphology TI - Outburst flood events since the Last Glacial Maximum in the Hutiao Gorge of Jinsha River: Geomorphological evidence from eddy gravel bars UR - https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0169555X24003659 VL - 465 ID - 24 ER - TY - JOUR AB - Assessing the adequate bleaching of quartz Electron Spin Resonance (ESR) signals at the time of deposition is essential for sediment ESR dating. In this study, we focus on the Datong volcanic group is situated in Datong City, Shanxi Province, and is among the most renowned volcanic groups in China. The eruption within the Datong volcanoes during a geological period resulted in extensive high-temperature lava flow that directly overlaid Quaternary lacustrine deposits and subjected the underlying lacustrine layers to high-temperature heating. Thus, an investigation of the field profile in the Yujiazhai area, southeast of the Datong Volcanic Group, shows a novel approach for assessing the bleaching extent of ESR centers. This is accomplished by comparison of the DE values of the Al and the Ti–Li centers in partly-heated layer sample. The result reveals that quartz Al and Ti–Li centers in the lacustrine sediments appear to undergo sufficient bleached during transportation and natural bleaching processes in the study area. Furthermore, this study provides insight into the chronology of volcanic eruption in the Yujiazhai area, estimating an eruption age of approximately 300 ka. This volcanic activity most likely corresponds to the third volcanic activity period in the Datong region. AU - Ji, Hao AU - Liu, Chun-Ru AU - Li, Wen-Peng AU - Wei, Chuan-Yi AU - Neupane, Bhupati AU - Yin, Gong-Ming DA - 2024/08/01/ DO - 10.1016/j.quageo.2024.101568 KW - ESR signals Datong volcanic group Lacustrine deposits Eruption age Optical bleaching PY - 2024 RN - ESR tephra (and volcanic related) SN - 1871-1014 SP - 101568 JO - Quaternary Geochronology TI - Evaluating signal bleaching of Al and Ti–Li centers in fluvio-lacustrine sediments of Datong, North China, and its implications for the volcanic eruption chronology UR - https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1871101424000724 VL - 83 ID - 88 ER - TY - JOUR AB - The coastal regions of South China are crucial for the emergence and migration of early Austronesian hominids to Taiwan Island and the Pacific islands, but most Paleolithic sites in this area remain unexplored wilderness areas without clear archaeological stratigraphy or formal excavation. The research on archaeological chronology faces challenges due to the absence of direct evidence for determining site ages; instead, it relies on indirect methods such as comparing lithology, knapping techniques, and other usage characteristics with regional stratigraphic ages based on recovered stone tools. This presents a challenge when studying prehistoric human-land relationships in the region. However, the Kuahaicun site located on coastal islands along the southeastern coast offers valuable materials for investigating activities of Paleolithic populations along both South China’s coast and its islands since the late Pleistocene period. This study employs a comprehensive investigation and sampling approach, utilizing optically stimulated luminescence dating to determine burial age. Furthermore, by integrating regional aeolian landform characteristics and trends in sea level changes, we examine the influence of geomorphic environmental evolution during the transition from Paleolithic to Neolithic periods on ancient human migration and diffusion patterns. 1) The findings suggest that the stratigraphy primarily consists of sedimentary layers dating back to 25–10 ka, representing the transition from Late Paleolithic to Early Neolithic. The luminescence sensitivity of quartz grains indicates diverse sediment sources in this area, including aeolian deposits with efficient long-distance transportation due to thorough and repeated bleaching, as well as alluvium and colluvium deposits with limited bleaching. 2) By comparing the developmental process of coastal aeolian sand with regional sea level changes, it becomes evident that the main period of Austronesian ancestor activity in South China, as evidenced by this site, significantly aligns with a crucial phase of aeolian deposition. Moreover, this correlation coincides with three low sea level phases during the late Pleistocene Fujian marine transgression. 3) Commencing from the Middle Paleolithic period onwards, Austronesian ancestors gradually migrated downstream along the Minjiang River and Jiulong River towards their respective estuaries. The presence of a transient land bridge during the Late Pleistocene Fujian marine transgression (18–15 ka) potentially facilitated the migratory movements and territorial expansions of ancient populations along China’s southern coastline, enabling their transition from mainland coastal regions to nearby islands. AU - Jin, Jianhui AU - Wei, Junjie AU - Ling, Zhiyong AU - Hou, Chenyang AU - Xu, Daiyu AU - Li, Zhizhong DA - 2025/02/01/ DO - 10.1016/j.jasrep.2024.104887 PY - 2025 RN - archaeology SN - 2352-409X SP - 104887 JO - Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports TI - Optically dating of a Paleolithic site in coastal regions of South China and its correlation with the late Pleistocene environment evolution UR - https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2352409X24005157 VL - 61 ID - 33 ER - TY - JOUR AB - The 494 km long Latvian coast consists of sandy sediments, which serve as an excellent proxy for past coastal events and environment. Our study explores these understudied sediments along the western coast of the Gulf of Riga and combines two sand quartz-wise methods: optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating and grain microtextures. We provide a new chronology and microsedimentary results to trace post-glacial storm events and discuss correlations within the Baltic Sea region and elsewhere in Europe. OSL ages reveal a wide time span between 10.38 ± 0.61 ka and 1.04 ± 0.05 ka BP, but their inconsistency in the profiles along with the onshore position of landforms and gravelly horizons argues for sediment relocation due to storm action. A first paleostorm phase is dated to between 7.6 ± 1.2 ka and 4.63 ± 0.27 ka, corresponding with a transgression of the Littorina Sea and the Holocene Thermal Maximum, and with a roughly estimated vertical sediment redeposition above 5 m similar with the recent storms in the region. Sedimentary record from microstudy supports intense storm activity, especially in sediments redeposited after 6.07 ± 0.51 ka, and it is seen through an increased number of cracked quartz grains, shiny grains and fresh surfaces combined with a limited number of V-shaped marks. Weaker storm action, recorded by a lower share of cracked grains in the sediments, occurred between 7.6 ± 1.2 ka and 6.07 ± 0.51 ka. A second storm phase occurred at 1.44 ± 0.21 ka, corresponding with the post-Littorina, again with a performance of a weaker storm. Apart from the palaeostorm records, the beach ridges developed between 5.16 ± 0.33 ka and 4.47 ± 0.31 ka along with drier conditions when aeolian deposition took place twice: at 4.63 ± 0.27 ka and 1.55 ± 0.10 ka. AU - Kalińska, Edyta AU - Weckwerth, Piotr AU - Lamsters, Kristaps AU - Alexanderson, Helena AU - Martewicz, Joanna AU - Rosentau, Alar DA - 2024/12/15/ DO - 10.1016/j.geomorph.2024.109456 KW - Luminescence dating Sediment Grain rounding Grain microtextures Littorina Sea Post-Littorina Sea Holocene thermal Maximum PY - 2024 RN - coastal SN - 0169-555X SP - 109456 JO - Geomorphology TI - Paleostorm redeposition and post-glacial coastal chronology in the eastern Baltic Sea, Latvia UR - https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0169555X24004082 VL - 467 ID - 27 ER - TY - JOUR AB - Differing from the classic fine silt-dominated loess on the southern and central Chinese Loess Plateau (CLP), sandy loess is extensively distributed along the southern bank of the middle Yellow River and reaches thickness of up to ∼ 200 m. However, its deposition time and formation processes remain unclear. In this study, we dated three representative sandy loess sections along the middle Yellow River using single-aliquot regenerative-dose optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) and multiple-aliquot regenerative-dose recuperated OSL (ReOSL) dating protocols on fine quartz grains (4–11 μm). The reliability of these methods was robustly verified through traditional luminescence dating checks. Our dating results showed that the sandy loess was predominantly deposited during the last glacial period and exhibited an exceptionally high dust accumulation rate surpassing that of the classic loess on the southern and central CLP. By considering atmospheric circulation, geomorphology, and proxy data from both the sandy loess and the Yellow River fluvial sediments, we propose that the sandy loess primarily originated from the proximal riverbeds and fluvial plains of the middle Yellow River, transported by northerly East Asian winter monsoon (EAWM) winds. During the last glacial period, weakened East Asian summer monsoon (EASM) in central and northern China resulted in reduced runoff and vegetation cover in the middle Yellow River region. Consequently, the riverbeds and fluvial plains served as main sources of dust material. Subsequently, the strengthened EAWM winds carried and deposited the dust along the southern bank of the middle Yellow River, culminating in the formation of the sandy loess. Our study underscores the importance of aeolian and fluvial processes interactions in contributing to the formation of the sandy loess along the middle Yellow River and suggests that the investigated sandy loess holds potential for high-resolution paleoclimate reconstruction. AU - Kang, Shugang AU - Huang, Hao AU - Wang, Xulong DA - 2024/08/01/ DO - 10.1016/j.quageo.2024.101584 KW - OSL dating Sandy loess Dust Monsoon Middle Yellow River PY - 2024 RN - loess SN - 1871-1014 SP - 101584 JO - Quaternary Geochronology TI - Luminescence dating of sandy loess along the middle Yellow River and its implications for aeolian–fluvial interactions UR - https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1871101424000888 VL - 83 ID - 66 ER - TY - JOUR AB - The majority of relic charcoal kilns in Europe are more recent than 1650 CE and cannot be precisely dated using radiocarbon dating (14C). Quartz-based optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating of the sediments associated with the kiln remains has been suggested as a viable alternative. Owing to the lack of reliable and sufficiently precise independent age information, however, it remains to be established whether OSL dating can yield accurate ages for post-1650 CE features. This is explicitly investigated in this study by applying a commonly adopted quartz OSL methodology to three relic charcoal kilns which are known to have been constructed and operated between December 1941 and March/April 1942 CE. We first document the quartz luminescence characteristics and show through procedural tests that the adopted single-aliquot regenerative dose procedure should be appropriate for equivalent dose determination. Four samples collected from the uppermost part of the charcoal-rich layers in the three features yield the youngest optical ages and are considered coeval. Their average age is 1928 ± 13 CE (95% probability), which matches the independent age reasonably well. The precision associated with the individual OSL ages ranges between 7 and 14% (1 sigma total uncertainty) and it might ideally be possible to establish relative chronologies with a higher time resolution. Finally, we briefly discuss our entire set of OSL ages in relation to future strategies for sampling charcoal kilns remains. In general, we conclude that OSL dating can be particularly advantageous to help resolving chronometric issues that pertain to post-1650 CE relic charcoal kilns. AU - Karimi Moayed, Nasrin AU - Vandenberghe, Dimitri AU - Deforce, Koen AU - Kaptijn, Eva AU - Lambers, Karsten AU - Verschoof-van der Vaart, Wouter AU - De Clercq, Wim AU - De Grave, Johan DA - 2024/08/01/ DO - 10.1016/j.quageo.2024.101582 KW - Charcoal kilns OSL dating Early modern period Accuracy Precision PY - 2024 RN - archaeology SN - 1871-1014 SP - 101582 JO - Quaternary Geochronology TI - Optical dating of charcoal kiln remains from WWII: A test of accuracy UR - https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1871101424000864 VL - 83 ID - 90 ER - TY - JOUR AB - Since anomalous fading (AF) is a problem for ThermoLuminescence (TL) dating (Sfampa et al. in Nucl Instrum Methods Phys Res Sect B Beam Interact Mater Atoms 320:57–63, 2014), the current work examines both AF and Isothermal Decay (ID) of TL signals of amazonite from Tangir Valley, Gilgit-Pakistan. It is supposed that any previous research has not been done on either the AF of this amazonite or the ID characteristics. Apart from the general-order kinetic theory, the obtained signals do not highly dependent on temperature. This can be taken as a kind of direct experimental proof that the amazonite may exhibit tunnelling processes (Sfampa et al. in Nucl Instrum Methods Phys Res Sect B Beam Interact Mater Atoms 320:57–63, 2014). The ID curves were investigated and discussed in the context of the tunnelling kinetic model of TL. AU - Karsu Asal, Eren C. DA - 2023/06/01 DO - 10.1007/s10967-023-08911-7 IS - 6 PY - 2023 RN - basic research SN - 1588-2780 SP - 2401-2408 JO - Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry TI - Luminescent properties of natural amazonite from Pakistan UR - https://doi.org/10.1007/s10967-023-08911-7 VL - 332 ID - 173 ER - TY - JOUR AB - The Acıgöl Graben in SW Turkey, ca. 50–55 km in length and 11–15 km in width, formed during the Miocene to Quaternary periods. This graben is bounded by active normal faults of Maymundağı Fault (MF) to the northwest and the Gemiş Fault Zone (GFZ) to the southeast that have triggered significant earthquakes, causing considerable damage. This study focuses on the Bozkurt segment of the MF, which caused a damaging earthquake (Mw 6.0) in 2019 and another significant earthquake in 1886 during historical times. A paleoseismological trench survey along the Bozkurt segment revealed at least two faulting events, with the last event producing a vertical displacement of 0.25 m. The Optical Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) dating indicates that the last earthquake occurred 3.13±0.33 ka BP, while the penultimate earthquake occurred 4.0 ± 0.72 ka BP. These dates correspond to a long-term slip rate of approximately 0.36 ± 0.11 mm/a and a mean recurrence interval of 2.08 ka, short-term slip rate 0.78 ± 0.16 mm/a and recurrence interval of 0.96 ka, and compatible with the mean sedimentation rate of 0.26 mm/a, calculated from drill logs in Acigöl basin-fill. Considering the 6 km length of the Bozkurt segment and its vertical displacement of 0.25 m in the last event, this segment has the potential to generate earthquakes ranging from 5.6 to 5.9 Mw. Long-term slip rates derived from geomorphological data are 0.56 mm/year to the north and 0.64 mm/a to the south of the graben, indicating higher subsidence on the southern margin. These rates are in accordance with the slip rates calculated from the paleoseismological trench survey and sedimentation rate from the drill-log. These indications show that the Bozkurt segment is an active Holocene fault with relatively long recurrence intervals and low-slip rate. Consequently, the paleoseismological studies in combination with geomorphological data are important tool to assess seismic hazards and to define the characteristics of individual fault segments. AU - Kaya, Ali DA - 2024/11/14 DO - 10.1007/s11629-024-9027-8 PY - 2024 RN - earthquake (and fault related) SN - 1993-0321 JO - Journal of Mountain Science TI - Paleoseismological trenching and seismic hazard assessment of the Bozkurt Segment of the Maymundağı Fault, Acıgöl Graben, SW Türkiye UR - https://doi.org/10.1007/s11629-024-9027-8 VL - 21 ID - 1 ER - TY - JOUR AB - The loess–palaeosol sequence and intercalated Palaeolithic find layers at the former brickyard of Rheindahlen are matters of ongoing scientific dispute. The age of different palaeosols and loess layers, hence their correlation with the global climate cycles, and the timing of repeated Neanderthal occupations have been hotly debated. These disagreements should be solved because the exceptional sedimentary and Palaeolithic sequences at Rheindahlen provide a unique opportunity to study diachronic changes in Neanderthal behaviour within the context of past climate change. We thus revisited one of the key loess sections of the Rheindahlen site to improve our understanding of loess formation processes and provide a more reliable chronostratigraphic framework for the sequence. High-resolution grain size analyses and micromorphology show that the Erkelenz Soil and the Rheindahlen Soil are characterized by more strongly developed Bt horizons than the modern soil. While these soils represent interglacial phases, the lowermost palaeosol likely formed during an interstadial and has been overprinted by weak clay illuviation during the formation of the Rheindahlen Soil. Sedimentary features of prolonged frost characterize loess and palaeosols below the modern soil and give indirect evidence for a Holocene age of the uppermost part of the sequence. Our luminescence dating approach corroborates this correlation and adds several Last Glacial deposition ages for the upper metres of the sequence. Previous correlation of this part of the sedimentary sequence with the penultimate glacial is thus rejected, whereas placing the Middle Palaeolithic inventories A3, B1, and B2 into the Last Glacial is confirmed. Luminescence measurements for the parental loess of the Erkelenz Soil and for loess layers below did not provide reliable ages probably related to signal saturation. The age of this part of the sequence thus remains open, hence the timing of human occupation testified by Palaeolithic inventories B3, B4/5, C1, and D1. The new findings provide an improved base for stratigraphic correlation of the Rheindahlen loess sequence and for investigating diachronic change in Neanderthal behaviour against the background of past climate change. AU - Kehl, M. AU - Seeger, K. AU - Pötter, S. AU - Schulte, P. AU - Klasen, N. AU - Zickel, M. AU - Pastoors, A. AU - Claßen, E. DO - 10.5194/egqsj-73-41-2024 IS - 1 PY - 2024 RN - loess SN - 2199-9090 SP - 41-67 JO - E&G Quaternary Science Journal TI - Loess formation and chronology at the Palaeolithic key site Rheindahlen, Lower Rhine Embayment, Germany UR - https://egqsj.copernicus.org/articles/73/41/2024/ VL - 73 ID - 137 ER - TY - JOUR AB - Abstract The sandy loess deposits in the lowlands of northern Germany present a valuable sedimentary archive for late Weichselian periglacial geomorphodynamics. While other aeolian sediments from the Late Quaternary, especially loess deposits and sand dunes, have been studied and dated in some detail in the last decades, sandy loess has received less scientific attention with respect to its genesis, composition, age and provenance as well as distribution patterns. In this study, we present detailed results for three sediment sections located on the Fläming ridge in the south of the state of Brandenburg. According to our results from luminescence dating, the sandy loess deposits of this area were deposited during the late MIS 2 (19?14?ka) with a highly variable thickness of at least up to 4 m, followed by a deposition of periglacial coversands shortly thereafter. The sandy loess deposits display a homogeneous geochemical composition and grain size characteristics similar to loess sections in the main loess areas to the west and south. Furthermore, we analysed a large dataset of geological drill data and performed a spatial interpolation of sandy loess distribution in the Western Fläming. Despite the strongly dissected modern landscape of the Fläming ridge which is partly the result of intense Holocene soil erosion processes, general patterns of the original loess distribution could be deduced. Based on these findings, we were able to identify the low-lying areas to the north and north-east of the study area to be the most likely source areas for the sandy loess as a result of katabatic winds originating from the Fennoscandian Ice Shield. Thereby, this study yields important insights regarding aeolian transport and deposition patterns under periglacial conditions in the Central European Lowlands. AU - Kirsten, Fabian AU - Starke, Joris AU - Bauriegel, Albrecht AU - Müller, Robert AU - Jouaux, Jens AU - Lüthgens, Christopher AU - Sinapius, Ralf AU - Hardt, Jacob DA - 2024/09/15 DO - 10.1002/esp.5885 KW - coversand grain size distribution kriging luminescence dating MIS 2 periglacial sandy loess source areas IS - 11 PY - 2024 RN - glacial and periglacial SN - 0197-9337 SP - 3261-3282 JO - Earth Surface Processes and Landforms TI - Age, composition and spatial distribution of sandy loess in north-eastern Germany (Fläming, Brandenburg) UR - https://doi.org/10.1002/esp.5885 VL - 49 Y2 - 2024/12/13 ID - 129 ER - TY - JOUR AB - Simulation studies of thermoluminescence (TL) and other stimulated luminescence phenomena are a rapidly growing area of research. The presence of competition effects between luminescence pathways leads to the complex nature of luminescence signals, and therefore, it is necessary to investigate and validate the various methods of signal analysis by using simulations. The present study shows that in simulations of luminescence signals originating from multilevel phenomenological models, it is not possible to extract mathematically the individual information for each peak in the signal. It is further shown that computerized curve deconvolution analysis is the only reliable tool for extracting the various kinetic parameters. Simulation studies aim to explain experimental results, and therefore, it is necessary to validate simulation results by comparing with experiments. In this paper, testing of simulation results is performed using two methods. In the first method, the influence of competition effects is tested by comparing the input model parameters with the output values from the deconvolution analysis. In the second method, the agreement with experimental results is tested using the properties of well-known glow peaks with very high repeatability among TL laboratories, such as the 110 °C glow peak of quartz. AU - Kitis, George AU - Pagonis, Vasilis DO - 10.3390/ma16020871 KW - thermoluminescence stimulated luminescence kinetic parameters superposition principle competition between levels computerized glow curve deconvolution IS - 2 PY - 2023 RN - statistics, simulation, and modelling SN - 1996-1944 SP - 871 JO - Materials TI - On the Need for Deconvolution Analysis of Experimental and Simulated Thermoluminescence Glow Curves VL - 16 ID - 149 ER - TY - JOUR AB - The Letaba River is one of several east-flowing rivers in the semiarid region of northeast South Africa. There is strong seasonality of river discharge and patterns of geomorphic behaviour along bedrock- and sediment-dominated reaches in these rivers, and in response to extreme seasonal flood events. This paper presents new luminescence ages on sediment samples from five sites in upper (headwater) reaches of the Letaba River catchment outside of Kruger National Park, South Africa, combined with evidence from reach-scale geomorphology and sediment sample analysis. River reaches are mainly mixed bedrock-alluvial with a patchwork of poorly sorted coarse sand bars overlying an abraded extended bedrock channel system. Luminescence ages from river sediment deposits (n = 13) cluster around three time periods of the last 400 years, 500–1100 BP, and 1400 BP. This suggests different reworked populations are present, which are a result of the partial bleaching of quartz grains and, thus, a mixed luminescence signal as flood-transported sediments are progressively moved from one depositional sink to another. This pattern of luminescence ages is quite different to lowland river systems in the same region where ages on the whole are significantly younger. Flood processes and dynamics in headwater reaches of semiarid rivers are often not considered but can yield a better understanding of system sensitivity to climate and event forcing. AU - Knight, Jasper AU - Evans, Mary DA - 2024/10/01 DO - 10.1080/03736245.2024.2333764 IS - 4 PY - 2024 RN - fluvial SN - 0373-6245 SP - 423-445 JO - South African Geographical Journal TI - Flood dynamics on the upper Letaba River, South Africa, deduced from luminescence dating UR - https://doi.org/10.1080/03736245.2024.2333764 VL - 106 ID - 180 ER - TY - JOUR AB - Optically or thermally stimulated luminescence (OSL or TL) from feldspar, the most ubiquitous mineral in the Earth's crust is widely used in dosimetry and geochronology. Despite decades of research, the mechanism of OSL and TL dose underestimation arising from anomalous fading in feldspars remains poorly understood. It is commonly assumed that anomalous fading arises from the tunnelling of electrons from the principal trap, however, this causal mechanism has never been confirmed because of the lack of methods available to directly probe the trapped electrons. The recent discovery of infrared photoluminescence (IRPL), a radiophotoluminescence (RPL) signal produced by intra-defect resonant excitation in the electron trap, allows direct testing of this assumption. The unique coupled RPL-OSL physical system available in feldspar can provide insights into the dynamics of both electron and hole traps individually and, thus, improve our understanding of electron-hole recombination in this complex material. Here we use the differential IRPL signal (ΔIRPL), a quantity proportional to the number of electrons leaving the principal trap upon optical excitation, to directly measure the OSL recombination efficiency (luminescence emission per detrapped electron) for the first time. Our investigations on nine potassium(K)-rich natural feldspar samples, extracted from known-age sediments, suggest that there exist at least two competitive recombination pathways for a detrapped electron: one that produces Infrared Stimulated Luminescence (IRSL or IR-OSL) by electron-hole recombination at the blue-emission centre, and the other that leads to either luminescence quenching or emission in a different wavelength region. Contrary to the widely accepted anomalous-fading model, our results demonstrate that anomalous fading originates primarily from a change in the recombination efficiency, likely due to the athermal loss of holes at the IRSL (blue) recombination centre. A direct loss of electrons in the principal trap is relatively minor compared to the change in the recombination efficiency. Importantly, our new approach allows us to decouple the individual losses in the electron and hole traps and provide the very first direct insights into the fate of the electrons when they leave the trap. AU - Kumar, Raju AU - Kook, Myungho AU - Jain, Mayank DA - 2022/12/01/ DO - 10.1016/j.jlumin.2022.119403 KW - Anomalous fading Luminescence dating Feldspar Infrared stimulated luminescence (IRSL) Infrared photoluminescence (IRPL) PY - 2022 RN - basic research SN - 0022-2313 SP - 119403 JO - Journal of Luminescence TI - Does hole instability cause anomalous fading of luminescence in feldspar? UR - https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0022231322006780 VL - 252 ID - 159 ER - TY - JOUR AB - The Caspian region provides the basis of the stratigraphy and palaeogeography of the Pleistocene of Central Eurasia, and has been actively studied for more than 200 years. Many issues concerning the palaeogeographic history of the various basins of Caspian Quaternary remain unsolved, but the main problem centres on uncertainties in the chronology. Previous chronological studies have focused on a detailed description of the sedimentation history in the Lower Volga and Eastern Caucasus, ignoring a number of unique sites on the eastern Caspian coast, mainly due to inaccessibility. We obtained access to one of the most complete sections, western Cheleken, located on the Caspian coast of Turkmenistan. Within this sandy and generally lowland coast, the western part of the Cheleken peninsula forms a 10 km wide cliff opening a unique series of Middle Pleistocene - Holocene sediments which record in detail the history of Caspian transgressions and regressions. Stratigraphical, geomorphological and palaeontological studies of the section were supplemented with luminescence and radiocarbon dating. Analysis of Caspian molluscs and luminescence ages allowed the reconstruction of the sedimentary history of this region during one of the most important events of the Caspian Basin: the Early and Late Khazarian, Khvalynian and Novocaspian transgression/regression series. Luminescence dating of quartz and feldspar provided 12 OSL, IR50 and pIRIR290 ages, comparison of which showed that quartz grains were sufficiently bleached before deposition. Our chronology provides, for the first time, a deeper understanding of the sedimentation and environmental history in this region and the entire Caspian Sea. The Early Khazarian transgression occurred here at ∼220–200 ka (MIS 7). The Late Khazarian stage recorded in shallow-marine clays had relatively stable level ∼150–130 ka ago. In the second half of MIS 5 sea-level decreased and sedimentation was controlled by a large river, most probably the palaeo-Amu-Daria. The Early Khvalynian stage started at ∼27 ka and continued presumably until ∼14 ka. AU - Kurbanov, R. AU - Murray, A. AU - Yanina, T. AU - Buylaert, J. P. DA - 2024/08/01/ DO - 10.1016/j.quageo.2024.101599 KW - Cheleken peninsula Karakum desert Khvalynian transgression Khazarian transgression Uzboy Sea-level change Luminescence dating PY - 2024 RN - coastal SN - 1871-1014 SP - 101599 JO - Quaternary Geochronology TI - Dating the middle and late Quaternary Caspian Sea-level fluctuations: First luminescence data from the coast of Turkmenistan UR - https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1871101424001031 VL - 83 ID - 71 ER - TY - JOUR AB - <p>Songkhla Lagoon has been studied for decades, but there is no clear evidence of its origin. As a barrier to the lagoon, the Satingpra Peninsula plays a crucial role in understanding its formation. Eleven sediment samples from sand ridges and tidal flats on the Satingpra Peninsular were collected and analysed for granulometry and geochronology. Both coarse-grained and fine-grained quartz-rich fractions were utilised to prepare samples of aliquots. The optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating was performed using the single-aliquot regenerative dose method for a determined (deposited) age. In addition, previous research, geological surveys and geochronological data were combined to explain their formation in this region. The OSL ages in the present study indicated that the late Holocene regression occurred between 0.36 and 3.27 ka (ka stands for 1,000 years). Integrated with previous studies, recorded ages dating back to the mid-Holocene sea level rise (ca. 6.5 ka) and the subsequent late-Holocene decline, indicate that both the old lagoon and middle beach ridge exhibit a sand ridge formation that runs parallel to the shoreline, extending from the south to the north. The middle sand, in this study, formed from about 3.02 to 1.5 ka ago resulting in the lagoon being isolated from the sea during that time. The lagoonal tide led the deposition as the present tidal flat from 3.3 to 1.7 ka. About 2.19 ka ago, the inner and middle ridges formed due to wind-driven processes influenced by a dry climate. This was followed by a continued sea level regression, leading to the formation of the outer ridge around 1.5 ka ago when the sea level was 1.4 m below the present sea level. However, it’s essential to consider this sea level data in relation to the tectonic and human-induced land motions in the surrounding area.</p><p><strong>HIGHLIGHTS</strong></p><ul><li>OSL ages, based on average dose model at the Northern Satingpra Peninsula were 1.04 - 3.27 ka.</li><li>The old sand ridges of the Satingpra Peninsula prograde northward after mid Holocene sea level highstand.</li><li>Paleo sea level based on wind-wave sediments contact was 1.4 m lower than present day at 1.46 ka.</li></ul><p><strong>GRAPHICAL ABSTRACT</strong></p><p><strong><img src="https://tis.wu.ac.th/public/site/images/admin/tis-7508.png" alt="" width="1082" height="564" /></strong></p> AU - Laerosa, Araf AU - Pradit, Siriporn AU - Wattanavatee, Komrit AU - Duerrast, Helmut AU - Vichaidid, Tidarat AU - Luengchavanon, Montri AU - Noppradit, Prakrit DA - 04/10 DO - 10.48048/tis.2024.7508 IS - 6 PY - 2024 RN - coastal SE - Research Articles SP - 7508 JO - Trends in Sciences TI - Coastal Evolution of Satingpra Peninsula, Songkhla Province: Implications for Understanding Songkla Lagoon Formation UR - https://tis.wu.ac.th/index.php/tis/article/view/7508 VL - 21 Y2 - 2024/12/17 ID - 168 ER - TY - JOUR AB - The Paleolithic site of Kalinga, in the Cagayan River Basin (Luzon Island), has recorded the oldest known traces of human occupation of the Philippine archipelago dated at 709 ± 68 ka. The island of Luzon is further known for its endemic Hominin Homo luzonensis (Callao cave) recently dated at 134 ± 14 ka, which makes it the oldest human remains in the Philippines. The present study provides new chronological data on the Kalinga site and surrounding localities on the left bank of the Cagayan Valley and tackles the question over the geochronology of the human settlement of the basin. Following the discovery of some abundant paleontological remains and lithic artefacts on surface, several excavations took place since the 1970s. In 2014, new research in the area by our team on a site named Kalinga led to the recovery of hundreds of undisturbed archaeological remains (lithic tools and butchery marks). Apart from the early Middle Pleistocene ages obtained for the Kalinga site, the geochronology of the area is still largely unknown. Through the use of ESR on bleached quartz and 40Ar/39Ar single crystal laser fusion on plagioclase dating methods, the chronology of four archaeological sequences has been here constrained for the first time. Our results highlight a human occupation presence between 796 ± 70 ka and 273 ± 20 ka reducing the chronological gap between Kalinga site and Callao Cave, placing the Cagayan basin as a cornerstone to better understand the human arrival in insular Asia. AU - Lambard, Jean-Baptiste AU - Pereira, Alison AU - Voinchet, Pierre AU - Guillou, Hervé AU - Reyes, Marian C. AU - Nomade, Sébastien AU - Gallet, Xavier AU - Belarmino, Maricar AU - Bahain, Jean-Jacques AU - De Vos, John AU - Falguères, Christophe AU - Cosalan, Andrea AU - Ingicco, Thomas DA - 2024/10/01/ DO - 10.1016/j.quageo.2024.101597 PY - 2024 RN - ESR archaeology SN - 1871-1014 SP - 101597 JO - Quaternary Geochronology TI - Geochronological advances in human and proboscideans first arrival date in the Philippines archipelago (Cagayan valley, Luzon Island) UR - https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1871101424001018 VL - 84 ID - 101 ER - TY - JOUR AB - Recent studies of late Quaternary landscape evolution in stream valleys throughout the central Great Plains of North America have identified thick packages of MIS 3-age alluvium and colluvium beneath terraces, alluvial fans, and footslopes. Here, we review and build on these studies to highlight the geomorphic history of river systems in the Central Plains during MIS 3 and reconstruct the paleoclimatic conditions and vegetation communities that existed in the region at that time. A suite of 50 radiocarbon and optically stimulated luminescence ages indicate that late MIS 3 was a period of widespread landscape stability and soil development in the Central Plains. In general, river systems were actively aggrading during early MIS 3, but aggradation slowed after ca. 40 ka, allowing soils to develop until ca. 30–27 ka. In some river valleys, a second pulse of aggradation occurred shortly after that time followed by a period of landscape stability and pedogenesis during early MIS 2 (ca. 24–19 ka). Evidence for widespread landscape stability in stream valleys implies that high magnitude flooding was minimal. Atmospheric circulation patterns that favor these conditions include zonal airflow that inhibits incursions of moist, maritime air from the Gulf of Mexico. Paleoenvironmental conditions during late MIS 3 were reconstructed using the stable carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen isotopic composition of pedogenic phyllosilicates, carbonates, and organic matter. Estimated paleotemperatures ranged from 6 to 9 °C ± 3 °C and are approximately 4–7 °C lower than modern mean annual temperature. The estimated δ18O values of soil water from phyllosilicates range from −10.6‰ to −9.6‰. These estimates are lower (18O-depleted) by about 1.5–3‰ relative to modern meteoric δ18O values and we estimate that the δ18O of paleoprecipitation was likely 18O-depleted by up to 8.5‰ relative to modern values. Our estimated δ18O values for soil waters in the Central Plains during late MIS 3 can be explained by climatic conditions characterized by 1) cooler temperatures, 2) precipitation being sourced primarily from Pacific/Arctic air masses, 3) seasonal changes in precipitation patterns (i.e., predominantly winter precipitation), or 4) a combination of the above. δ13C values indicate the presence of a notable proportion of C4 vegetation in the Central Plains during late MIS 3. We suggest that C4 productivity was likely favored at that time by a low atmospheric CO2 environment that had sufficiently warm temperatures and effective precipitation during the growing season. AU - Layzell, Anthony L. AU - Andrzejewski, Kate A. AU - Mandel, Rolfe D. AU - Hanson, Paul R. DA - 2024/08/15/ DO - 10.1016/j.quascirev.2024.108830 KW - Pleistocene MIS 3 North America Geomorphology Stable isotopes Buried soils Landscape evolution Paleoenvironments PY - 2024 RN - fluvial SN - 0277-3791 SP - 108830 JO - Quaternary Science Reviews TI - Landscape and paleoenvironmental change in stream valleys of the Central Great Plains, North America, during Marine Isotope Stage 3 (ca. 59–27 ka) UR - https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0277379124003317 VL - 338 ID - 47 ER - TY - JOUR AB - The post-Infrared Infrared Stimulated Luminescence (pIRIR) protocol has been successfully applied to date Quaternary sediments using the K-rich feldspar fraction (density <2.58 g/cm3). However, during the extraction of K-feldspar grains, Na-feldspar particles (density 2.58–2.62 g/cm3) may be included, especially within the medium grained fraction. However, the possible influence of Na-feldspar contamination on K-feldspar IRSL dating results has not been investigated in detail. In this study, we applied the pIRIR dating protocol to measure the coarse- and medium-grained K-and Na-feldspar fractions of eight aeolian samples from various regions. Blue-violet and yellow-green detection windows were used for derived the signals of K- and Na-feldspar, respectively, and we attempted to evaluate the influence of the contamination by Na-feldspar grains on feldspar pIRIR dating. Comparison of the three signals (K-feldspar blue, Na-feldspar blue, Na-feldspar yellow) from each sample showed that the influence of the IRSL blue signal from Na-feldspar grains on the signal of the K-feldspar fraction was < 1–3%. Because of high fading rates, the Des or pIRIR ages obtained from the Na-feldspar yellow signal were underestimated. The Na-feldspar blue pIRIR Des and ages were nevertheless consistent with their corresponding K-feldspar blue De values and ages. This is because the few K-feldspar grains included within the Na-feldspar fraction emitted the greater part of the blue signals. From these observations, we conclude that the influence of Na-feldspar grains within the K-feldspar fraction on K-feldspar IRSL dating results can be ignored. AU - Li, Dongxue AU - Zhao, Hui AU - Xie, Haichao AU - Khormali, Farhad AU - Sun, Aijun AU - Zhang, Shuai DA - 2024/07/20/ DO - 10.1016/j.quaint.2024.06.009 KW - K-feldspar fraction Na-feldspar contamination pIRIR dating Blue-violet window Yellow-green window PY - 2024 RN - basic research SN - 1040-6182 SP - 49-58 JO - Quaternary International TI - Influence of Na-feldspar grains within the K-feldspar fraction on sediments IRSL dating UR - https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1040618224001988 VL - 698 ID - 41 ER - TY - JOUR AB - Alluvial river in the piedmont area deposits and incises cyclically, in response to both exogenetic and endogenetic forcing across a range of timescales. The paces of these processes unveil the mechanisms governing the evolution of alluvial fan-river system and affect the policy for river management. Numerical simulation suggests that the incision of alluvial river is much faster than the deposition process. However, the field observations are rare. Alluvial rivers entrench up to 300 m into the alluvial fans built pre-Holocene on the northern piedmont of Chinese Tianshan, which provide ideal sites to unveil the pace of alluvial fan-river evolution. Jingou River is one of these rivers, with four levels of terraces identified at the downstream area. These terrace deposits are characterized by a complex of upper very coarse gravels and cobble (VCGC) unit and lower medium and coarse gravels (MCG) unit. In this study, potassium-feldspar (K-feldspar) single grain pIR110IR170 luminescence dating procedure was employed to date the samples taken from sandy lens of both upper VCGC and lower MCG units, for which the depositional ages are supposed to be associated with the fan-building and river incision processes, respectively. The luminescence ages of the lower MCG unit suggests a gradual fan building phase between 16 ± 1.9 ka and 8.1 ± 0.9 ka, while the ages of the upper VCGC unit cluster around ∼5.2 ka rather than a monotonic decrease towards low level terraces. Several scenarios are discussed with respect to the attained age sequences to unravel the pace of deposition and incision of Jingou River, of which the asymmetric aggradation and incision is more preferred and echoes to the finding of previous numerical investigation. AU - Li, Kechang AU - Qin, Jintang AU - Chen, Jie AU - Liu, Jinfeng AU - Yao, Yuan DA - 2024/08/01/ DO - 10.1016/j.quageo.2024.101587 KW - K-feldspar Single grain Incision Aggradation Alluvial river PY - 2024 RN - fluvial SN - 1871-1014 SP - 101587 JO - Quaternary Geochronology TI - Unraveling the deposition and incision paces of alluvial fan-river system by using single grain K-feldspar luminescence dating UR - https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1871101424000918 VL - 83 ID - 83 ER - TY - JOUR AB - The Indian Summer Monsoon (ISM) has a profound influence on the environment and people of East Asia. However, despite its importance, the variability and dynamic mechanisms of the ISM remain inadequately understood. This study investigates the evolution of the ISM since the Last Interglacial by analyzing the well-preserved Cuoweng (CW) loess–paleosol sequence in the southeastern Tibetan Plateau. A robust chronological framework is established using quartz optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating and K-feldspar post-infrared infrared stimulated luminescence (pIRIR) dating. The history of the ISM over the past ∼135 ka is reconstructed based on multiple environmental proxies. The results indicate that the ISM experienced significant glacial–interglacial fluctuations during the last glacial cycle, exhibiting a strengthened monsoon during warm periods and a weakened one during cold periods. Additionally, suborbital-scale cyclic variations in the ISM during the marine isotope stage (MIS) 5 are revealed, with enhanced monsoon conditions during MIS 5a, 5c, and 5e and weakened conditions during MIS 5b and 5d. These findings suggest that the ISM variations are primarily influenced by a combination of high- and low-latitude forcing. This study provides new insights into the complex responses of the ISM to climate change, enhancing our understanding of its potential future changes. AU - Li, Pushuang AU - Yang, Shengli AU - Luo, Yuanlong AU - Liu, Li AU - Zhang, Yixiao AU - Liu, Weiming AU - Zhang, Jingzhao AU - Xu, Xuechao AU - Wen, Chen AU - Li, Qiong DA - 2025/01/01/ DO - 10.1016/j.palaeo.2024.112593 KW - Loess OSL dating Last Interglacial Magnetic susceptibility Climate change PY - 2025 RN - loess SN - 0031-0182 SP - 112593 JO - Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology TI - Indian summer monsoon history during the last glacial cycle revealed by a loess sequence from the Tibetan Plateau UR - https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0031018224005820 VL - 657 ID - 36 ER - TY - JOUR AB - The North China Plain is one of the key pathways to the ‘source-to-sink’ sedimentary system in East Asia and an important area of human occupation. It has also experienced a large amount of deposition of thick fluvial sediments. Thus, chronostratigraphy research in the North China Plain since the Late Pleistocene is critical to understanding the sedimentary processes and glacial–interglacial climate changes occurring since the Late Pleistocene. In this study, 14 fine-grained (FG) luminescence samples collected from a sedimentary core (GB210) drilled from the Baiyangdian catchment in the North China Plain, were employed for quartz optically stimulated luminescence (OSL), and polymineral post infrared (IR) IRSL (pIRIR150 and pIRIR290) dating. The luminescence ages were compared to evaluate the reliability and to establish a luminescence chronology of the core sediments. The results showed that the anomalous fading of the polymineral pIRIR150 signal is small. The fading corrected pIRIR150 ages agree with the FG quartz OSL ages. The FG quartz OSL age corresponding to early Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 4 may be slightly underestimated due to signal saturation. However, the pIRIR290 signal yielded overestimated ages. The chronology based on the fading corrected pIRIR150 ages suggests that the deposition of the studied sediments began in MIS 5. Variations in the sedimentation rate correspond to summer climate changes, while the grain size indicates winter climate changes. AU - Li, Yan AU - Sun, Xiao AU - Liu, Yuhan AU - Pei, Yandong DA - 2024/08/01/ DO - 10.1016/j.quageo.2024.101589 KW - Signal bleaching pIRIR dating Climate change Late Pleistocene North China Plain PY - 2024 RN - fluvial SN - 1871-1014 SP - 101589 JO - Quaternary Geochronology TI - Timing of fluvial sedimentation in the Baiyangdian catchment, North China Plain, since the late Pleistocene by multiple luminescence dating approaches UR - https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1871101424000931 VL - 83 ID - 62 ER - TY - JOUR AB - The Northeastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau (QTP) is situated in the climatically sensitive intersection of the Asian summer and winter monsoons and the westerlies. However, due to the lack of a well-defined relationship between aeolian deposits and climatic factors in this region, there are few quantitative palaeoclimate reconstructions from these deposits. This deficiency prevents a comprehensive understanding of the precipitation history of the alpine and arid/semi-arid intermontane basins in this region, although the regional landscape is dominated by deserts/dunefields. We studied the relationship between two geochemical indices, C (the ratio of (Fe + Al + Mn + Cr + Co + Ni) to (Ca + Mg + Na + K + Sr + Ba)) and Re (the ratio of (CaO + MgO + K2O + Na2O) to (Fe2O3+MnO2)) of the aeolian topsoils and potential modern climatic variables across the Gonghe Basin in the northeastern QTP. We found that the mean annual precipitation (MAP) is the dominant climatic control of the variations of C and Re in the surface aeolian deposits, accounting for 70.9% and 53.1% of the total explained variances, respectively. Accordingly, we established two climofunctions based on C and Re to quantitatively reconstruct the MAP evolution during the Middle–Late Holocene, from the alternating aeolian sand-palaeosol sequences in the Gonghe Basin. The results revealed five intervals of enhanced MAP, with similar results obtained from the two sections, which document millennial–centennial-scale climatic fluctuations during the Middle–Late Holocene. These fluctuations are consistent with climate records from tree rings and lake sediments in this region, within the dating errors. This consistency supports the reliability of our methodology of quantitative reconstruction based on geochemical climofunctions for aeolian deposits. Our findings demonstrate a robust approach for the quantitative reconstruction of palaeo-precipitation using geochemical parameters from aeolian topsoils in an alpine and arid/semi-arid intermontane basin, and they provide new evidence for understanding significant Holocene environmental events recorded in different geological archives within the transitional region of the monsoon and the westerlies. AU - Liu, Bing AU - Ge, Jianhui AU - Li, Sen AU - Du, Heqiang AU - Liang, Xiaolei AU - Jin, Heling AU - Jin, Jianhui AU - Zhao, Hui AU - Chen, Fahu DA - 2024/11/01/ DO - 10.1016/j.quascirev.2024.108940 KW - Surficial aeolian deposits Geochemical parameters Quantitative reconstruction Climofunctions Northeastern QTP PY - 2024 RN - aeolian SN - 0277-3791 SP - 108940 JO - Quaternary Science Reviews TI - Quantification of Middle to Late Holocene precipitation in the Gonghe Basin, northeastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, from the geochemistry of aeolian surface soil UR - https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0277379124004414 VL - 343 ID - 50 ER - TY - JOUR AB - Fluvial deposits in piedmont environments are usually enriched by cobbles, which can be used for luminescence dating, as an alternative to the conventionally employed sand-sized minerals. In this study, a modified multi-elevated-temperature post-infrared infrared stimulated luminescence (MET-pIRIR) procedure was employed to establish luminescence-depth profiles of upper and lower sides of fluvial cobbles and obtain the burial ages of cobbles from high terrace of the Manas River in northern Chinese Tian Shan. The age-stimulation temperature (A-T) plateau was combined with the conventional age-depth (A-D) plateau in luminescence-depth profile to evaluate the reliability of burial ages of cobble luminescence dating from the aspects of fading and bleaching of signals. When the signal was only bleached to a limited depth given rise to no A-D plateau, the A-T plateau could serve as an internal-check to evaluate the degree of bleaching of the luminescence signal just through a single rock slice. Our results showed that self-evidenced and reliable buried ages of fluvial cobbles could be determined by only using first sub-surface rock slice in the presence of A-T plateau. Thereafter, the deposition age of cobble from top of T6 terrace and bottom of T5 terrace were ∼23.6–24.0 ka and ∼22.7 ka, respectively, inferring a very fast incision rate of ∼20 mm/a. The observed variability in bleaching depth between upper and lower sides across different cobble samples suggested complex transport dynamics. AU - Liu, Qi AU - Chen, Jie AU - Qin, Jintang AU - Yang, Huili AU - Liu, Jinfeng AU - Li, Tao AU - Di, Ning AU - Li, Kechang AU - Pu, Yicheng AU - Li, Shenghua DA - 2024/08/01/ DO - 10.1016/j.quageo.2024.101593 KW - Cobble luminescence dating MET-pIRIR Age-temperature (A-T) plateau Age-depth (A-D) plateau River incision rate PY - 2024 RN - fluvial surface exposure dating SN - 1871-1014 SP - 101593 JO - Quaternary Geochronology TI - Incision rate of the Manas River, northern Tian Shan: Insight from luminescence dating of terrace cobbles UR - https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1871101424000979 VL - 83 ID - 77 ER - TY - JOUR AB - Central Yakutia is a large region in northeastern Siberia characterized by extensive permafrost, large river valleys, mountain glaciers, and large massifs of aeolian sands; the geological history of the region is complex and, at present, poorly constrained. In recent years, it has been shown that aeolian sands cover up to 60% of large parts of Central Yakutia. This paper presents the results of luminescence dating of aeolian sedimentation at the Diring Yuriakh Palaeolithic site located in the middle reaches of the Lena River. Field studies identified several thick units of aeolian sand, which cover an old deflation surface with Late (Duktai culture) and Early Palaeolithic (Diring culture) artefacts. The reliability of the OSL chronology was assessed by comparison of ages based on the optically stimulated luminescence from quartz and the infra-red stimulated luminescence from potassium-rich feldspars; these age pairs are in good agreement, implying that at least the quartz grains were sufficiently bleached before sedimentation. We obtained OSL ages that reflect three periods of accumulation between the LGM and the Holocene: ∼21 ka, 15-14 ka, and 12.5–10 ka. These periods of accumulation broadly coincide with global cooling episodes during the Last Glacial Maximum, the Older Dryas, and the Younger Dryas, with some extension into subsequent warmer intervals, whereas the intervening intervals without preserved sediments are taken to reflect dune stability during warmer periods. The sand on the terraces, sourced from alluvial bars in the river channel, was blown up the valley slope during cold and dry periods when the vegetation cover was sparse. When the climate warmed, the vegetation took some time to spread, and so the accumulation of aeolian sand on the high terraces continued into the warm periods. We also infer periods of deflation (wind erosion) that occurred before 21 ka and between 20 and 15 ka, presumably due to increased aeolian activity and localized remobilization of sediment. The new OSL chronology shows that the younger artefacts located at the cape of Diring Yuriakh, belonging to the Late Palaeolithic Duktai culture, are older than 15 ka. The new ages also show that the post-LGM aeolian sand sequences at Diring Yuriakh are correlated with the regionally developed subaerial Dolkuma Formation. AU - Lukyanycheva, Mariya S. AU - Kurbanov, Redzhep N. AU - Taratunina, Natalia A. AU - Vasilieva, Anzhela N. AU - Lytkin, Vasiliy M. AU - Panin, Andrei V. AU - Anoikin, Anton A. AU - Stevens, Thomas AU - Murray, Andrew S. AU - Buylaert, Jan-Pieter AU - Knudsen, Mads F. DA - 2024/08/01/ DO - 10.1016/j.quageo.2024.101563 KW - Aeolian deposits Late Pleistocene climate Lena river OSL chronology Late paleolithic archeology PY - 2024 RN - aeolian SN - 1871-1014 SP - 101563 JO - Quaternary Geochronology TI - Dating post-LGM aeolian sedimentation and the Late Palaeolithic in Central Yakutia (northeastern Siberia) UR - https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1871101424000670 VL - 83 ID - 60 ER - TY - JOUR AB - ABSTRACT Soil erosion across South Africa's drylands occurs widely in the form of gullies and badlands (locally termed dongas) that have developed in colluvium and in valley fills along incised rivers. This erosion has commonly been attributed to land mismanagement, particularly since European settlement, but natural factors such as soil properties, local base level fall and climate change have also been invoked. To disentangle human and natural factors, we use optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating, supported by documentary and archaeological evidence, to constrain the timing and causes of donga formation at three widely spaced sites across interior South Africa. At all three sites, the exposed stratigraphy indicates that hillslopes and floodplains underwent net sediment accumulation during most of the late Quaternary, and that present-day deep erosion is of a magnitude unprecedented probably within at least the past 100 ka. OSL ages indicate that the onset of erosion at each site significantly pre-dates European incursion and instead was broadly coincident with abrupt climatic changes that occurred during the Medieval Climatic Anomaly (MCA, ~ad 900?1300) and Little Ice Age (LIA, ~ ad 1300?1800). Based on correlation with palaeoclimate proxy records, we propose that erosion was triggered by abrupt hydroclimatic oscillations during the MCA, and continued during the LIA in response to climate-driven, large floods. At these sites, soil type and local base level falls exert secondary controls on the specific locations, processes, rates and depths of erosion. In other areas of South Africa, clear links between land mismanagement and soil erosion have been demonstrated, but for sites where detailed investigations have yet to be undertaken, these findings challenge an often default assumption that soil erosion is necessarily attributable to human factors. Our findings have significant implications for soil erosion control strategies and assessment of South African dryland landscape response to future climate changes. AU - Lyons, Richard AU - Tooth, Stephen AU - Duller, Geoff A. T. AU - McCarthy, Terence DA - 2024/10/01 DO - 10.1002/jqs.3651 KW - dryland river gully hillslope Holocene luminescence dating IS - 7 PY - 2024 RN - fluvial SN - 0267-8179 SP - 1116-1137 JO - Journal of Quaternary Science TI - Are human activities or climate changes the main causes of soil erosion in the South African drylands?: A palaeo-perspective from three sites in the interior UR - https://doi.org/10.1002/jqs.3651 VL - 39 Y2 - 2024/12/16 ID - 144 ER - TY - JOUR AB - As a pivotal region for studying early human occupation in East Asia, the Nihewan Basin has witnessed numerous studies on Paleolithic sites and associated paleoenvironmental records. However, little attention has been given to the Holocene period, despite the basin being a crossroads for the exchange of NE China Neolithic cultures. In the central part of the Nihewan Basin, we found a gully sediment section with a thickness of ∼9 m, which exhibits clear parallel bedding throughout. The section is composed of ten sediment layers (Layers 10–1 from bottom to top), from which three distinct dark-colored soil layers (Layers 8, 4 and 2) and two erosion surfaces (between Layers 10 and 9, and Layers 2 and 1) were identified. Forty-four sediment samples from the section were optically dated, and the obtained ages were refined using Bayesian statistical modeling. The age-depth relationship and sedimentary characteristics suggest that the sedimentation process of Layers 9–2 was continuous. To reconstruct the paleoenvironment, the grain-size distribution, magnetic susceptibility, and pollen content of the sediments were analyzed. The three soil layers exhibit high magnetic susceptibility values. Based on these climatic proxies, five climate stages were recognized. From ∼12.7 to ∼6.8 ka, the climate in the basin region was cold and dry. The period between ∼6.8 and ∼5.4 ka was marked by optimal climate conditions that led to soil formation. Subsequently, the climate was colder and drier during the period of ∼5.4 – ∼4.0 ka, and transitioned to warm and wet conditions again from ∼4.0 to ∼2.7 ka. Another stage of soil formation occurred between ∼2.7 and ∼1.7 ka, during which the climate was predominantly warm and humid, albeit punctuated by a brief interval of colder and drier conditions. These climate variations coincided with cultural evolution stages within the basin, highlighting a close relationship between environmental change and human adaptation. AU - Ma, Qing-Hao AU - Guo, Yu-Jie AU - Lei, Hua-Rui AU - Shen, Yu-He AU - Wang, Jia-Jing AU - Liu, Ya AU - Zhou, Zhen-Yu AU - Zhang, Jia-Fu DA - 2024/12/01/ DO - 10.1016/j.palaeo.2024.112533 KW - Holocene Paleoenvironment Luminescence dating Gully sediments Nihewan Basin PY - 2024 RN - fluvial SN - 0031-0182 SP - 112533 JO - Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology TI - Holocene paleoenvironment of the Nihewan Basin, China, inferred from high-resolution luminescence dating and a multiproxy analysis of gully sediments UR - https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0031018224005224 VL - 655 ID - 35 ER - TY - JOUR AB - Our species and other hominins have used earth mineral pigments since at least ~500,000 years ago, if not earlier. Its preservation and ubiquity within archaeological records across sub-Saharan Africa are well documented, but regional-scale networks of mineral selection, mining, transport, and use is an underdeveloped field. Here, we present a framework for interpreting regional variations within an overarching ochre-behavioral community of practice. Deep-time records of ochre provisioning span the final Middle Stone Age and Late Stone Age in modern day Eswatini, revealing longstanding cultural continuities in the intergenerational transmission of shared knowledge on landscapes, geology, and the desired physicochemical properties of mineral pigments. These communities of practice did not develop in isolation, and were part of a wider system of relations that were influenced and mediated by social interactions, such as technological learning, seasonal traveling, material culture exchange, and symbolic expression. We use compositional analyses to determine localized ochre procurement strategies and long-distance transport across a network of fifteen archaeological sites and mineral resources. Newly refined chronologies from Lion Cavern at Ngwenya using optically stimulated luminescence dating also reaffirm its antiquity as the oldest known evidence for intensive ochre mining worldwide (~48,000 years ago). AU - MacDonald, Brandi L. AU - Velliky, Elizabeth C. AU - Forrester, Bob AU - Riedesel, Svenja AU - Linstädter, Jörg AU - Kuo, Alexandra L. AU - Woodborne, Stephan AU - Mabuza, Ayanda AU - Bader, Gregor D. DA - 2024/10/24 DO - 10.1038/s41467-024-53050-6 IS - 1 PY - 2024 RN - archaeology SN - 2041-1723 SP - 9201 JO - Nature Communications TI - Ochre communities of practice in Stone Age Eswatini UR - https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-024-53050-6 VL - 15 ID - 28 ER - TY - JOUR AB - Recently, it has been proposed that the luminescence sensitivity of quartz grains, i.e. their luminescence response to unit dose, might be used for sediment fingerprinting. Sensitivity is determined both by the origin of quartz grains and the sedimentary processes they underwent. However, a more detailed understanding of the factors influencing sensitivity is essential in order to expand and specify the applicability of the parameter in sediment sourcing and geomorphological studies alike. In the present research, we examined the spatial changes of sensitivity parameters of coarse grain quartz in modern sediments of the largest rivers of the Carpathian Basin, Central Europe, to determine the role of source areas and transportation distance. Based on the luminescence analysis of 39 samples, quartz extracts with a Carpathian origin (catchment of the Tisza River) have a significantly higher sensitivity, except the LM-OSL medium component, than those originating from the Alpine domain (catchment of the Danube River). No clear relationship could be identified between natural sensitisation and transportation distance. In terms of the Tisza the observed downstream increase of quartz sensitivity is due to high sensitivity quartz grains supplied by its tributaries. In the meantime, a recurring change was observed along the Danube, which can be attributed mostly to local erosional processes. Consequently, tributaries and erosion can overprint the potential downstream sensitisation of quartz grains in large rivers. Meanwhile, in terms of the Danube on sections where a significant downstream increase was detected in LM-OSL fast component sensitivity, LM-OSL medium component sensitivity systematically decreased. Additionally, during laboratory sensitisation, the CW-OSL sensitivity of Danube samples increased considerably, whereas changes were more moderate in the case of Tisza samples. Moreover, in the case of Tisza-related quartz extracts, the 110 °C TL sensitivity and the LM-OSL fast and medium components showed a strong correlation, indicating the stability of luminescence processes (trapping and recombination). Whereas, in the case of the Danube both LM-OSL components show a weak correlation with the 110 °C TL intensity. All these indicate that Alpine-origin quartz grains are more susceptible to the rearrangement of electron traps and/or recombination centres, which can also be an indicator of sediment sources in Quaternary studies in the region. AU - Magyar, Gergő AU - Bartyik, Tamás AU - Marković, Rastko S. AU - Filyó, Dávid AU - Kiss, Tímea AU - Marković, Slobodan B. AU - Homolya, Viktor AU - Balla, Alexia AU - Bozsó, Gábor AU - Baranya, Sándor AU - Alexanderson, Helena AU - Lukić, Tin AU - Sipos, György DA - 2024/12/01/ DO - 10.1016/j.quageo.2024.101629 KW - Luminescence sensitivity Fluvial sediments LM-OSL components Coarse grain quartz PY - 2024 RN - fluvial SN - 1871-1014 SP - 101629 JO - Quaternary Geochronology TI - Downstream change of luminescence sensitivity in sedimentary quartz and the rearrangement of optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) components along two large rivers UR - https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S187110142400133X VL - 85 ID - 111 ER - TY - JOUR AB - The morphology, age, and genesis of the river valleys within the area of Quaternary ice sheets is still a matter of debate despite their long study history. In the upper reaches, the Volga River flows across the Moscow (Late Saalian, MIS 6) glacial area and, like other rivers in the glacial areas, was deeply influenced by the glacier. Two bedrock steps within the valley, its slopes, and adjacent uplands are covered with a uniform mantle of bipartite sediments left by the Moscow glacier. This indicates that the ancient valley was buried by a glacier and no flood terraces formed. The paper provides the first systematic study of soils in bipartite sediments across the Upper Volga River valley, including depositional environments, pedostratigraphy, and a more reliable chronological framework by luminescence dating and altitude references. Field investigation is supported by micromorphology, grain size distribution, and chemical properties. Soil horizons formed in the glacial till exhibit features similar to those in bipartite soils on the uplands. These include those acquired prior to deposition and those related to pedogenesis and frost impact from the Last Interglacial to the present. In contrast, the cover layer of soils within the river valley differs from the upland soils, being reworked by aeolian processes in the Late Glacial environment (17.5–12.4 ka). Its thickness varies with topographic position, reflecting the intensity of aeolian sedimentation. Argic horizons of soils buried by a thick layer of silty sand in the Late Glacial are similar to those of unburied soils, providing the first direct indication that these properties were largely formed during the Last Interglacial. The mantle distribution of soils in bipartite sediments confirms that the topography of the study area represents a relic glacial relief of Moscow (Late Saalian, MIS 6) time. AU - Makeev, Alexander AU - Rusakov, Alexey AU - Lebedeva, Marina AU - Karpukhina, Natalia AU - Konstantinov, Evgeniy AU - Frechen, Manfred AU - Kust, Pavel DA - 2024/11/01/ DO - 10.1016/j.catena.2024.108431 KW - Last Interglacial Late Glacial Buried river valley Paleoenvironmental reconstruction Polygenetic soils Illuvial horizons Soil evolution Buried soils PY - 2024 RN - fluvial SN - 0341-8162 SP - 108431 JO - CATENA TI - Unveiling the enigma of the Upper Volga River valley based on the soilscape studies UR - https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0341816224006283 VL - 246 ID - 8 ER - TY - JOUR AB - This study explores the seismotectonics of Kachchh in western India, a region with a low-to-moderate strain rate and a history of significant earthquakes, notably the 1819, Mw 7.8 Allah Bund, and the 2001, Mw 7.6 Bhuj. Despite its substantial seismic risk, comprehensive studies on Kachchh’s seismogenic sources are scarce. This is attributed to the concealed nature of active structures, hindering definitive age constraints in paleoseismological research. Our research comprises a detailed paleoseismic analysis of the north-verging, reverse Jhura Fault underlying the Jhura anticline, a segment of the Kachchh Mainland Fault. This fault segment shows evidence of surface-rupturing earthquakes in the area south of the Great Rann of Kachchh. The investigation reveals three paleoseismic events: Event I before 9.72 ka B.P., Event II between 8.63–8.20 ka B.P., and Event III between 6.20–6.09 ka B.P. The elapsed time since the last event on this fault is > 8000 years, suggesting that the area is exposed to a significant earthquake hazard. This highlights the need for more precise characterization of individual seismogenic sources for future earthquake preparedness. AU - Malik, Javed N. AU - Srivastava, Eshaan AU - Gadhavi, Mahendrasinh S. AU - Livio, Franz AU - Sharma, Nayan AU - Arora, Shreya AU - Parrino, Nicolò AU - Burrato, Pierfrancesco AU - Sulli, Attilio DA - 2024/05/21 DO - 10.1038/s41598-024-62086-z IS - 1 PY - 2024 RN - earthquake (and fault related) SN - 2045-2322 SP - 11612 JO - Scientific Reports TI - Holocene surface-rupturing paleo-earthquakes along the Kachchh Mainland Fault: shaping the seismic landscape of Kachchh, Western India UR - https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-024-62086-z VL - 14 ID - 155 ER - TY - JOUR AB - Coastal sand supply is a critical component of shoreline stability in the face of modern threats to coastal zones such as sea level rise or anthropogenic sediment extraction. Understanding the natural and anthropogenically perturbed dynamics of coastal systems has become a pressing challenge for coastal communities, such as the San Francisco Bay area in the United Sates, a large structurally controlled estuary system where stakeholders seek to balance the extraction of coastal sand resources for economic use and ensure sufficient sand supply for sustaining natural coastal environments. Developing accurate and comprehensive models of sand inputs and transport pathways in different types of coastal systems is imperative to balancing these competing needs. While estuarine sediment transport has been well-studied in many systems globally, structurally controlled estuaries in tectonically active settings have received relatively less attention. The prevailing hypothesis for sediment transport through San Francisco Bay describes active input and transport of sand from a large integrated regional catchment, through multiple subembayments, and out to Pacific coast beaches; a model contrary to prevailing understanding of highstand estuarine sediment transport in most settings. We test this model by applying comprehensive sand provenance analysis to surface and near-surface sand deposits in and around San Francisco Bay coupled with sand residence time data from optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating. New provenance results include sand petrography modal abundances, bulk geochemistry, and U-Pb detrital zircon geochronology from 27 Holocene samples throughout the San Francisco Bay region. Collectively, these new results highlight marked sediment provenance and residence time differences between San Francisco Bay structural subembayments. In particular, distinct compositional differences and OSL ages exist between sand in the bayhead region of the estuary (OSL ages ca. 4 ka; Sacramento River/local provenance) and sand from the more distal bay regions and the Pacific coast (OSL ages ca. 1 ka; integrated Sierra Nevada provenance). These provenance differences better support a revised sand input and transport model with disconnected depocenters across three structurally restricted subembayments from bayhead to the Pacific coast. New data suggest that at present the bayhead region receives limited supply from the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta drainage with subsidiary supply from local circum-bay drainages. Sand deposited in the region from the Pacific coast through the inlet (Golden Gate) and into the estuary consists of a combination of tidal winnowing and reworking of “relic” sand from lowstand periods combined with sand eroded from Pacific coast sea cliffs, and sand supply from local Coast Range drainages. These results suggest that sand is likely not transported directly to the Pacific coast from the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta under modern conditions. Moreover, it is likely that structural constrictions between the main estuary and outer coast and between estuary subembayments cause abrupt cessation of sediment input from the main regional drainage during marine flooding, a feature likely common to large structurally controlled estuaries globally. This revised model for San Francisco Bay sand transport illustrates the need for research targeted at interpreting natural sand transport pathways in coastal systems where coarse sediment supply is a sustainability concern. AU - Malkowski, M. A. AU - Sickmann, Z. T. AU - Fregoso, T. AU - McKee, L. AU - Stockli, D. F. AU - Jaffe, B. DA - 2024/10/01/ DO - 10.1016/j.epsl.2024.118887 KW - San francisco bay Coastal processes Sand provenance Estuaries Sea level rise PY - 2024 RN - coastal SN - 0012-821X SP - 118887 JO - Earth and Planetary Science Letters TI - Reversal in estuarine sand supply driven by Holocene sea level rise: A model for sand transport in large structural estuaries, San Francisco Bay, California, USA UR - https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0012821X24003200 VL - 643 ID - 13 ER - TY - JOUR AB - The Deliblato (Banat) Sand Sea, which is one of the largest areas of аeolian sand in Europe, is located near the Iron Gate, which marks the crossing of the Danube River through the biggest gorge of this river. Here, Danubian alluvium has served as the sand source for the Banat Sand Sea, which was formed primarily through southeasterly (Košava) winds. Utilizing a multi-proxy approach, the objective of this study is to gain a better understanding of the environmental dynamics of the Banat Sand Sea. To achieve this goal, we conducted an analysis of an archive representing an approximately 20-m-thick dune formation on the northern edge of this dune field. Using optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating, we calculated aeolian sedimentation rates and dune ages. Sand was deposited here approximately between 17 ka and 13 ka. Magnetic susceptibility, grain size, and colorimetric analyses were interpreted in terms of local paleoenvironmental conditions. Calculated sedimentation rates (SR) indicate intensive aeolian deposition during the study period that range from 483 cm/ka to 502 cm/ka. We compared our data with regional and other European archives, as well as with climatic variations recorded in the Greenland ice core North Greenland Ice Core Project (NGRIP). AU - Marković, Rastko S. AU - Perić, Zoran M. AU - Gavrilov, Milivoj B. AU - Marković, Slobodan B. AU - Vandenberghe, Jef AU - Schaetzl, Randall J. AU - Obreht, Igor AU - Bartyik, Tamás AU - Radaković, Milica G. AU - Radivojević, Aleksandar AU - Marjanović, Miloš AU - Lukić, Tin AU - Sipos, György DB - Cambridge Core DO - 10.1017/qua.2024.13 DP - Cambridge University Press ET - 05/03 KW - Aeolian sand Aeolian sedimentation rates Carpathian basin Climate Danube River Dunes PY - 2024 RN - aeolian SN - 0033-5894 SP - 59-72 JO - Quaternary Research TI - Aeolian dynamics at the northern edge of Deliblato (Banat) Sand Sea, Vojvodina, Serbia, at the time of the last deglaciation UR - https://www.cambridge.org/core/product/FF52E73FCDDF302CC1BEB21DEF02E8DF VL - 121 ID - 167 ER - TY - JOUR AB - Establishing chronologies of archaeological sites by using a single dating method may not always reliably constrain the age of a deposit or a fossil, as potential biases may naturally arise, particularly in complex sedimentary settings such as caves. In this study, we performed a multi-technique dating approach that targets different materials in two caves from the Cueva Mayor-Cueva del Silo karst system, Sierra de Atapuerca, Spain. Two new fossil teeth from lithostratigraphic unit LU4 (GE-I pit) at Galería de las Estatuas have been dated by combined U-series/ESR and Amino Acid Racemisation (AAR) methods. The former provides ages of 117 ± 13 and 87 ± 9 ka that agree with previous dating studies of this Neandertal site, confirming the assignment of level LU4 to Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 5. In contrast, AAR analyses produce very scattered ages, pointing to significant post-burial chemical modifications in dentine. A first set of ages is presented for the Cata Litario pit at Sala de los Cíclopes, a palaeontological site formed exclusively of cave bear fossils belonging to the Middle Pleistocene species Ursus deningeri. We provide U-series/ESR and AAR ages for two bear teeth from lithostratigraphic unit LU5, and extended-range luminescence ages for the sediment deposits that host, and immediately underlie and overlie, the bear accumulation. Depositional ages of the sediment were obtained using single-grain thermally-transferred optically stimulated luminescence (TT-OSL) dating of individual quartz grains and post-infrared-infrared stimulated luminescence (pIR-IR) dating of K-feldspars. Several speleothems, both in situ and reworked fragments embedded in the different lithostratigraphic units, have additionally been dated by U-series to constrain the timing of the sequence formation. The results indicate that the sediment originally entered the cave between MIS-12 and MIS-10 (444 ± 28 ka to 367 ± 32 ka). Nevertheless, the AAR and U-series/ESR fossil ages, as well as some of the speleothem fragment ages from LUs 5 and 6 are significantly younger. Leaving aside methodologically questionable results for one of the bear tooth samples, the most reliable AAR and U-Series/ESR ages range from 287 ± 23 ka to 256 ± 24, while the speleothem fragments indicate several formation episodes between 444 ± 19 and 284 ± 8 ka. The apparent difference between the U-Series/ESR ages on the fossils and the luminescence ages on the host sediment are not likely to be wholly explained by uncertainties on uranium uptake modelling or gamma dose rate evaluation, and thus is most likely related to taphonomic processes or a complex site formation history. The presence of fossils and eroded speleothem clasts of younger age within these levels is consistent with either an event of prior erosion, transport and resedimentation of LUs 4, 5 and 6, and/or a complex post-depositional mixing history for the stratigraphic sequence at Cata Litario. This study highlights the importance of using different dating methods to reconstruct reliable chronological frameworks, and to understand the geological factors that can affect the dated materials. This includes the accumulation and taphonomic histories of fossils, post-depositional mixing or reworking processes affecting sediments during the residence time within the karst system. AU - Martínez-Pillado, V. AU - Demuro, M. AU - Ortiz, J. E. AU - Shao, Q. AU - Arnold, L. J. AU - Duval, M. AU - Cheng, H. AU - Torres, T. AU - Santos, E. AU - Falguères, C. AU - Tombret, O. AU - García, N. AU - Aranburu, A. AU - Gómez-Olivencia, A. AU - Arsuaga, J. L. DA - 2024/08/01/ DO - 10.1016/j.quageo.2024.101576 KW - Electron spin resonance Aspartic acid racemisation Luminescence U-series Atapuerca Pleistocene PY - 2024 RN - archaeology ESR SN - 1871-1014 SP - 101576 JO - Quaternary Geochronology TI - Constraining the age of the Pleistocene sedimentary infill of Cueva Mayor (Atapuerca, N Spain) through a multi-technique dating approach UR - https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1871101424000803 VL - 83 ID - 86 ER - TY - JOUR AB - The Atacama Desert is generally considered the driest non-polar desert on Earth and is therefore an ideal study area for exploring the water and biota free endmember of Earth's Critical Zone (ECZ). Single grain (SG) luminescence dating has successfully identified processes in the ECZ. However, SG luminescence dating of Atacama Desert feldspars is challenging and time consuming since only a small fraction of grains emits sufficient luminescence and their potassium (K) contents, needed for internal dose rate calculations, are highly variable. Here we present an adaption of the standardised growth curve (SGC) method adjusted to the conditions of Atacama Desert sediments and a correlation of single-grain geochemistry and luminescence properties. To evaluate if SGCs are suitable for our study site and to determine the influence of the K-content on our luminescence age calculations, we used a set of five samples from the Atacama Desert and five chemically and structurally different feldspar sediment extracts from various geological origins worldwide. We performed a dose recovery test (DRT) using a post-infrared infrared stimulated luminescence (pIRIR) protocol and measured nine major element concentrations, including K, on a single grain level using a scanning electron microscope (SEM) with energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX). The DRT dataset was then used to test the application of SGCs. The accuracy of Atacama feldspar pIRIR measurements fitted onto SGCs frequently suffers from odd values in single measurement cycles, since the SGC approach developed for SG feldspar luminescence (Li et al., 2015b) uses one Lx/Tx measurement to project the Ln/Tn values onto a SGC. We investigate the influence of calculating a synthetic regenerative signal (sR) for SGC fitting, to reduce the effect of those odd values on individual grain measurements. Furthermore, we reduced the regenerative cycles used for our sR approach, to test if shorter protocols would result in equivalent dose (De) estimates in agreement with longer protocols. We then calculated Spearman rank correlations between the results obtained with our modified SGC and the SAR protocol, luminescence signal intensities, and the geochemical dataset. Finally, we present a new method of fitting data onto a SGC which significantly decreases measurement time, without risking the inclusion of outliers. We furthermore show that the luminescence signal intensities, the De values and their dose recovery ratios obtained with our SGC method and a SAR protocol, are independent of the sample geochemistry. AU - Maßon, Linda A. E. AU - Riedesel, Svenja AU - Zander, Anja AU - Sontag-González, Mariana AU - Reimann, Tony DA - 2024/08/01/ DO - 10.1016/j.quageo.2024.101585 KW - Feldspar Single grain pIRIR Standardised growth curve Atacama Desert Single grain geochemistry PY - 2024 RN - aeolian SN - 1871-1014 SP - 101585 JO - Quaternary Geochronology TI - Testing the applicability of standardised growth curves for chemically heterogeneous single-grain feldspars from the Atacama Desert, Chile UR - https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S187110142400089X VL - 83 ID - 75 ER - TY - JOUR AB - This paper reviews the main literature describing models for thermoluminescence (TL), optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) and radiophotoluminescence (RPL) in aluminosilicate materials, namely natural feldspar minerals and synthetic glasses. The work examines the different models proposed to explain the various luminescence phenomena and compares them with each other. The models include thermally and optically stimulated excited-state tunneling, band-tail state hopping, and ionization and transportation through the band-tail states and/or the conduction band. Temperature and stimulation wavelength are critical parameters, with one model or another dominating over different temperature and/or wavelength ranges. Some recommendations for future research are noted. AU - McKeever, S. W. S. DA - 2024/12/01/ DO - 10.1016/j.omx.2024.100351 PY - 2024 RN - review SN - 2590-1478 SP - 100351 JO - Optical Materials: X TI - A review of the optically and thermally stimulated luminescence properties of aluminosilicates UR - https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2590147824000639 VL - 24 ID - 160 ER - TY - JOUR AB - Abstract The morphology of the coastal landscape in transitional environments results from the gradual and complex dynamics of natural processes at different scalarity, capable of elaborating and remodeling the relief. Their arrangements and interactions are reflected in the configuration and evolution of the landscape and waterscape governed by allogenic factors (climate, tectonics and, more recently, anthropogenic) generating autogenic responses in environmental systems. In this sense, several studies have demonstrated the importance of sea level oscillations, sedimentary balance and river-coastline displacements associated with climate fluctuations during the Quaternary. However, there is still a relative lack of recent research that focuses on the last glacial maximum (LGM) and the Holocene for the eastern Brazilian coast. In this way, the intense morphodynamics between estuarine and deltaic systems could become interpretative keys in the general understanding of these environments worldwide because they are located in a particular context within the connectivity of these geomorphological systems. To investigate these processes between the Jequitinhonha, Pardo and Una Rivers, detailed mapping and geomorphic topographic profiles were carried out using pre-selected digital elevation models, and fieldworks were carried out on land and water to validate the mappings and to collect samples. Then, they were subjected to geochronological analysis using Optically Stimulated Luminescence and grain size distribution to recognize the depositional age and characterize the surficial cover. It was possible to identify five depositional landscape units: fluvial terraces, fluvial-marine terraces and three staggered levels of marine terraces. Based on these results, a paleogeographic reconstruction of the evolutionary phases of this eastern sector of Brazil's coast was carried out, chronologically covering the Pleistocene/Holocene transition up to the present. The aim is to understand littoral dynamics as a response to both fluvial adjustments and oscillations of the regional relative sea level. AU - Moreira, Vinícius Borges AU - Lämmle, Luca AU - Torres, Bruno Araújo AU - Donadio, Carlo AU - Perez Filho, Archimedes DA - 2024/11/01 DO - 10.1002/esp.5989 KW - coastal geomorphology landscape evolution OSL Dating Quaternary deposits transitional environments IS - 14 PY - 2024 RN - coastal SN - 0197-9337 SP - 4679-4693 JO - Earth Surface Processes and Landforms TI - Geomorphological evolution in transitional environments on the eastern coast of Brazil UR - https://doi.org/10.1002/esp.5989 VL - 49 Y2 - 2024/12/13 ID - 132 ER - TY - JOUR AB - This work investigates theoretically possible dose rate effects in thermoluminescence (TL) and optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) materials by solving the rate equations for the stimulated luminescence process. Starting with the solution of the One-Trap–One-Recombination-Center (OTOR) model with parameters from the literature, we first showed that this model, with the chosen parameters, does not reproduce real luminescent material properties (e.g., TL curve and dose response). We then studied the physical phenomena responsible for dose rate effects in this model, and the influence of the model parameters on the dose rate response. As a result, we found that charge accumulation in the delocalized bands over unrealistic long periods (> hundreds of seconds) is responsible for dose rate effects. Such effect is caused by the particular choice of model parameters. When model parameters based on physical considerations and experimental results are chosen, no dose rate effects are observed. This work provides a deeper understanding of the luminescence process, by identifying the mechanisms that could be responsible for dose rate effects, and a theoretical foundation to the use of luminescent detectors for ultra-high dose rate dosimetry. AU - Motta, S. AU - Yukihara, E. G. DA - 2024/12/01/ DO - 10.1016/j.radmeas.2024.107305 KW - Luminescence dosimetry Dose rate effects Rate-equation models PY - 2024 RN - dosimetry statistics, simulation, and modelling SN - 1350-4487 SP - 107305 JO - Radiation Measurements TI - Assessing dose rate effects in TL and OSL dosimeters: A critical look into dose rate models UR - https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1350448724002531 VL - 179 ID - 124 ER - TY - JOUR AB - The goal of the present work was to conduct an initial screening survey of several types of TL and OSL detectors, aimed at searching for the indication of the presence of dose rate effects. The study has been performed on ten different materials: LiF:Mg,Ti; LiF:Mg,Cu,P; CaF2:Dy; Al–P glass; YAP:Mn; CaSO4:Dy; Al2O3:C; BeO; MgB4O7:Ce.Li and quartz. Gamma-ray dose rates ranged from 0.1 mGy/h to 90 Gy/h. No clear evidence of dose rate effects was found for any material. In two cases (MgB4O7:Ce,Li and BeO) some irregularities of the response were observed, which require further investigations but most probably they are not attributable to the dose rate influence. AU - Mrozik, Anna AU - Bilski, Paweł AU - Mandowski, Arkadiusz AU - Kłosowski, Mariusz AU - Budzanowski, Maciej AU - Drop, Jagoda AU - Swakoń, Jan AU - Discher, Michael DA - 2024/08/01/ DO - 10.1016/j.radmeas.2024.107211 PY - 2024 RN - basic research SN - 1350-4487 SP - 107211 JO - Radiation Measurements TI - Searching for TL/OSL dose rate effects in various luminescent materials UR - https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1350448724001598 VL - 176 ID - 114 ER - TY - JOUR AB - This study investigates the potential use of dietary supplements and pharmaceuticals containing magnesium, calcium or potassium for emergency dosimetry applications using the phenomenon of optically stimulated luminescence (OSL). Signal measurements were carried out using different stimulation wavelengths, and blue light stimulation was found to be the most efficient. More than half of the samples exhibited a measurable OSL signal and relatively high radiation sensitivity compared to other previously measured emergency detectors. Moreover, samples generally demonstrated a linear dose response. Possible causes of their high zero-dose signal were investigated: mechanical processing and UV light excitation. As variability in sensitivity was observed, the test-dose protocol was used during measurements. Furthermore, the study showed a significant loss of OSL signal intensity within 24 h after irradiation, which suggests the necessity for a fading correction. Finally, a dose recovery test was performed to evaluate the materials and the test-dose protocol under realistic conditions. The findings indicate the potential for using pharmaceuticals and dietary supplements in the event of a radiation emergency due to their dosimetric properties and ease of obtaining. AU - Mrozik, Anna AU - Kuźnik, Dorota AU - Bilski, Paweł AU - Discher, Michael DA - 2024/09/01/ DO - 10.1016/j.radmeas.2024.107225 KW - Accident dosimetry Retrospective dosimetry Emergency dosimetry Dietary supplements OSL Dosimetric properties PY - 2024 RN - dosimetry SN - 1350-4487 SP - 107225 JO - Radiation Measurements TI - Investigating luminescence signals of pharmaceuticals and dietary supplements for emergency dosimetry UR - https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1350448724001732 VL - 177 ID - 118 ER - TY - JOUR AB - Luminescence-based thermometry and dating often requires determination of the saturation level for specific signals and the corresponding dose. However, previous studies found non-monotonic dose responses for some monochromatic thermoluminescence (TL) and optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) signals from quartz as well as spectral overlap of emission bands, substantially complicating data interpretation. Therefore, the present study examines (1) the variability in the TL emission spectrum of quartz and feldspar from bedrock and sediment of different provenances and, (2) the saturation characteristics of the blue emission band for both quartz and feldspar in the dose range from 0.25 kGy to 50 kGy. The experimental results confirm differences in the spectra which appear to be characteristic of their geological origin and chemical composition. Spectral analysis shows that in the temperature range 175–220 °C the blue emission band at ∼2.5 eV dominates over other bands for all quartz samples studied. A broad UV-blue TL signal peaking at ∼2.5−3.0 eV and composed of probably three overlapping, individual bands is characteristic for K-feldspar, while one Na-feldspar exhibits an additional band at ∼2.2 eV. In the studied dose range, the emissions at ∼2.5 eV and ∼2.6 eV increase as a function of dose up to 6 kGy for both quartz and feldspar. A difference in dose response was observed for high doses (>6 kGy) where feldspar samples reached a stable saturation level while for quartz the blue emission band intensity decays until 50 kGy after having attained a maximum. Our results suggest the suitability of feldspar TL for palaeothermometry and thermochronometry from the perspective of signal saturation characteristics. However, the spectral overlap of several bands in the UV-blue emission requires careful optical filter selection to isolate the signal of interest. The non-monotonic dose response of the ∼2.5 eV emission of quartz around 200 °C glow curve temperature probably precludes its use for temperature sensing based on relative trap saturation levels. AU - Niyonzima, Pontien AU - Oehler, Salome AU - King, Georgina E. AU - Schmidt, Christoph DA - 2024/09/01/ DO - 10.1016/j.radmeas.2024.107262 PY - 2024 RN - basic research SN - 1350-4487 SP - 107262 JO - Radiation Measurements TI - Investigating thermoluminescence signal saturation in quartz and feldspar using emission spectrometry UR - https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1350448724002105 VL - 177 ID - 119 ER - TY - JOUR AB - Abstract The Ili-Balkhash region in southeastern Kazakhstan hosts morphologically diverse dormant desert dune fields and presents an interesting opportunity for geomorphological and palaeoenvironmental studies. Because the morphology of aeolian dunes is primarily driven by wind dynamics, the dormant dunes in the study area may reflect past wind conditions. We assess their concurrence with modern ERA5 wind data to test whether there has been a change in wind regime since the dunes' last phase of activity. Our approach includes dune mapping, the quantification of dune orientations, the modelling of modern bedform orientations, and optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating for temporal context. The centrepiece of our methodological contribution is a novel semi-automated mapping workflow using geographic object-based image analysis (GEOBIA) and machine learning (ML) on Sentinel-2 satellite imagery. Within the scope of a case study, we map dune fields in the Ili-Balkhash region and quantify dune orientations. We further apply the maximum gross bedform-normal transport (MGBNT) concept to model bedform orientations matching modern wind regimes for each of the sites. We find that strong winds show better alignment with observed dune orientations than wind regimes comprising all wind speeds. Furthermore, bedform orientations in some of our study sites, namely those that are located in the open plain southeast of Lake Balkhash, do not reflect modern winds. The divergence between dune orientations and wind regime suggests changes in local wind dynamics since the dune fields' last phase of activity. AU - Nowatzki, Maike AU - Fitzsimmons, Kathryn E. AU - Harder, Hartwig AU - Rosner, Hans-Joachim DA - 2024/11/01 DO - 10.1002/esp.5981 KW - Central Asia desert dunes geographic object-based image analysis (GEOBIA) geomorphic mapping Kazakhstan optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating IS - 14 PY - 2024 RN - aeolian SN - 0197-9337 SP - 4553-4569 JO - Earth Surface Processes and Landforms TI - Investigating palaeodune orientations and contemporary wind regimes in Southeast Kazakhstan using a semi-automated mapping framework UR - https://doi.org/10.1002/esp.5981 VL - 49 Y2 - 2024/12/13 ID - 130 ER - TY - JOUR AB - The thermal stability of the bleachable and unbleachable components of the electron spin resonance signals in quartz grains from modern fluvial sediments were investigated. It was found that the unbleachable Al center is thermally more stable than the bleachable component, hence the unbleachable component can be extracted by heating. Protocols for equivalent dose evaluation with preheating are proposed, in which the procedure of bleaching is replaced by “partial annealing” (heating at 280 °C for 15 min) for the Al center and by “annealing” (heating at 400 °C for 1 h) for the Ti-Li and Ti-H centers. The dose recovery test confirmed that the proposed protocol works practically, and that the regenerative protocol is better than the additive dose protocol in the aspect of the statistical errors. Appropriate partial annealing conditions to extract the unbleachable Al centers may need to be investigated for each sample. AU - Obata, Naoya AU - Toyoda, Shin DA - 2025/01/01/ DO - 10.1016/j.radmeas.2024.107327 KW - ESR Sedimentary quartz Bleaching Thermal stability Dose recovery test PY - 2025 RN - ESR basic research SN - 1350-4487 SP - 107327 JO - Radiation Measurements TI - Thermal stability of the bleachable and unbleachable components of the ESR signals in sedimentary quartz UR - https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1350448724002750 VL - 180 ID - 125 ER - TY - JOUR AB - The Tuzla Fault (TF), considered one of the most important seismic sources in İzmir province, is defined as a strike–slip fault with N10E–N60E striking between Gaziemir and Doğanbey districts. A 50-km-long fault consists of three segments which are, from north to south Çatalca, Orhanlı, and Doğanbey segments. Recent studies claim that the part of the TF extending to Kuşadası Bay is also in a kinematic relationship with the Samos Fault that caused an earthquake on 30 October 2020 (Mw = 6.9). In this study, in order to analyse the historical behaviour of the fault, three trench-based palaeoseismology studies across the fault scarp were conducted on three geometric segments of the TF. Palaeoseismology findings show that seven historic/prehistoric earthquakes were generated by TF. According to Oxcal distribution using the Bayesian methods, the time of the events lie between 46.2 ± 6.1 and 1.6 ± 0.3 ka. When the events are compared with the historical earthquakes, the last event is correlated with the earthquakes of 47 AD and/or 177/178 AD on the Doğanbey segment. Moreover, the other events can be attributed to the late Pleistocene–Holocene earthquakes that are prehistorical periods. Our results provide a recurrence interval of an earthquake along the TF to between 0.7 and 4.3 ka for the Holocene period. The elapsed time since the most recent surface faulting earthquake on the TF is 1844 years. It is suggested that it is predicted that TF has the potential to produce destructive earthquakes in the near future, especially in Orhanlı and Çatalca segments which may be considered as a seismic gap. AU - Öncü, Umut AU - Sözbilir, Hasan AU - Özkaymak, Çağlar AU - Softa, Mustafa AU - Sümer, Ökmen AU - Eski, Semih AU - Spencer, Joel Q. G. AU - Şahiner, Eren AU - Yüksel, Mehmet AU - Meriç, Niyazi AU - Topaksu, Mustafa DA - 2024/03/01 DO - 10.1007/s11069-023-06290-6 IS - 5 PY - 2024 RN - earthquake (and fault related) SN - 1573-0840 SP - 4699-4727 JO - Natural Hazards TI - Palaeoseismological assessment for a seismic gap located very close to the epicentre of the 30 October 2020 Samos Earthquake (M6.9), western Anatolia, Turkey UR - https://doi.org/10.1007/s11069-023-06290-6 VL - 120 ID - 136 ER - TY - JOUR AB - The optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) sensitivity of the fast component in quartz has been increasingly used in provenance analysis of Quaternary sediments. Quartz OSL natural sensitization is thought to be mainly controlled by the formation conditions of the source bedrock and surface processes occurring mainly in sediment source areas. Thus, quartz OSL sensitivity can be linked to distinct sediment source regions, based on their tectonic setting and erosion conditions. In this way, changes in quartz OSL sensitivity within siliciclastic successions would track variations in sediment provenance. So far, few works evaluated how the OSL sensitivity of quartz sand grains varies in sedimentary successions that experienced long-term cycles of deep burial, exhumation, and erosion. Therefore, this work aims to characterize the sensitivity of the fast OSL component of quartz sand grains retrieved from the Cenozoic sedimentary rocks of the Northern Andes basins and assess its spatiotemporal changes. We found that quartz grains with the lowest OSL sensitivity are sourced by crystalline and volcanic rocks related to the Andean Continental Arc emplaced in the Colombian Central Cordillera, reflecting the onset of denudation in orogenic sources during the Paleocene. Subsequently, increasing trends in OSL sensitivity are related to the sedimentary recycling during the Andean orogeny, reaching maximum values as a result of the progressive unroofing of Cretaceous rocks in the Colombian Eastern Cordillera, originally sourced from the low-relief Amazon Craton. Changes in quartz OSL sensitivity measured in the Cenozoic sedimentary basin-fill sequences of the Northern Andes vary according to the shifts in sediment provenance related to the orogenic construction and sediment recycling of the Andean range. AU - Ortiz, Carlos AU - Parra, Mauricio AU - Rodrigues, Fernanda C. G. AU - Mineli, Thays D. AU - Sawakuchi, André O. DA - 2024/08/01/ DO - 10.1016/j.quageo.2024.101581 KW - Quartz OSL sensitivity Northern Andes Sediment recycling Provenance signatures Exhumation rates PY - 2024 RN - basic research SN - 1871-1014 SP - 101581 JO - Quaternary Geochronology TI - Tracing uplift and erosion in orogenic settings using quartz luminescence sensitivity: Insights from the Northern Andes uplift UR - https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1871101424000852 VL - 83 ID - 63 ER - TY - BOOK AB - This book compiles and presents a complete package of open-access Python software code for luminescence signal analysis in the areas of radiation dosimetry, luminescence dosimetry, and luminescence dating. Featuring more than 90 detailed worked examples of Python code, fully integrated into the text, 16 chapters summarize the theory and equations behind the subject matter, while presenting the practical Python codes used to analyze experimental data and extract the various parameters that mathematically describe the luminescence signals. Several examples are provided of how researchers can use and modify the available codes for different practical situations. Types of luminescence signals analyzed in the book are thermoluminescence (TL), isothermal luminescence (ITL), optically stimulated luminescence (OSL), infrared stimulated luminescence (IRSL), timeresolved luminescence (TR) and dose response of dosimetric materials. The open-access Python codes are available at GitHub. The book is well suited to the broader scientific audience using the tools of luminescence dosimetry: physicists, geologists, archaeologists, solid-state physicists, medical physicists, and all scientists using luminescence dosimetry in their research. The detailed code provided allows both students and researchers to be trained quickly and efficiently on the practical aspects of their work, while also providing an overview of the theory behind the analytical equations. AU - Pagonis, Vasilis DO - 10.1007/978-3-030-96798-7 PB - Springer Cham PY - 2022 RN - computer coding SP - 396 ST - Luminescence Signal Analysis Using Python TI - Luminescence Signal Analysis Using Python UR - https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-030-96798-7 ID - 150 ER - TY - JOUR AB - Continent-continent collision between Eurasian and the Indian plate during the Cenozoic period lead to the formation of the Himalayan Mountain chain and the development of the Indus-Ganga-Brahmaputra foreland basin to the south. Complex climate-tectonic interactions in this orogenic belt are responsible for the rapid erosion and filling of the Indus-Ganga-Brahmaputra foreland basin with the eroded materials. This study based on geomorphic mapping, lithofacies analysis, and geochemical (Strontium-Neodymium i.e., SrNd analysis) provenance characterization, as well as optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) ages, provides a dated sedimentation framework for the western Assam lowland areas. The dated relict fan surface lies ~40 m above mean sea level (msl), is incised and forms a regional valley terrace T1 composed of meandering channel deposits. Modern braided rivers flow on the T0 surface. The findings suggest that the alluvial fan is composed of three distinct lithofacies associations and aggraded during 27 to 3 ka. The bottom-most gravelly-sandy facies indicates progradation of the fan during the last glacial maximum (LGM), owing to the increased gradient of the Himalaya bound rivers. The middle facies is a sheet flood deposit which formed during the Latest Pleostocene-early Holocene period with rising sea level and increasing precipitation. During the Mid-Late Holocene, the uppermost facies is deposited as rivers lost their gradient in response to high sea level stand, resulting in inland sedimentation within muddy meandering channels. Our analysis found that falling sea level during the late Holocene was associated with greater precipitation and allowed the river to incise, to form gullies over the fan surface and form the valley terrace T1. The SrNd isotope fingerprints have been used to identify varying fan sediment sources in the Himalaya's southern front (i.e., Lesser and Higher Himalaya) as a function of changing monsoon conditions. AU - Panda, Sandeep AU - Kumar, Anil AU - Srivastava, Pradeep AU - Das, Satyabrata AU - Jayangondaperumal, R. AU - Prakash, Kuldeep DA - 2022/12/01/ DO - 10.1016/j.sedgeo.2022.106289 KW - Alluvial Fan Foreland basin Brahmaputra River OSL dating Sea-level changes PY - 2022 RN - fluvial SN - 0037-0738 SP - 106289 JO - Sedimentary Geology TI - Deciphering the role of late Quaternary sea level fluctuations in controlling the sedimentation in the Brahmaputra Plains UR - https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S003707382200210X VL - 442 ID - 141 ER - TY - JOUR AB - Depth-dependent luminescence in the top few millimetres of rock surface emerges as a potential tool to estimate rock surface exposure age and post-exposure erosion rate. It relies on the principle that the luminescence depth profile (LDP) propagates deeper with the time of sunlight exposure and moves to shallower depth with the erosion rate. The propagation of LDP is generally assumed to follow the first-order kinetic (FOK) model, except for a few recent studies. The FOK model predicts an exponential decay of infrared stimulated luminescence (IRSL) signal with light exposure time, which rarely corroborates experimental observation; IRSL signal decay is much slower than exponential decay. The faster decay of IRSL, predicted by the FOK model, results in faster propagation of LDP and thus always underestimates the exposure age and translates into a higher erosion rate. Interestingly, the slower-than-exponential decay of the IRSL signal can be better explained by general order kinetics (GOK). Thus, recent studies on rock surface luminescence dating have employed the GOK model. However, the GOK model is yet to be explored to predict post-exposure erosion rates. Here, we apply the GOK model and theoretically demonstrate the impact of the order of kinetics on the calibration and propagation of LDP in the presence of erosion and how the LDP's transient to steady state transition depends on the order of kinetics. We have performed a series of synthetic tests to assess the impact of selecting an incorrect model on the prediction of erosion rate. Finally, using the revised rate equation, the erosion rates are recalculated for natural samples (data available in the literature: Lehmann et al. (2019b)) and the impact of GOK on the predicted erosion rate is discussed. AU - Pathan, Arbaz N. AU - Biswas, Rabiul H. AU - Lehmann, Benjamin AU - King, Georgina E. AU - Herman, Frédéric DA - 2024/12/01/ DO - 10.1016/j.quageo.2024.101634 KW - Rock surface exposure dating Rock surface erosion IRSL of feldspar General order kinetics Landscape evolution PY - 2024 RN - surface exposure dating SN - 1871-1014 SP - 101634 JO - Quaternary Geochronology TI - Towards accurate modelling of rock surface exposure dating using luminescence to estimate post-exposure erosion rate UR - https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1871101424001389 VL - 85 ID - 107 ER - TY - JOUR AB - Abstract River meanders entrenched into bedrock are found worldwide, and they are famously well represented in the Colorado Plateau of the southwestern U.S. Meandering of bedrock streams can eventually lead to cutting off canyon loops, and these abandoned ?rincons? are locations with high preservation of fluvial deposits and landforms. We document and luminescence date the fluvial terraces in and around the Jackson Hole rincon along the Colorado River downstream of Moab, Utah. Results indicate cutoff and abandonment of the rincon at ~200?ka and also record the rapid and unsteady incision in this region over the past 300 ky. A convergence of conditions contributed to the cutoff of the rincon, including alluvial-channel conditions at the onset of MIS 6 glacial-climate, which provided channel-bed cover and enhanced lateral erosion of weak strata. Also, a contemporaneous rock-avalanche partially obstructed the paleochannel just downstream of the breach, potentially creating a backwater that further enabled a flood to avulse across the neck. Although other studies show that bedrock-channel meandering and cutoff can generate unpaired strath terraces and short-term increases in incision rates, these are not evident in the record at the Jackson Hole rincon. This novel case study leverages the high preservation potential within abandoned bedrock meanders to illuminate the processes and controls of rincon formation during landscape evolution. AU - Pederson, Joel L. AU - Young, Sherman C. AU - Turley, Michael AU - Tanski, Natalie AU - Rittenour, Tammy M. AU - Harris, Ron A. DA - 2024/09/15 DO - 10.1002/esp.5886 KW - Colorado plateau entrenched meanders meander cutoff river incision IS - 11 PY - 2024 RN - fluvial SN - 0197-9337 SP - 3283-3291 JO - Earth Surface Processes and Landforms TI - The how, when, and why of an abandoned bedrock meander of the Colorado River, Utah (U.S.) UR - https://doi.org/10.1002/esp.5886 VL - 49 Y2 - 2024/12/13 ID - 128 ER - TY - JOUR AB - This study presents a detailed investigation of the Kisiljevo loess-palaeosol sequence in north-eastern Serbia, offering a refined understanding of its paleoenvironmental dynamics. Contrasting our updated OSL chronology with a previous study, reveals discrepancies, particularly at 400 cm depth, where a considerable age underestimation is evident. While variations in sampling depth and methodology may contribute to some differences, the substantial deviation raises concern about the reliability of the earlier chronology. Our robust age-depth model constructed using Bayesian modelling, and the consistent increase in ages with depth suggest a potential underestimation in the uppermost layer of the earlier study, possibly due to partial bleaching or post-depositional mixing. The Bayesian age-depth model portrays a continuous sedimentation history from the later stages of Marine Isotope Stage 3 (MIS 3) to the present day. The patterns in the calculated Mass Accumulation Rates reveal distinctive peaks during MIS 3 and the middle of MIS 2, deviating from typical dust deposition models. The MIS 3 peaks in dustiness could be attributed to regional factors such as increased transportation rates, enhanced trapping efficiency, or elevated palaeowind intensity. This research not only enhances our understanding of the Kisiljevo LPS but also provides valuable insights into regional paleoenvironmental dynamics. The study emphasizes the importance of considering local geological variations in reconstructing past climates from sediment archives and sets the stage for further investigations into the factors influencing dust deposition in north-eastern Serbia. The MAR trends established here serve as a crucial reference for broader paleoclimatic interpretations in the Carpathian Basin. AU - Perić, Zoran M. AU - Ryan, Cathal AU - Alexanderson, Helena AU - Marković, Slobodan B. DA - 2024/07/20/ DO - 10.1016/j.quaint.2024.06.006 KW - Optically stimulated luminescence Quartz Age models Revised chronology Loess PY - 2024 RN - loess SN - 1040-6182 SP - 39-48 JO - Quaternary International TI - Revised OSL chronology of the Kisiljevo loess-palaeosol sequence: New insight into the dust flux in the eastern Carpathian Basin during MIS 3 - MIS1 UR - https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1040618224001952 VL - 698 ID - 39 ER - TY - JOUR AB - Mineral dust records distant from dust sources are crucial in establishing wider atmospheric dust loads in the past. However, detailed, independent chronologies for loess-palaeosol sequences distant from local dust sources are still rare in Europe. In this study we present a high-resolution OSL and pIRIR290 chronology and multi-proxy investigation of the Irig loess-palaeosol sequence (LPS), Vojvodina, Serbia. Our results show that 4–11 μm quartz is a reliable dosimeter only up to ~59 ka (179 Gy), after which the OSL ages underestimate the expected ages based on stratigraphy. The pIRIR290 signal displays generally good luminescence behaviour and resultant ages show good agreement with the expected stratigraphic ages, although with apparent 15 kyr and 35 kyr age underestimations at the L2-S2 and S2-L3 boundaries, respectively. The calculated dust mass accumulation rates (MAR) reveal large fluctuations during the last two glacial-interglacial cycles. During the penultimate glacial, the highest MARs were observed between 171 and 181 ka, subsequently decreasing rapidly during MIS 5. During the last glacial period, dust MARs display maximum values during MIS 2 and MIS 4, while the lowest dust input was observed during the Holocene, followed by MIS 3. Dust MAR and grain-size shifts appear to lead changes in magnetic susceptibility by several kyr. Our results imply that changes in dust availability and wind dynamics occurred prior to changes in climate-controlled soil moisture conditions at the Irig LPS. Moreover, our results reveal a close coupling of the dust MAR and grain-size variations during the Mid-Late Pleistocene. These patterns suggest that the Irig site is likely representative of regional dust dynamics, which separates it from more source proximal loess sites, such as those close to major rivers, which are likely more affected by local dust availability and river discharge. AU - Perić, Zoran M. AU - Stevens, Thomas AU - Obreht, Igor AU - Hambach, Ulrich AU - Lehmkuhl, Frank AU - Marković, Slobodan B. DA - 2022/08/01/ DO - 10.1016/j.gloplacha.2022.103895 KW - OSL pIRIR Mineral dust Loess Quaternary Serbia PY - 2022 RN - loess SN - 0921-8181 SP - 103895 JO - Global and Planetary Change TI - Detailed luminescence dating of dust mass accumulation rates over the last two glacial-interglacial cycles from the Irig loess-palaeosol sequence, Carpathian Basin UR - https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S092181812200162X VL - 215 ID - 161 ER - TY - JOUR AB - The timing and causes for erosional events at the Kastrouli (Greece) archeological site ? a Late Myceneaen with reuse in later periods ? are presented. Two borehole sediment cores (max 6?m depth), collected from the footsteps of the settlement hill plain, were studied. Sedimentary analysis and luminescence dating techniques investigate and identify periods of soil aggradation in this record. Moreover, optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating confirmed the concept of an ancient lake during Kastrouli settlement times. Macroscopic overview of the stratigraphic structure for each core, included lithological and textural evaluation of the core sediments, assessments of grain size, and determination of the geochemical and mineralogical composition of the sediments. X-ray powder diffraction (XRPD), X-ray fluorescence (XRF), and Laser Ablation Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) techniques were applied for the mineralogical and geochemical analysis. OSL ages from seven sediment horizons spanned from the Ottoman period to archaic times. All lithological findings correlate with the results of the electrical tomography survey conducted in same area. Extrapolation of the Logarithmic fitting of the data back in time of prehistoric Late Mycenaean era of Kastrouli verifies a lake deeper than 10?m, with a considerable enhancement in soil aggradation of 1.2?cm/year. Attempts to dry out the area are evidenced by the hydraulic works found in two engineering sinkholes. Sedimentation changes had occurred in the local environment over the last 2500?years, and soil aggradation underwent significant fluctuations in the two studied cores. The Roman period (a wet period) and the Byzantine period experienced high aggradation rates. By contrast, soil aggradation rates in southern Phokis (Kastrouli region) have remained exceedingly low from the Ottoman era (circa 13th century) to the present. In the context of the Phokis case study, it appears that the sedimentation rates, driven by climate, have strengthened anthropogenic activities. AU - Polymeris, Georgios S. AU - Geraga, Maria AU - Papatheodorou, George AU - Iliopoulos, Ioannis AU - Pluháček, Tomáš AU - Lemr, Karel AU - Qin, Zhen AU - Sergiou, Spyros AU - Dimas, Xenophon AU - Liritzis, Ioannis DA - 2024/12/01 DO - 10.1177/09596836241275024 IS - 12 PY - 2024 RN - lacustrine SN - 0959-6836 SP - 1775-1789 JO - The Holocene TI - Climate-driven versus anthropogenic induced erosion of the last 3000 years from an ancient lake in the Southern Phokis Plain (Desfina), Greece UR - https://doi.org/10.1177/09596836241275024 VL - 34 Y2 - 2024/12/16 ID - 174 ER - TY - JOUR AB - ABSTRACT This paper provides the initial chronological framework for an Australian Aboriginal women's sacred area, based on the first absolute ages obtained through luminescence dating. The Thirteen Mile Creek site of the Avon Downs women's sacred area provides evidence for various aspects of women's lives, including lithic raw material extraction and lithic artefact production from ?7000 years to recent times. It is the first dated Aboriginal women's sacred area in Australia. The successful use of single grain luminescence on a colluvial mantle suggests the potential to extend cultural histories in tropical hillslopes to the middle Holocene. Our preliminary study of the site raises awareness of the challenges of protecting women's sacred sites from mining and development and highlights the importance of preserving Aboriginal sacred sites for future generations. AU - Ponomareva, Irina A. AU - Hatte, Liz AU - Kemp, Justine AU - Wallace, Marie AU - McLennan, Col DA - 2024/07/01 DO - 10.1002/arco.5328 KW - Australian Aboriginal sacred sites cultural heritage gender archaeology sacred women's business single grain OSL dating stone artefact production taphonomy Sites sacrés aborigènes australiens Patrimoine culturel Archéologie du genre Activités sacrées féminines Datation par OSL sur grains uniques Production d'artefacts en pierre Taphonomie IS - 2 PY - 2024 RN - archaeology SN - 0728-4896 SP - 333-349 JO - Archaeology in Oceania TI - The archaeology of sacred womens’ business in Australia: a Holocene history from the Central Queensland Highlands UR - https://doi.org/10.1002/arco.5328 VL - 59 Y2 - 2024/12/16 ID - 153 ER - TY - JOUR AB - Middle and Late Pleistocene large and mega-mammal records of the Argentine Pampas, belonging to the Bonaerian and Lujanian Stages/Ages, have not yet been adequately dated by standard numerical radiometric methods. Reference timescales for Argentina and other South American fossil sites are mainly based on the mammalian faunal content (biostratigraphic units or biozones). We have recently dated three Middle and Late Pleistocene faunal sites located in the Buenos Aires Province using Electron Spin Resonance (ESR), U-series, Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) and radiocarbon dating. The geographically distant sites (Salto de Piedra, Campo Spósito and Cascada de Paleolama) have yielded fossil assemblages representative of the Lujanian and Bonaerian Stages/Ages. Salto de Piedra, systematically excavated, records one of the most complete fossil sequences and our results indicate that it deposited between at least 127.4 ka (minimum age; Late Pleistocene, MIS 5) and 4.8–4.3 cal ka BP (Middle Holocene, MIS 1). Campo Spósito lower level (corresponding to ‘El Tala’ unit) was dated to >188 ka via ESR/U-series dating of teeth. Finally, Cascada de Paleolama Unit D, towards the base of the sequence, produced an age of 143 ± 20 ka (Late Pleistocene, MIS 5/6). The new dating results provide a crucial additional age control for the Bonaerian and Lujanian Stages/Ages, and allowed us to better identify and calibrate the limits of Equus neogeus, Megatherium americanum biozones, as well as to better constrain other index taxa that are used to construct local biostratigraphical frameworks. Our results indicate the need for a revision of the biozone schemes established for the Quaternary of Pampean region. AU - Prado, Jose Luis AU - Duval, Mathieu AU - Demuro, Martina AU - Santos-Arévalo, Francisco Javier AU - Alberdi, María Teresa AU - Tomassini, Rodrigo L. AU - Montalvo, Claudia I. AU - Bonini, Ricardo AU - Favier-Dubois, Cristian M. AU - Burrough, Sallie AU - Bajkan, Szilvia AU - Gasparini, Germán M. AU - Bellinzoni, Jonathan AU - Fernández, Fernando J. AU - García-Morato, Sara AU - Marin-Monfort, María Dolores AU - Adams, Shaun AU - Zhao, Jian-xin AU - Beilinson, Elisa AU - Fernández-Jalvo, Yolanda DA - 2024/11/15/ DO - 10.1016/j.quascirev.2024.108958 KW - OSL dating ESR dating AMS dating Quaternary Bonaerian Lujanian Biozone PY - 2024 RN - coastal ESR SN - 0277-3791 SP - 108958 JO - Quaternary Science Reviews TI - Refining the chronology of Middle/Late Pleistocene fossil assemblages in the Argentine Pampas UR - https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0277379124004591 VL - 344 ID - 53 ER - TY - JOUR AB - The timing of the last deglaciation of the Laurentide Ice Sheet in western New York is poorly constrained. The lack of direct chronology in the region has led to a hypothesis that the Laurentide Ice Sheet re-advanced to near its Last Glacial Maximum terminal position in western New York at ∼ 13 ka, which challenges long-standing datasets. To address this hypothesis, we obtained new chronology from the Kent (terminal) and Lake Escarpment (first major recessional) moraines using radiocarbon ages in sediment cores from moraine kettles supplemented with two optically stimulated luminescence ages from topset beds in an ice-contact delta. The two optically stimulated luminescence ages date the Kent (terminal) position to 19.8 ± 2.6 and 20.6 ± 2.9 ka. Within the sediment cores, there is sedimentological evidence of an unstable landscape during basin formation; radiocarbon ages from the lowest sediments in our cores are not in stratigraphic order and date from 19 350–19 600 to 14 050–14 850 cal BP. We interpret these ages as loosely minimum-limiting constraints on ice sheet retreat. Our oldest radiocarbon age of 19 350–19 600 cal BP – from a rip-up clast – suggests ice-free conditions at that time. Above the lowest sediments there is organic-rich silt and radiocarbon ages in stratigraphic order. We interpret the lowest ages in these organic-rich sediments as minimum-limiting constraints on kettle basin formation. The lowest radiocarbon ages from organic-rich sediments from sites on both Kent and Lake Escarpment moraines range from 15 000–15 400 to 13 600–14 000 cal BP. We interpret the 5 kyr lag between the optically stimulated luminescence ages and kettle basin formation as the result of persistent buried ice in ice-cored moraines until ∼ 15 to 14 ka. The cold conditions associated with Heinrich Stadial 1 may have enabled the survival of ice-cored moraines until after 15 ka, and, in turn, climate amelioration during the Bølling period (14.7–14.1 ka) may have initiated landscape stabilization. This model potentially reconciles the sedimentological and chronological evidence underpinning the re-advance hypothesis, which instead could be the result of moraine instability and sediment mobilization during the Bølling–Allerød periods (14.7–13 ka). Age control for future work should focus on features that are not dependent on local climate. AU - Prince, K. K. AU - Briner, J. P. AU - Walcott, C. K. AU - Chase, B. M. AU - Kozlowski, A. L. AU - Rittenour, T. M. AU - Yang, E. P. DO - 10.5194/gchron-6-409-2024 IS - 3 PY - 2024 RN - glacial and periglacial SN - 2628-3719 SP - 409-427 JO - Geochronology TI - New age constraints reveal moraine stabilization thousands of years after deposition during the last deglaciation of western New York, USA UR - https://gchron.copernicus.org/articles/6/409/2024/ VL - 6 ID - 175 ER - TY - JOUR AB - Sporadic pulses of basaltic volcanism in the Western Carpathians during the Late Miocene to Middle/Late Pleistocene were contemporaneous with the formation of modern topography. Low-viscosity basaltic lavas entering river valleys influenced the evolution of drainage systems and the surrounding terrain. This study targets two important alkali basalt occurrences in the Western Carpathians – the Ostrá Lúka (OL) basalt complex and the Putikov vŕšok Volcano (PvV). These basalt complexes are unique in their spatial proximity to the Hron River valley, yet their age is unclear. We present new geochronological constraints for both basalt effusions and investigate their potential impact on the evolution of the Hron River valley. 40Ar/39Ar dating of plagioclase from two OL basalt samples yielded Late Tortonian plateau ages of 7.6 ± 0.1 Ma and 7.8 ± 0.1 Ma. The zircon (U-Th)/He age of 5.9 ± 0.6 Ma from one of the OL samples indicates post-eruption rejuvenation likely by younger lava flows. While fluvial morphometric indices extracted from the current Hron River channel in the OL area likely reflect younger uplift events, χ-elevation profiles of the Hron River left-side tributaries still indicate past drainage reorganisations. We hypothesise that the Hron River was diverted westward in the Late Tortonian when voluminous OL lavas blocked its earlier southward-trending paleo-valley. However, more data is required to confirm this hypothesis. Luminescence dating applied to sediments from a fluvial terrace underlying PvV basalt flow revealed minimum depositional ages of >165 ± 23 ka and > 163 ± 27 ka. These ages are older than the currently accepted OSL age (102 ± 11 ka) but consistent with the recently published K/Ar age of PvV basalts (450 ± 30 ka). The older terrace age suggests delayed incision and challenges the validity of the currently used classification of river terraces in the study area. The valley damming by lava flow followed by younger aggradation phase(s) can explain the seemingly low average incision rate (up to ∼0.03 mm yr−1) in this segment of the Hron River, which is supported by the linear inversion of its tributary profiles in the PvV area. AU - Prokešová, Roberta AU - Danišík, Martin AU - Fiebig, Markus AU - Jourdan, Fred AU - Lüthgens, Christopher AU - Procházka, Juraj AU - Holec, Juraj AU - Minár, Jozef DA - 2024/10/15/ DO - 10.1016/j.geomorph.2024.109326 KW - Ar/Ar dating (U-Th)/He dating Luminescence dating Fluvial morphometric indices Alkali basalts Hron River Western Carpathians PY - 2024 RN - fluvial SN - 0169-555X SP - 109326 JO - Geomorphology TI - Late Cenozoic alkali basalts and their interactions with the paleo-Hron River (Western Carpathians): New insights from geochronology and fluvial morphometric indices UR - https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0169555X24002769 VL - 463 ID - 21 ER - TY - JOUR AB - Northern Germany is famous for its numerous Neanderthal (Middle Palaeolithic) archaeological sites and well-preserved palaeoclimate records. Nevertheless, our understanding of how hominins responded to climate fluctuations and adapted to changing environments in this region remains limited because there are only a few reliable, highly-resolved chronological frameworks of long stratigraphic successions. Most of the Middle Palaeolithic sites in this region lack a reliable chronostratigraphy beyond the radiocarbon dating range. In this study, we present a high-resolution optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) chronology derived from a ∼21 m long sediment core (Li-BPa) that was drilled in close proximity to the known Neanderthal site of Lichtenberg. Quartz OSL dating was applied to the upper 6.5 m of the core. Subsequently, the obtained quartz OSL ages were compared with feldspar post-infrared (IR) IRSL (pIRIR) measured at 290 °C (pIRIR290), pulsed IR50 (pre-pIRIR225), and pulsed pIRIR225 ages to select a suitable feldspar signal to date older samples. A comparison of the quartz and feldspar ages indicates that only fading-corrected pulsed IR50 (pre-pIRIR225) and pIRIR225 ages agree well with quartz OSL ages. Finally, the age framework of the sediment sequence was established based on the 11 quartz OSL ages and 23 fading-corrected pulsed IR50 (pre-pIRIR225) and pulsed pIRIR225 ages. The resulting Bacon age-depth model agrees with litho- and biostratigraphic designations, indicating that the whole sequence was deposited between ca. 275 ka and ca. 24 ka, corresponding to the Saalian to Weichselian periods. AU - Rahimzadeh, Neda AU - Hein, Michael AU - Urban, Brigitte AU - Weiss, Marcel AU - Tanner, David Colin AU - Khosravichenar, Azra AU - Tsukamoto, Sumiko AU - Lauer, Tobias DA - 2024/08/01/ DO - 10.1016/j.quageo.2024.101564 KW - Luminescence dating Pulsed IRSL Middle Palaeolithic Neanderthal Northern Central Europe PY - 2024 RN - fluvial SN - 1871-1014 SP - 101564 JO - Quaternary Geochronology TI - Dating the Neanderthal environment: Detailed luminescence chronology of a palaeochannel sediment core at the Palaeolithic site of Lichtenberg in the Lower Saxony, northern Germany UR - https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1871101424000682 VL - 83 ID - 73 ER - TY - JOUR AB - Quaternary geomorphological dynamics in the lowland tropics of South America can be described from the stratigraphy of hillslope colluvium and alluvial deposits. The analysis of sediments through the identification of depositional microfeatures and biomineralized microfossils, combined with their absolute dating by optically stimulated luminescence (OSL), allow the reconstruction of paleoenvironmental conditions. The objective of this work was to investigate the dynamics of depositional processes leading to colluvial deposition in the Araripe Plateau, Northeastern Brazil, from the analysis of stratigraphic sections, using phytoliths as indicators of paleovegetation and sediment micromorphology in the identification of depositional processes. The correlation of sediments ages, ranging from the OS3 to the OS2 (Last Glacial Maximum) with phytophysiognomy indices indicated the contribution and deposition of phytoliths from an arboreal/shrubby vegetation, replaced on the surface by grass vegetation. Periods of drier climates were correlated with LGM ages, with more open vegetation composed of grasses, in synchronously with less intense geomorphological events. The micromorphological analysis revealed that the characteristics of the deposits reflect more the action of depositional processes than pedogenetic ones. The correlation of phytolithic indices with micromorphology corroborated the environmental and geomorphological dynamics of the periods dated in the stratigraphic sections. AU - Ranulpho, Rodrigo AU - Carlos de Barros Corrêa, Antônio AU - Jorge de Lima, Flávia AU - Paisani, Júlio Cesar DA - 2024/07/10/ DO - 10.1016/j.quaint.2024.06.010 KW - Hillslope Paleoenvironment Phytoliths Semi-arid environment PY - 2024 RN - colluvial SN - 1040-6182 SP - 1-18 JO - Quaternary International TI - Quaternary geomorphological dynamics of colluvial deposits from silicophytoliths and soil micromorphology, Araripe plateau, northeast of Brazil UR - https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S104061822400199X VL - 697 ID - 38 ER - TY - JOUR AB - This paper describes ways that Infra-Red Stimulated Luminescence (IRSL) signals from K-feldspar grains can be used to determine patterns and rates of sediment transport. In particular, it focusses on the potential provided by single grains to reveal their individual exposure and burial histories by the application of multiple elevated temperature (MET) IRSL measurements. We examine similarities and differences in bleaching behaviour with different light sources and introduce the concept of an equilibrium bleach. We present data on the variability of bleaching parameters for grains from single sediment samples, and discuss different analysis approaches to best determine individual grain histories. We describe a single grain “bleach recovery” experiment, and the application of a combined growth-bleach protocol designed to allow optimal data collection of both aspects of grain behaviour. We discuss the development of a burial-bleach model using numerical simulations based on direct observations of sample characteristics. AU - Rhodes, Edward J. AU - Spano, Tessa M. C. AU - Hodge, Rebecca A. AU - Sawakuchi, André O. AU - Bertassoli, Dailson J. DA - 2024/12/01/ DO - 10.1016/j.quageo.2024.101626 PY - 2024 RN - basic research SN - 1871-1014 SP - 101626 JO - Quaternary Geochronology TI - Single grain K-feldspar MET-IRSL sediment transport determination: Bleaching patterns and rates UR - https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1871101424001304 VL - 85 ID - 109 ER - TY - JOUR AB - Tabun Cave, located on the slopes of Mount Carmel (Israel), constitutes one of the key Levantine Palaeolithic sites because of its exceptionally long sequence (ca. 25 m) that has yielded a suite of lithic industries spanning the Lower and Middle Palaeolithic periods. This site is also known to have produced human remains found in the Middle Palaeolithic layers: a Neanderthal female skeleton (C1), and a mandible (C2) commonly classified as Homo sapiens but whose attribution is still debated. Determining the chronology of Levantine Palaeolithic caves has often been limited by severe diagenetic processes, affecting the accuracy of age results obtained using trapped-charge dating methods. Characterising the mineralogical composition of the sediments in such conditions is an important step that was done in this study using Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy. We show that most of our sediment samples underwent diagenesis from the decomposition of guano, ash or bones, based on the presence of authigenic phosphates, which may impact the dose rate. Considering this information, we report here age results obtained using post-infrared infrared stimulated luminescence (pIRIR290) of polymineral fine grains for Tabun Cave. Our pIRIR290 ages are in overall agreement with thermoluminescence (TL) dating results obtained previously on burnt flints, reinforcing the antiquity of key transitions in the Middle Pleistocene record from Tabun Cave. The ages suggest that the Lower to Middle Palaeolithic transition at Tabun, possibly coinciding with the arrival of Homo sapiens in the Levant, may be constrained between 265 ± 26 ka (late Lower Palaeolithic, Bed 72, Unit X) and 288 ± 29 ka (early Middle Palaeolithic, Beds 63–64, Unit IX), while the age of the base of the overlying mid-Middle Palaeolithic Layer C (Unit I; Beds 22-19) ranges between 204 ± 18 ka and 192 ± 14 ka. Consequently, the Tabun C2 mandible discovered at the base of Layer C may prove to be among the oldest Homo sapiens fossils found outside Africa. AU - Richard, M. AU - Mercier, N. AU - Weinstein-Evron, M. AU - Weissbrod, L. AU - Shimelmitz, R. DA - 2024/10/01/ DO - 10.1016/j.quageo.2024.101611 KW - pIRIR FTIR spectroscopy Diagenesis Palaeolithic Levant PY - 2024 RN - cave archaeology SN - 1871-1014 SP - 101611 JO - Quaternary Geochronology TI - Chronology of the late Lower and Middle Palaeolithic at Tabun Cave (Mount Carmel, Israel) with insights into diagenesis and dose rate variation using post-IR IRSL (pIRIR290) dating and infrared spectroscopy UR - https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1871101424001158 VL - 84 ID - 99 ER - TY - JOUR AB - ABSTRACT The quarry of the Sverdlov (Etalon) Factory stands out as a unique site in the northwest of the East European Plain since it exposes an almost complete Upper Pleistocene stratigraphic succession. Previous investigations have revealed a sequence of marine sediments deposited during the whole Mikulino Interglacial [Eemian, Marine Isotope Stage (MIS)5e], but the chronology of the Late Pleistocene deposits remains incomplete and requires further update. We present a study of the Middle?Upper Pleistocene units exposed in the Sverdlov Factory quarry by using geological methods, optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating and pollen analysis. The lower part of the Sverdlov Factory section comprises glaciomarine/glaciolacustrine varves, which accumulated during degradation of the Late Moscow (Late Saalian, Late MIS6) glaciation and correspond to pollen zone M1 (lower peak of Picea). They are covered by interglacial marine clayey silt that includes all Mikulino regional pollen zones M2?M8. According to a Bayesian model based on K-rich feldspar luminescence ages, the interglacial marine deposition started 133?±?8 ka ago and ended 109?±?7 ka ago. The marine sediments are overlain by lacustrine silt with a K-rich feldspar age of 119?±?7 ka, lacustrine/alluvial sand with plant detritus formed 47?41 ka ago, and lacustrine sand and silt without organic matter accumulated ~39 ka ago. The upper part of the section is composed of subglacial till formed during the Late Valdai (Late Weichselian, MIS2) under the Scandinavian Ice Sheet and glaciolacustrine varved deposits of the Baltic Ice Lake. Two ages were acquired using quartz OSL from these varves, 16.9?±?1.6 and 15.7?±?1.0 ka, which are assumed to slightly overestimate the true age. AU - Ruchkin, Maksim V. AU - Nosevich, Ekaterina S. AU - Sheetov, Mikhail V. AU - Brill, Dominik DA - 2024/07/01 DO - 10.1002/jqs.3618 KW - Baltic Sea Late Pleistocene luminescence dating MIS5e (Eemian, Mikulino) pollen spectra St. Petersburg region IS - 5 PY - 2024 RN - glacial and periglacial SN - 0267-8179 SP - 745-764 JO - Journal of Quaternary Science TI - Stratigraphy and OSL chronology of the Middle–Upper Pleistocene sedimentary sequence and vegetation history during Late MIS6–MIS5e in the Neva Lowland (St. Petersburg region, Russia) UR - https://doi.org/10.1002/jqs.3618 VL - 39 Y2 - 2024/12/16 ID - 142 ER - TY - JOUR AB - The present study intends to divulge the complex drainage evolution in connection to neotectonic controls focusing the Jaldhaka and Raidak River interfluve on the eastern Himalayan Foreland Basin (HFB). It involves analysing the surface and sub-surface changes in the fluvial system's evolution with field and geospatial evidence bearing geomorphic markers, sediment analogy and channel morphological properties. The channel orientation, planimetry and the channel longitudinal process anomaly were attributed solely from the geospatial perspective as surface evidence of neotectonic controls. The results unveil an intense neotectonic control on channel development–from structurally guided channel avulsion that shaped the presently active course of the Torsa River to deformation-guided channel morphological changes. Moreover, relatively higher deflection angles, intense channel sinuosity and tight meandering bends forming along the structural elements symptomizes the structure-controlled drainage development in recent times. Furthermore, sediment analogy from deep well logs and shallow subsurface trenches was analysed to obtain subsidence-driven fluvial sequences and geochronology of sedimentary deformation in channel beds and floodplains. The Optically Stimulated Luminescence (with fading correction) technique-based determination of shallow sub-surface sediment's age indicates occurrences of palaeoseismic events between 1.6 ka (±0.1 ka) and 1.35 ka (±0.2 ka) as well as between 1.35 ka (±0.2 ka) and 1.14 ka (±0.1 ka) had resulted in channel bed sagging while stress impacted the formation of syn-sedimentary folding. The palaeoseismic events that led to relative subsidence are evident in upward sediment stacking (channel fill) sequences being observed at multiple trenches. The deep sub-surface staking of channel floor deposition lenses is also evident of basin subsidence that influenced channel oscillations of reoccupation type. AU - Saha, Ujwal Deep AU - Bhattacharya, H. N. AU - Islam, Aznarul DA - 2024/10/01/ DO - 10.1016/j.geomorph.2024.109328 KW - Avulsion Drainage evolution Geochronology Quaternary basin-fill PY - 2024 RN - earthquake (and fault related) SN - 0169-555X SP - 109328 JO - Geomorphology TI - Neotectonic impact on drainage development in the Eastern Himalayan foreland basin UR - https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0169555X24002782 VL - 462 ID - 17 ER - TY - JOUR AB - The Iberian Peninsula is a key region for unraveling human settlement histories of Eurasia during the period spanning the decline of Neandertals and the emergence of anatomically modern humans (AMH). There is no evidence of human occupation in central Iberia after the disappearance of Neandertals ~42,000 years ago until approximately 26,000 years ago, rendering the region ?nobody?s land? during the Aurignacian period. The Abrigo de la Malia provides irrefutable evidence of human settlements dating back to 36,200 to 31,760 calibrated years before the present (cal B.P.) This site also records additional levels of occupation around 32,420 to 26,260 cal B.P., suggesting repeated settlement of this territory. Our multiproxy examination identifies a change in climate trending toward colder and more arid conditions. However, this climatic deterioration does not appear to have affected AMH subsistence strategies or their capacity to inhabit this region. These findings reveal the ability of AMH groups to colonize regions hitherto considered uninhabitable, reopening the debate on early Upper Paleolithic population dynamics of southwestern Europe. Human presence at the Malia site reshapes understanding of early Upper Paleolithic population dynamics in southern Europe. AU - Sala, Nohemi AU - Alcaraz-Castaño, Manuel AU - Arriolabengoa, Martin AU - Martínez-Pillado, Virginia AU - Pantoja-Pérez, Ana AU - Rodríguez-Hidalgo, Antonio AU - Téllez, Edgar AU - Cubas, Miriam AU - Castillo, Samuel AU - Arnold, Lee J. AU - Demuro, Martina AU - Duval, Mathieu AU - Arteaga-Brieba, Andion AU - Llamazares, Javier AU - Ochando, Juan AU - Cuenca-Bescós, Gloria AU - Marín-Arroyo, Ana B. AU - Seijo, María Martín AU - Luque, Luis AU - Alonso-Llamazares, Carmen AU - Arlegi, Mikel AU - Rodríguez-Almagro, Manuel AU - Calvo-Simal, Cecilia AU - Izquierdo, Beatriz AU - Cuartero, Felipe AU - Torres-Iglesias, Leire AU - Agudo-Pérez, Lucía AU - Arribas, Alfonso AU - Carrión, José S. AU - Magri, Donatella AU - Zhao, J. X. AU - Pablos, Adrián DO - 10.1126/sciadv.ado3807 IS - 26 PY - 2024 RN - archaeology ESR SP - eado3807 JO - Science Advances TI - Nobody’s land? The oldest evidence of early Upper Paleolithic settlements in inland Iberia UR - https://doi.org/10.1126/sciadv.ado3807 VL - 10 Y2 - 2024/12/16 ID - 147 ER - TY - JOUR AB - Mortars stand among the very few materials that theoretically cannot be reused due to irreversible hardening processes. Among the various dating techniques, radiocarbon and Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) struggle for being selected as the most robust and reliable dating technique for the specific material. The principle of mortar OSL dating depends on the bleaching of the quartz grains of the sandy aggregate while mixing and laying the mortar to daylight. Thus, the OSL ages strongly depend on the effective bleaching of the quartz. Here, we deal with OSL ages from the old Roman Theatre of Padua. Preliminary OSL results based on Single Aliquot Regeneration (SAR) protocol using three regenerated doses to multigrain (MG) quartz aliquots, indicated distributions of ED (Equivalent Dose) leading to significant mismatch of these results compared to the expected ages. The present work attempts to discuss the influence of various data analysis approaches such as (a) exclusion criteria like recycling ratio and recuperation values, (b) selection of the suitable region of interest in the signal's integral along with the correct background (late or early) subtraction technique and (c) appropriate statistical analysis by selecting the suitable age model (descriptive statistics, Central Age Model, Minimum Age Model) on the final distribution as well as both value and precision of the ED, enabling thus to obtain ages that are not only more accurate, but also closer to what was expected. Alternative statistical indicators of either the symmetry of the ED distributions (like skewness, kurtosis, etc) or the OSL signal itself (residual distribution analysis, kinetic parameters and percentage contribution of each OSL component to the overall signal) will be assessed in an effort to investigate possible correlations. AU - Saleh, Miriam AU - Polymeris, Georgios S. AU - Panzeri, Laura AU - Tsoutsoumanos, Efstathios AU - Ricci, Giulia AU - Secco, Michele AU - Martini, Marco AU - Artioli, Gilberto AU - Dilaria, Simone AU - Galli, Anna DA - 2024/01/01/ DO - 10.1016/j.radphyschem.2023.111298 KW - OSL dating Mortars dating Descriptive statistic Luminescence PY - 2024 RN - archaeology SN - 0969-806X SP - 111298 JO - Radiation Physics and Chemistry TI - Analysis probes and statistical parameters affecting the OSL ages of mortar samples; a case study from Italy UR - https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0969806X23005443 VL - 214 ID - 169 ER - TY - JOUR AB - Extensive research carried out during the last 30 years in the lowermost foothills of the Southern Pyrenees has revealed the significance of this area for studying Neanderthal lifestyle and settlement histories in the Iberian Peninsula. With a large number of cave and rock shelter sites, broad-ranging chronologies, and relatively well-known sedimentation rates and environmental conditions, this enclave continues to improve our knowledge about Neanderthal behaviour in Western Europe. Here we present the chronostratigraphic, technological, faunal, and palaeoenvironmental results from Abric Pizarro, a recently discovered site from the region. Its archaeological sequence is centred on MIS 4, a poorly known period in Neanderthal history. The application of three different dating methods (newly obtained single-grain optically stimulated luminescence and U-series fossil teeth ages, in addition to previously published thermoluminescence ages) provides an accurate chronology for a site where the exceptional preservation of faunal remains leads to significant interpretations of Neanderthal hunting abilities and adaptability. Moreover, analysis of the lithic assemblage, as well as preliminary palaeoenvironmental data, are used to provide insights into the degree to which chronocultural or palaeoenvironmental factors were responsible for some of the significant differences observed among the four archaeological units explored in Abric Pizarro to date. Our results contribute to discussion about Neanderthal resilience and their livelihood before their disappearance from the archaeological record. AU - Samper Carro, Sofia C. AU - Vega Bolivar, Susana AU - Pizarro Barbera, Jezabel AU - Westbury, Eboni AU - Connor, Simon AU - Allué, Ethel AU - Benito-Calvo, Alfonso AU - Arnold, Lee J. AU - Demuro, Martina AU - Price, Gilbert J. AU - Martinez-Moreno, Jorge AU - Mora, Rafael DA - 2024/09/01/ DO - 10.1016/j.jas.2024.106038 KW - MIS 4 Neanderthals lifestyle Palaeoecology Chronometry Archaeozoology PY - 2024 RN - archaeology SN - 0305-4403 SP - 106038 JO - Journal of Archaeological Science TI - Living on the edge: Abric Pizarro, a MIS 4 Neanderthal site in the lowermost foothills of the southeastern Pre-Pyrenees (Lleida, Iberian Peninsula) UR - https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0305440324001067 VL - 169 ID - 31 ER - TY - JOUR AB - The modern, over 250-m-deep basin of Lake Constance represents the underfilled northern part of an over 400-m-deep, glacially overdeepened trough, which reaches well into the Alps at its southern end. The overdeepening was formed by repeated glacial advance-retreat cycles of the Rhine Glacier throughout the Middle to Late Pleistocene. A seismic survey of Lake Constance revealed a Quaternary sediment fill of more than 150 m thickness representing at least the last glacial cycle. The stratified sedimentary fill consists at the base of ice-contact deposits on top of the molasse bedrock, overlain by glaciolacustrine to lacustrine sediments. During the successful field test of a newly developed, mid-size coring system ("HIPERCORIG"), the longest core (HIBO19) ever taken in Lake Constance was retrieved with an overall length of 24 m. The sediments recovered consist of a nearly continuous succession of lacustrine silts and sands including more than 12 m of Late Glacial sediment at the base. 14 lithotypes were identified through petrophysical and geochemical analyses. In combination with a 14C- and OSL-based age-depth model, the core was divided into three main chronostratigraphic units. The basal age of ~ 13.7 ka BP dates the base of the succession back to the Bølling-Allerød interstadial, with overlying strata representing a complete and thick Younger-Dryas to Holocene succession. The sediments offer a high-resolution insight into the evolution of paleo-Lake Constance from a cold, postglacial to a more productive and warmer Holocene lake. The Late Glacial succession is dominated by massive, m-thick sand beds reflecting episodic sedimentation pulses. They are most likely linked to a subaquatic channel system originating in the river Seefelder Aach, which is, despite the Holocene drape, still apparent in today’s lake bathymetry. The overlying Holocene succession reveals a prominent, several cm-thick, double-turbiditic event layer representing the most distal impact of the Flimser Bergsturz, the largest known rockslide of the Alps that occurred over 100 km upstream the river Rhine at ~ 9.5 ka BP. Furthermore, lithologic variations in the Holocene succession document the varying sediment loads of the river Rhine and the endogenic production representing a multitude of environmental changes. AU - Schaller, Sebastian AU - Böttcher, Michael E. AU - Buechi, Marius W. AU - Epp, Laura S. AU - Fabbri, Stefano C. AU - Gribenski, Natacha AU - Harms, Ulrich AU - Krastel, Sebastian AU - Liebezeit, Alina AU - Lindhorst, Katja AU - Marxen, Hanna AU - Raschke, Ulli AU - Schleheck, David AU - Schmiedinger, Iris AU - Schwalb, Antje AU - Vogel, Hendrik AU - Wessels, Martin AU - Anselmetti, Flavio S. DA - 2022/03/05 DO - 10.1186/s00015-022-00412-1 IS - 1 PY - 2022 RN - lacustrine SN - 1661-8734 SP - 7 JO - Swiss Journal of Geosciences TI - Postglacial evolution of Lake Constance: sedimentological and geochemical evidence from a deep-basin sediment core UR - https://doi.org/10.1186/s00015-022-00412-1 VL - 115 ID - 162 ER - TY - JOUR AB - The use of analogues of previous river styles is highly significant for successful river restoration, yet some existing techniques available to assist practitioners are still not widely applied. We explore the use of Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR), to explore past river styles in an upland river valley in the UK, and explore the potential of the approach to reconstruct former channel pattern. Post-glacial evolution of upland floodplains has been influenced by temporal changes in vegetation, sediment supply and hydrological regime. Channel-floodplain morphodynamics over the Holocene were conditioned by glacial deposits, lateral interaction with slope processes and fluvial sediment reworking, changes in flow and sediment supply regimes driven by climatic change, and more recently direct and indirect anthropogenic activities, e.g. deforestation, floodplain land use and channel modification. Current drives towards river restoration often use floodplain topography as a guide to appraise such a planform state, however, reconstruction of former channel state is often restricted to surface features visible on historic maps and aerial photographs. This research focuses upon the floodplain of the upper Swindale Beck, Lake District, UK, which was recently restored to a planform design based on the recent meander pattern visible in floodplain topography. We show the potential of GPR to reconstruct a wider array of past channel pattern and evolution at a site characterised by largely aggradational conditions and consistent sediment supply from glacial deposits at the valley head. Analysis of GPR data from 40 intersecting GPR survey lines revealed several stratigraphic units, including gravel braidplains, berms, chutes and bars, several levels of larger channels and their layered fill as well as backwater deposits. These were interpreted as braided systems, dynamic wandering planform and single-thread meandering systems with spatial transitions conditioned by tributaries and valley slope. Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) dates in combination with GIS analysis of valley slope, channel gradient and local valley floor aspect allowed the interpretation of individual evolutionary stages of river and floodplain development at Swindale over at least the last millennium and provides links to processes in the wider environment including the role of alluvial fans in supplying sediment and forcing channel migration. Such information can be particularly valuable for restoration projects to aid design of channel dimensions, planform configuration, channel gradient, substrate characteristics and connection with tributaries. While restoration generally aims to resemble a more natural reference state, specific targets may seek to improve a particular set of functionalities (e.g., ecological, flood and sediment management, recreational) which should be resilient to the consequences of ongoing climatic changes and should be achieved sustainably (e.g. locally sourced gravel). Here, GPR-based floodplain analysis provides a non-invasive approach to understand possible evolutionary trajectories and to appraise a wider range of restoration options and sustainable resources. AU - Schwendel, Arved C. AU - Milan, David J. AU - Pope, Richard J. J. AU - Williams, Richard AU - Thompson, Warren DA - 2024/12/01/ DO - 10.1016/j.geomorph.2024.109459 KW - Ground Penetrating Radar Alluvial stratigraphy Paleochannel reconstruction River realignment Geomorphological tools Optically Stimulated Luminescence Dating PY - 2024 RN - fluvial SN - 0169-555X SP - 109459 JO - Geomorphology TI - Using geophysical subsurface data for the reconstruction of valley-scale spatio-temporal floodplain evolution: Implications for upland river restoration UR - https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0169555X24004112 VL - 466 ID - 25 ER - TY - JOUR AB - Loess–palaeosol sequences serve as valuable archives of changes in climate and atmospheric mineral dust deposition. However, little work has been conducted on Holocene loess in the Arctic, despite the sensitivity of this region to climate changes. Aeolian silt/loess profiles in the ice-free region of western Greenland near Kangerlussuaq were sampled to develop a robust age framework using both luminescence and bulk organic matter radiocarbon dating. Radiocarbon ages generally show consistent age increases with depth but are likely offset to younger ages due to sediment mixing in the upper 10–20 cm of the profiles. Quartz OSL signals exhibit insensitivity, while low-temperature infrared stimulated luminescence performed at 50 °C (IR50) and the post-IR IRSL at 180 °C (pIRIR180) signals of polymineral fine grain revealed a consistent natural inherited dose of approximately 5 Gy for pIRIR180 and an unbleachable residual of around 2 Gy for IR50, with substantial fading rates in the latter. This led to a notable age overestimation when compared with bulk organic matter radiocarbon ages. To develop an appropriate dating approach, we evaluated the differential bleaching rates of feldspar IR50 and pIRIR180 signals, and corrected for modern inherited doses. Radiocarbon ages measured on the bulk organic carbon oxidised at 400 °C (LT 14C) increased very consistently with depth, allowing calculation of accumulation rates. The presence of the atmospheric radiocarbon bomb signal at depth indicated down-mixing of surface material into the profile, which caused negative (younger) age offsets. The offset-corrected radiocarbon-based age-depth model could be compared to the luminescence results. We show that a combination of LT 14C with polymineral pIRIR180 dating allows the development of age models for these deposits. This multi-chronological approach reveals that loess accumulation in the region was initiated around 4 ka, probably consisting of two main phases of loess accumulation at 4–3 ka and <1 ka. The initial phase matches the proposed onset of aeolian sand activity in the wider region, but post-dates local ice retreat by c. 3 kyr. The more recent phase of accumulation also matches the timing of increased sand accumulation in the region and likely coincides with Neoglacial to Little Ice Age ice advances, or even enhanced dust activity in the last decades. AU - Sechi, D. AU - Stevens, T. AU - Hällberg, P. AU - Smittenberg, R. H. AU - Molnár, M. AU - Kertész, G. T. AU - Buylaert, J. P. AU - Schneider, R. AU - Edward, C. AU - Rasmussen, Keld Romer AU - Knudsen, Niels Aage Tvis AU - Andreucci, S. AU - Pascucci, V. DA - 2024/10/01/ DO - 10.1016/j.quageo.2024.101579 KW - pIRIR Partial bleaching Arctic Dust High latitude dust Loess accumulation rate PY - 2024 RN - glacial and periglacial SN - 1871-1014 SP - 101579 JO - Quaternary Geochronology TI - High resolution luminescence and radiocarbon dating of Holocene Aeolian silt (loess) in west Greenland UR - https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1871101424000839 VL - 84 ID - 97 ER - TY - JOUR AB - While palaeoenvironmental records of the Atacama Desert and Andean Altiplano region document wet conditions related to the Central Andean Pluvial Events in the late Pleistocene/early Holocene, the spatio-temporal pattern of mid- to late Holocene or even historical climatic fluctuations so far remains ambiguous with only few records documenting the climatic conditions over the last centuries. Uncertainties remain particularly for latitudes around 20°S and for the Andean Precordillera in general. These need to be addressed in order to decipher the spatial extent and potential linkage of hydroclimatic changes observed in palaeoenvironmental records from the Andes and the Pampa del Tamarugal basin from ∼18 to ∼25°S. This study aims to shed light on historical flooding activity in a dry (ephemeral) valley east of Pica town in the lower Andean Precordillera (Tarapacá Region, N Chile), which is characterised by steep, slump-dominated slopes with aeolian sediments and generally short sediment transport distances. Combined remote sensing, sedimentological and chronostratigraphical investigations were applied to study the geomorphological and sedimentary impact of flood-related morphodynamics on the valley and the sedimentary record, using the recent February 2019 flooding event as a reference. Our methodological approach allowed for the differentiation of flood-related from aeolian deposits. Three facies of flood-type deposits were identified, namely slackwater, channel-type and levee-type deposits. While the February 2019 flooding constitutes an unprecedented event for the era of satellite imagery since 1966, past flooding activity in the valley, comparable to the 2019 event, was reconstructed to have occurred at ∼300 years ago and during the late 19th to early 20th century. The spatio-temporal pattern of flooding activity with a multi-decadal to centennial cyclicity derived from this study seems to be synchronous to hydroclimatic fluctuations reconstructed from other palaeo-records in the Altiplano and proves the sensitivity of the Precordilleran valleys to palaeoenvironmental and palaeoclimatic fluctuations in the broader area. AU - Seeger, Katharina AU - May, Simon Matthias AU - Brill, Dominik AU - Herbrecht, Marina AU - Hoffmeister, Dirk AU - Quandt, Dietmar AU - Stoll, Alexandra AU - Rhein, Alexander AU - Keiser, Maximilian AU - Wolf, Dennis AU - Bubenzer, Olaf DA - 2024/12/01/ DO - 10.1016/j.geomorph.2024.109417 KW - Exceptional precipitation events Palaeo-flood deposits Morphodynamics Andean Precordillera Atacama Desert PY - 2024 RN - fluvial SN - 0169-555X SP - 109417 JO - Geomorphology TI - Geomorphological and sedimentary traces of historical and modern exceptional flooding events in a dry valley of the Andean Precordillera (Tarapacá Region, N Chile) UR - https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0169555X24003672 VL - 466 ID - 26 ER - TY - JOUR AB - The Kerch Strait has periodically connected to the Black, Azov, and Caspian seas throughout its Late Quaternary history. The strait's deposits reflect the changes in the natural environment of the entire Ponto-Caspian region, which are a response to global climate change. Several studies have been done on the region's stratigraphy, biostratigraphy, geomorphology, and paleogeography. However, most of the current knowledge about the paleogeography of the area is based on the analysis of empirical data collected more than 25 years ago, and due to the lack of detailed geochronological studies, many palaeogeographical problems remain unresolved. This paper presents a reconstruction of environmental change in the Kerch Strait during the Late Quaternary. The reconstruction is based on the results of a comprehensive study of the sedimentary sequences in the Kerch Strait carried out by the author and colleagues over the past ten years. The study examines the deposits of two stratotype sections of the Karangatian (Eemian) transgression and the four boreholes’ sections in Tuzla Island in the central part of the strait. A biostratigraphic division of the Upper Quaternary deposits of the Kerch Strait was carried out based on a malacofaunal study. Mollusc assemblages corresponding to various paleogeographic stages of development were identified, and their paleoecological characteristics were described. Luminescence and radiocarbon ages made it possible to determine the time intervals of established paleogeographic stages in the strait's history. Detailed luminescence dating of the Karangatian transgression sediments of the Eltigen and Tuzla stratotype sections has been carried out for the first time. Six main stages in the Kerch Strait natural environment development were established in the Late Quaternary and correlated with global and regional climatic events: Karangatian, with three stages (MIS 5e-c); Tarkhankutian (MIS 5a); Post-Karangatian (MIS 4); Surozh (MIS 3); Neoeuxinian, with two stages (MIS 2); and Chernomorian (MIS 1). Two episodes of the Caspian waters flowing through the Kerch Strait into the Black Sea were identified in MIS 5c and at the end of MIS 2. AU - Semikolennykh, Daria DA - 2024/10/15/ DO - 10.1016/j.quascirev.2024.108914 KW - Mollusc assemblages Black Sea Ponto-Caspian region Sea level change Climate change Biodiversity PY - 2024 RN - coastal SN - 0277-3791 SP - 108914 JO - Quaternary Science Reviews TI - Late Quaternary history of the Kerch Strait — the stratotype region for the Black Sea UR - https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0277379124004153 VL - 342 ID - 48 ER - TY - JOUR AB - A morphotectonic investigation of the drainage basins and an estimation of the rate of upliftment have been conducted in the vicinity of Palampur, located in the Kangra district of Himachal Pradesh. The assessment utilized the geomorphic index of active tectonics (IAT) and the Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) dating technique. The study area is situated within the epicentral zone of the 1905 Kangra earthquake and is drained by three significant perennial tributaries of the Beas river, namely Baner, Neogal, and Awa. To evaluate the tectonic influence on these drainage basins, Digital Elevation Model (DEM) data with a resolution of 30m, Survey of India toposheets, and Google Earth images were processed using ArcGIS and Global Mapper software. The findings of this investigation indicate that the drainage basins have been impacted by tectonic activity, resulting in the formation of asymmetrical, elongated basins with deep V-shaped valleys and active mountain fronts. The hypsometric integral values derived from the study suggest that these basins have reached an equilibrium stage. Originating from elevations exceeding 4500m in the Dhauladhar range, these rivers, like other Himalayan rivers, partake in active downcutting and erosional processes, as observed in the presence of terraces. By employing the OSL dating technique, the terraces of the Neogal river were dated, enabling the calculation of an upliftment rate ranging from 0.6 ± 0.03 mm/year to 1.7 ± 0.1 mm/year for the area. AU - Sharma, Ravi AU - Singh, Yudhbir AU - Rajwant AU - Singh, Neelratan AU - Malik, Javed N. AU - Dhali, Mitthu AU - Srivastava, Eshaan AU - Sharma, Nayan DO - 10.17491/jgsi/2024/173942 IS - 7 PY - 2024 RN - earthquake (and fault related) SN - 0016-7622 SP - 996-1006 JO - Journal of the Geological Society of India TI - Appraisal of Active Tectonics: An Insight from the Morphotectonic Study of Drainage Basins and OSL Dating in the Kangra Area, Himachal Pradesh UR - https://doi.org/10.17491/jgsi/2024/173942 VL - 100 Y2 - 12/16/2024 ID - 151 ER - TY - JOUR AB - Located in the interior of the Tibetan Plateau (TP) and at the headwaters of the Yangtze River, the Damqu Wetland ranks among the world's highest and is highly sensitive to global climate change. Due to its remoteness and harsh, uninhabitable conditions, the sedimentological and geomorphological studies are still absent by far. Establishing a reliable chronology for sediments is crucial for this unique geographic region. Here we initiated this effort and focused on two riverbank profiles, located in the southeastern of the alpine Damqu Wetland, DQ1 (4.8 m in depth) and DQ2 (3.3 m in depth). A combination of chronological methods, including quartz Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL), K-feldspar post-IR InfraRed Stimulated Luminescence (pIRIR), and radiocarbon dating methods, as well as magnetic susceptibility and particle size analysis, were conducted on these profiles to establish the depositional history and reveal the palaeoenvironmental conditions of the Damqu Wetland. The dating results indicate that profiles DQ1 and DQ2 were deposited during ∼59–0.20 ka and ∼265–1.12 ka, respectively. It is interesting to note that the D0 of quartz OSL growth curve has a value as high as 129 Gy. Both profiles exhibit depositional hiatuses, with time gaps between 37 ± 2 and 2.9 ± 0.2 ka for DQ1 and between 265 ± 16 and 4.8 ± 0.4 ka for DQ2, likely due to fluvial erosion during the period of from deglaciation to middle Holocene. The resumed sediment accumulation since the mid-late Holocene is probably mainly attributed to declined fluvial erosion in response to reduced rainfall. The darker sediment layers at depths of 0.9 m–0.7 m and 0.3 m–0.1 m in DQ2, combined with magnetic susceptibility and particle size analyses results, suggest two regional climatic optimum periods at around 4.5 ka and 1 ka. Overall, our research establishes the chronological framework of the Damqu wetland since the Late Quaternary and highlights the significant impact of climate changes on fluvial processes and wetland evolution in the remote interior TP. AU - Shen, Qinjing AU - Feng, Xinqi AU - Zhou, Yinjun AU - Lin, Penghui AU - Liu, Yuexin AU - Lai, Yuansen AU - Han, Junfeng AU - Liu, YuJiao AU - Wang, Yixuan AU - Zhu, Shuai AU - Li, Zhijing AU - Lai, Zhongping DA - 2024/08/01/ DO - 10.1016/j.quageo.2024.101598 KW - Tibetan plateau Yangtze river headwater Alpine wetland Luminescence and C dating Global climate change PY - 2024 RN - fluvial SN - 1871-1014 SP - 101598 JO - Quaternary Geochronology TI - Sedimentation history linked to global change in the alpine Damqu Wetland of the Yangtze River headwater in interior Tibetan Plateau UR - https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S187110142400102X VL - 83 ID - 76 ER - TY - JOUR AB - Archaeological evidence attests multiple early dispersals of Homo sapiens out of Africa, but genetic evidence points to the primacy of a single dispersal 70-40 ka. Laili in Timor-Leste is on the southern dispersal route between Eurasia and Australasia and has the earliest record of human occupation in the eastern Wallacean archipelago. New evidence from the site shows that, unusually in the region, sediment accumulated in the shelter without human occupation, in the window 59–54 ka. This was followed by an abrupt onset of intensive human habitation beginning ~44 ka. The initial occupation is distinctive from overlying layers in the aquatic focus of faunal exploitation, while it has similarities in material culture to other early Homo sapiens sites in Wallacea. We suggest that the intensive early occupation at Laili represents a colonisation phase, which may have overwhelmed previous human dispersals in this part of the world. AU - Shipton, Ceri AU - Morley, Mike W. AU - Kealy, Shimona AU - Norman, Kasih AU - Boulanger, Clara AU - Hawkins, Stuart AU - Litster, Mirani AU - Withnell, Caitlin AU - O’Connor, Sue DA - 2024/05/22 DO - 10.1038/s41467-024-48395-x IS - 1 PY - 2024 RN - archaeology SN - 2041-1723 SP - 4193 JO - Nature Communications TI - Abrupt onset of intensive human occupation 44,000 years ago on the threshold of Sahul UR - https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-024-48395-x VL - 15 ID - 154 ER - TY - JOUR AB - For modern fluvial systems, stage height, velocity, and cross-section help estimate a river’s discharge. However, understanding the amount and fluctuations of past discharges remains a challenge. The dimen-sions of the meander loops/oxbow lakes are directly proportional to the river’s discharge and the sedi-ment load type. Central West Bengal, India, has a complex network of numerous oxbow lakes as a rem-nant of the river Hooghly, a major distributary of the River Ganga. The present work revisits Schumm’s classic work to estimate river discharges from the meander loops and explores a potential proxy for es-timating past discharges. Thus, it is extended to reconstruct past climate using grain size data, facies analysis, and the dimension of the meander loops coupled with the luminescence chronology of oxbow lakes. The study reveals that the region received good rainfall during reported periods of intense mon-soon, and the increased discharge at different time intervals has given rise to numerous oxbow lakes. The discharge values have shown considerable fluctuations, rising to 15 to 20 times the current value and very few anomalously high, even up to 250 to 300 times, left unrecorded from other archives. The study shows the preservation of systematic growth of discharges and the meander loops with climate re-vealing events with anomalously high (and so highly disastrous) discharges at the scale of tens of thou-sands of years, usually missed from other archives. Results from Ichhamati and Hooghly River meander loops in West Bengal, India, indicate a manifold increase of discharges from the current during 1–1.5 ka (known as the Medieval Warm Period); around 2.2 ka and around 3.9 ka with low or gaps of enhanced monsoon, e.g., Little Ice Age and during 2.5–3.5 ka. This is an effort to show the potential of past mean-der loops to be explored well for comprehensive records. AU - Shivsagar, Vibhuti AU - Basumatary, Dipjyoti AU - Goswami, Chandreyee AU - Rawat, Mahadev AU - Singh, Saurabh AU - Jaiswal, Manoj Kumar DO - 10.20858/geochr/192455 LB - Shivsagar2024 IS - 1 M3 - journal article PY - 2024 RN - fluvial SN - 1733-8387 SP - 192455 JO - Geochronometria TI - An assessment of oxbow lakes and their potential in reconstructing past river discharge: Implication to reconstruct past climate in Southern West Bengal UR - https://doi.org/10.20858/geochr/192455 VL - 51 ID - 177 ER - TY - JOUR AB - Quartz is an omnipresent abundant natural mineral, used for luminescence dating. Lately, quartz optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) technique is widely used to estimate the equivalent doses (De) for dating geological events (up to 250 Gy, limited by saturation). Some works report thermoluminescence (TL) saturation around ∼ (10–40) kGy. Still dose estimates for such high radiation dose (HRD) range are not achieved. Significant research exists about luminescence response for low dose ranges (<250 Gy) but limited studies are done for HRDs (>1 kGy). This work characterizes the luminescence response of quartz for HRDs (1–21 kGy) to improve existing understanding of luminescence mechanism. Results show that the characteristics of the trap (<200 °C) differ significantly at HRDs than low doses. TL in multi-spectral detection (UV–Visible) band suggest an increase in 340–380 °C peak intensity up to 11 kGy dose. The measurements of saturation dose suggest that it depends on the trapping centres but is independent of recombination centres for the samples used for study. The traps are found bleachable by sunlight, reducing TL signal to residual levels in 1 h. Further, the bleachability is found to be anti-correlated with luminescence emission wavelength. At HRDs luminescence sensitivity is influenced by dose given in previous cycle which is difficult to correct by routine normalization procedures. The work also explores the various normalization methods to find appropriate method for HRD estimation and recommends the use of mass normalization as other normalization methods do not correct the sensitivity changes at HRDs adequately. AU - Singhal, Malika AU - Panda, Madhusmita AU - Shinde, S. H. AU - Mondal, Sandip AU - Annalakshmi, O. AU - Chauhan, Naveen DA - 2024/11/01/ DO - 10.1016/j.radmeas.2024.107300 KW - Quartz High dose response Thermoluminescence Multispectral Normalization Bleachability Previous dose effects PY - 2024 RN - basic research SN - 1350-4487 SP - 107300 JO - Radiation Measurements TI - Study of thermoluminescence characteristics of quartz for high radiation doses (>1kGy): Implications for extending the luminescence dating range UR - https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1350448724002488 VL - 178 ID - 123 ER - TY - JOUR AB - Archaeological and palaeoenvironmental investigations at Juukan 2 rockshelter have yielded new information on the ancient Aboriginal occupation of the Pilbara uplands in northwest Australia. Using multiple lines of evidence, including lithic, faunal, pollen, ancient DNA, radiocarbon dating, optically stimulated luminescence, and Bayesian chronological modelling, we show that Aboriginal people occupied the western Hamersley Plateau as early as 47,000 years ago (47 ka). Late Pleistocene populations utilised a diverse range of tool technologies, including bone points, grindstones, and flaked stone artefacts. Palaeoclimatic conditions at Juukan 2 rockshelter varied greatly over the past 47 ka, with repeated site visits by people, including during the peak hyper-arid phase of the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) c. 21 ± 2 ka. Ancient starch analyses of the ground stone artefacts show the processing of Ipomoea (Bush Potato) from around 42 ka to the present day. Pronounced increases in the discard of stone artefacts and bone in the last 3500 years are interpreted to be the result of increased frequency of site use. A braided hair fragment dated to this period has demonstrated genetic links between the earlier rockshelter occupants and contemporary Puutu Kunti Kurrama and Pinikura peoples, who have maintained strong cultural connections to the area. AU - Slack, Michael J. AU - Law, W. Boone AU - Coster, Adelle C. F. AU - Ditchfield, Kane AU - Field, Judith AU - Garvey, Jillian AU - Gliganic, Luke A. AU - Moss, Patrick AU - Paul, Jarrad W. AU - Reynen, Wendy AU - Ward, Ingrid AU - Wasef, Sally DA - 2024/08/15/ DO - 10.1016/j.quascirev.2024.108823 KW - Juukan Gorge Sahul Pilbara Archaeology Palaeoenvironment Late Pleistocene Last Glacial Maximum Ancient starch PY - 2024 RN - archaeology SN - 0277-3791 SP - 108823 JO - Quaternary Science Reviews TI - A 47,000 year archaeological and palaeoenvironmental record from Juukan 2 rockshelter on the western Hamersley Plateau of the Pilbara region, Western Australia UR - https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S027737912400324X VL - 338 ID - 46 ER - TY - JOUR AB - Volcanic sediments are challenging to date with luminescence-based methods. Both main minerals used for dating—quartz and K-rich feldspar—commonly have suboptimal luminescence properties when of volcanic origins, primarily a low signal intensity and, for K-rich feldspars, high rates of anomalous fading. The present work provides a case study of sediment samples from the Leang Bulu Bettue (LBB) archaeological site in Indonesia, a key site in our understanding of the early human occupation of the island of Sulawesi. We show that currently available state-of-the-art methods can provide robust optical ages for volcanic sediments. Through various reliability tests, we establish the suitability of a post-IR IR stimulated luminescence (pIRIR) standardised growth curve (SGC) procedure for De estimation of ‘micro-aliquots’ containing 5–10 grains of K-rich feldspar, and then combine this method with estimates of environmental dose rate to determine 10 new reliable and finite optical ages for the sedimentary deposits at LBB. Furthermore, by applying the LnTn method to circumvent truncation of the De distribution caused by the non-linearity of the dose response curve in the higher dose range, we could extend the site's luminescence-based chronology to span the interval ∼15–210 ka. The new chronology is in keeping with previous radiocarbon and U-series ages for the site's upper layers. We show that the low fading rate of micro-aliquots relative to using large aliquots composed of hundreds of grains lies in a brightness-based selection. By targeting bright grains with low fading rates, the need for fading corrections is greatly reduced and they can be made with a smaller uncertainty propagated through into the final age estimate, resulting in optical ages of improved accuracy and precision for volcanic sediments. AU - Sontag-González, Mariana AU - Li, Bo AU - O'Gorman, Kieran AU - Burhan, Basran AU - Hakim, Budianto AU - Brumm, Adam AU - Roberts, Richard G. DA - 2024/12/01/ DO - 10.1016/j.quageo.2024.101638 PY - 2024 RN - tephra (and volcanic related) SN - 1871-1014 SP - 101638 JO - Quaternary Geochronology TI - Survival of the brightest? pIRIR dating of volcanic sediments in Sulawesi, Indonesia, using micro-aliquots of K-rich feldspar UR - https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1871101424001420 VL - 85 ID - 108 ER - TY - JOUR AB - We introduce a novel age-depth modeling approach called CosmoChron that integrates both cosmogenic nuclide concentrations and other age constraints, such as radiocarbon and OSL ages, from different depths in a sedimentary sequence. Based on probabilistic inverse modeling, CosmoChron constrains the age-depth relationship of a sedimentary sequence along with associated uncertainties. Knowledge about the sample origins and the accumulation process is incorporated in the prior model. The 26Al/10Be ratio is computed at different depths in the forward model by accounting for different pre-burial scenarios, radioactive decay and post-burial production of 26Al-10Be, which is directly tied to the age-depth relation itself. Synthetic test cases demonstrate the method's ability to construct accurate age-depth relationships given by the posterior distribution, even for complex scenarios that include slow and varying accumulation rates, complex pre-burial histories, hiatuses, and unconformities. Based on observed unconformities, users have the option to manually input hiatuses into the model at specific depths, which allows estimation of their durations. Application of CosmoChron to real 26Al/10Be data from the Laujunmiao section in China yields ages that are similar to those obtained with conventional burial dating methods for specific stratigraphic layers. However, the associated uncertainties are significantly reduced with CosmoChron (by ∼47 % on average) because it exploits the vertical coupling of data combined with knowledge of the relative age of the samples, which must become younger towards the top of the profile. Additionally, the age-depth model reflets the duration of three hiatuses inferred from unconformities observed in the field. When CosmoChron is applied to OSL-derived ages from Jingbian section A on the Chinese Loess Plateau, covering the last ∼140 ka, the method produces results that are almost identical to those obtained with the well-established Bacon age-depth modeling approach. CosmoChron consequently offers a new, versatile and reliable tool to construct age-depth models for Quaternary sediment sequences. AU - Sørensen, Aske L. AU - Hansen, Thomas M. AU - Nørgaard, Jesper AU - Buylaert, Jan-Pieter AU - Murray, Andrew S. AU - Kulakova, Ekaterina AU - Kurbanov, Redzhep AU - Knudsen, Mads F. DA - 2024/12/01/ DO - 10.1016/j.quageo.2024.101618 PY - 2024 RN - statistics, simulation, and modelling SN - 1871-1014 SP - 101618 JO - Quaternary Geochronology TI - CosmoChron: A versatile age-depth modeling approach using cosmogenic nuclides and direct age constraints UR - https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1871101424001225 VL - 85 ID - 112 ER - TY - JOUR AB - Abstract Rivers represent intricate geomorphological systems that exhibit sensitivity to even subtle base-level changes. This study examines the geomorphological response of Ribeira de Iguape River, located along the southern coast of S?o Paulo state, Brazil, to hydrological changes and coastline migration resulting from Holocene climate pulses. Using a multidisciplinary approach, including geomorphological and stratigraphical analyses, optically stimulated luminescence dating, grain-size analyses, interpretation of satellite images, mapping and reassessment of previous studies, we investigated the potential impacts of these geomorphological dynamics on the river system. Our study reveals two distinct orders of low fluvial terraces, typically inserted no more than 10 m above the average channel discharge, which are geochronologically correlated with the low marine terraces that document the former coastline position at the river mouth, as previously identified in other studies. Such findings indicate a deposition phase when the coastline was stabilised on the inner continent in the Medieval Warm Period, as well as an erosion phase when the coastline migrated seaward during the Little Ice Age. This research contributes to improving our understanding of how rivers can respond to base-level changes and provides valuable insights into the dynamic interactions between river systems and coastal environments. AU - Souza, André de Oliveira AU - Filho, Archimedes Perez AU - Arruda, Emerson Martins AU - Cerrone, Ciro AU - Lämmle, Luca DA - 2024/11/01 DO - 10.1002/esp.5990 KW - base level climate pulses Holocene low fluvial and marine terraces IS - 14 PY - 2024 RN - fluvial SN - 0197-9337 SP - 4694-4708 JO - Earth Surface Processes and Landforms TI - Fluvial responses to Holocene climatically induced coastline migration in the Iguape River estuary (Southeast Brazil) UR - https://doi.org/10.1002/esp.5990 VL - 49 Y2 - 2024/12/13 ID - 131 ER - TY - JOUR AB - Quartz optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) sensitivity is varied and related to Earth surface processes and, thus, it has been shown to be a useful tool for appraising sediment recycling and provenance investigations. These investigations are mainly based on OSL data purposely measured for sensitivity calculations. However, it has been recently shown that the relative sensitivity of the quartz OSL fast component (%BOSLF) from the first test dose (Tn) signal from an OSL dating measurement using the Single Aliquot Regenerative-dose (SAR) protocol can be used to discriminate sediment sources. Here, we investigate the possibility of characterizing %BOSLF for provenance purposes using not only Tn signals but all other OSL signals obtained over SAR protocol cycles from OSL dating measurements. We address the %BOSLF behaviour over SAR cycles (if conservative or not), the %BOSLF dependency on dose-size, differences between %BOSLF values given by natural/regenerative and test dose signals, and %BOSLF application for provenance studies. Quartz sand grains data from twenty Late Quaternary sediment samples, representing orogenic and cratonic sources and diverse depositional contexts from South America, Africa, and Asia, are included in the analysis. All calculations were performed using data that have been previously obtained for equivalent dose estimation. The key finding is that the averaged %BOSLF of all SAR signals was representative of the samples' characteristic sensitivity and could satisfactorily discriminate samples from known sources, mainly in the case of high-sensitivity samples. We could distinguish sediment source areas by averaging the %BOSLF of OSL signals from SAR natural/regenerative and test doses together. Likewise, laboratories worldwide could produce regional/global sediment provenance fingerprinting reference data using their dating measurements accumulated throughout the last decade. AU - Souza, P. E. AU - Porat, N. AU - Sawakuchi, A. O. AU - Cruz, C. B. L. AU - Breda, C. AU - Rodrigues, F. C. G. AU - Oliveira, S. C. AU - Pupim, F. N. DA - 2024/08/01/ DO - 10.1016/j.quageo.2024.101574 KW - Quartz fast component Quartz relative sensitivity OSL dating data Sediment provenance Source-to-sink systems PY - 2024 RN - basic research SN - 1871-1014 SP - 101574 JO - Quaternary Geochronology TI - Using quartz OSL signals from SAR cycles for sediment provenance studies UR - https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1871101424000785 VL - 83 ID - 92 ER - TY - JOUR AB - The luminescence characteristics of sediments are affected by a variety of environmental factors, reflecting both local and broader regional influences. If seeking to apply stimulated luminescence as a ‘pure’ dating technique, variability in these external variables needs to be controlled for, involving, inter alia, lengthy pretreatment procedures and complex dose rate corrections. However, in so doing, a lot of potentially valuable palaeoenvironmental information is lost. Instead, in the present study, we explicitly analysed raw, non-pretreated sediment that preserves this wealth of contributory environmental influence. Using a SUERC portable luminescence (POSL) reader, we performed rapid profiling across a 14,800 year interval of the annually laminated (varved) Lake Suigetsu sedimentary profile, central Japan (i.e., 45,000 to 30,200 IntCal20 yr BP), producing 303 contiguous measurements with a mean sampling resolution of 49 years. To further inform our understanding of this dataset, additional follow-up laboratory dosing was performed to provide sensitivity estimates. The ‘cryptostratigraphy’ (‘hidden stratigraphy’) revealed by our data includes the identification of a step-change in luminescence parameters circa 39,200 IntCal20 yr BP, which we attribute to a major earthquake that resulted in re-routing of inflow to the lake. Further variability in the derived luminescence signals is compared with supporting high resolution x-ray fluorescence (μXRF) data and palynological data from Lake Suigetsu. A correlation between the luminescence profile (both net infra-red-stimulated and net blue light-stimulated signals) and mean annual temperature is revealed, mediated through subtle differences in sediment characteristics under warmer or cooler climatic conditions. AU - Staff, Richard A. AU - Sanderson, David C. W. AU - Rex, Charlie L. AU - Cresswell, Alan AU - Hyodo, Masayuki AU - Kitaba, Ikuko AU - Marshall, Michael H. AU - Schlolaut, Gordon AU - Yamada, Keitaro AU - Suzuki, Yoshiaki AU - Nowinski, Vanessa AU - Tada, Ryuji AU - Nakagawa, Takeshi DA - 2024/08/01/ DO - 10.1016/j.quageo.2024.101588 KW - Palaeoenvironment Optically-stimulated luminescence (OSL) Infra-red-stimulated luminescence (IRSL) Portable luminescence (POSL) reader Lacustrine sediment Cryptostratigraphy PY - 2024 RN - lacustrine portable SN - 1871-1014 SP - 101588 JO - Quaternary Geochronology TI - A luminescence-derived cryptostratigraphy from the Lake Suigetsu sedimentary profile, Japan: 45,000–30,200 IntCal20 yr BP UR - https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S187110142400092X VL - 83 ID - 81 ER - TY - JOUR AB - Incision rates of major rivers may reflect the effects of drainage reorganization, hillslope processes, tectonic uplift, climate, the properties of rocks into which rivers incise, and other autogenic processes. On the Colorado Plateau, incision rates along the Colorado River have been interpreted as resulting from abrupt base-level changes produced by the integration of the Colorado River system. Specifically, the integration of the Colorado River in the location of Grand Canyon is thought to have created a knickpoint, enhanced by lithologic contrasts, which is propagating upstream. While evidence exists for a < 1 Ma acceleration of incision on parts of the Colorado River, uncertainty about the processes reflected in shorter-term incision rates muddies comparison with longer-term averages. In this work, we combine a cosmogenic radionuclide depth profile exposure age and post-infrared infrared stimulated luminescence (p-IR IRSL) to date fluvial deposits adjacent to the San Juan River, a major tributary of the Colorado River, near Mexican Hat, Utah. The deposits, resting on a 27 m strath surface, are constrained to be ∼ 28–40 ka, suggesting an incision rate of 678–968 m Myr−1, which is a factor of 7 higher than the long-term rate of ∼ 125 m Myr−1 over the past ∼ 1.2 Myr. We observe fluvial deposits that were abandoned due to a bedrock meander cutoff, which partially explains our accelerated incision rate. We use a simple geometric model, informed by our field data, to demonstrate how planform river evolution may, in some circumstances, increase short-term incision rates relative to long-term averages. These short-term rates may reflect a combination of autocyclic and climatic processes, which limits their ability to resolve longer-term changes in incision rates that may be related to changes in base level or tectonics. AU - Steelquist, A. T. AU - Seixas, G. B. AU - Gillam, M. L. AU - Saha, S. AU - Moon, S. AU - Hilley, G. E. DO - 10.5194/esurf-12-1071-2024 IS - 5 PY - 2024 RN - fluvial SN - 2196-632X SP - 1071-1089 JO - Earth Surface Dynamics TI - The impact of bedrock meander cutoffs on 50 kyr scale incision rates, San Juan River, Utah UR - https://esurf.copernicus.org/articles/12/1071/2024/ VL - 12 ID - 135 ER - TY - JOUR AB - Recent advances in interdisciplinary archaeological research in Arabia have focused on the evolution and historical development of regional human populations as well as the diverse patterns of cultural change, migration, and adaptations to environmental fluctuations. Obtaining a comprehensive understanding of cultural developments such as the emergence and lifeways of Neolithic groups has been hindered by the limited preservation of stratified archaeological assemblages and organic remains, a common challenge in arid environments. Underground settings like caves and lava tubes, which are prevalent in Arabia but which have seen limited scientific exploration, offer promising opportunities for addressing these issues. Here, we report on an archaeological excavation and a related survey at and around Umm Jirsan lava tube in the Harrat Khaybar, north-western Saudi Arabia. Our results reveal repeated phases of human occupation of the site ranging from at least the Neolithic through to the Chalcolithic/Bronze Age. Pastoralist use of the lava tube and surrounding landscape is attested in rock art and faunal records, suggesting that Umm Jirsan was situated along a pastoral route linking key oases. Isotopic data indicates that herbivores primarily grazed on wild grasses and shrubs rather than being provided with fodder, while humans had a diet consistently high in protein but with increasing consumption of C3 plants through-time, perhaps related to the emergence of oasis agriculture. While underground and naturally sheltered localities are globally prominent in archaeology and Quaternary science, our work represents the first such combined records for Saudi Arabia and highlight the potential for interdisciplinary studies in caves and lava tubes. AU - Stewart, Mathew AU - Andrieux, Eric AU - Blinkhorn, James AU - Guagnin, Maria AU - Fernandes, Ricardo AU - Vanwezer, Nils AU - Hatton, Amy AU - Alqahtani, Mesfer AU - Zalmout, Iyad AU - Clark-Wilson, Richard AU - Al-Mufarreh, Yahya S. A. AU - Al-Shanti, Mahmoud AU - Zahrani, Badr AU - Al Omari, Abdulaziz AU - Al-Jibreen, Faisal AU - Alsharekh, Abdullah M. AU - Scerri, Eleanor M. L. AU - Boivin, Nicole AU - Petraglia, Michael D. AU - Groucutt, Huw S. DO - 10.1371/journal.pone.0299292 IS - 4 PY - 2024 RN - archaeology cave SP - e0299292 JO - PLOS ONE TI - First evidence for human occupation of a lava tube in Arabia: The archaeology of Umm Jirsan Cave and its surroundings, northern Saudi Arabia UR - https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0299292 VL - 19 ID - 126 ER - TY - JOUR AB - The Żabinko exposure (western Poland) reveals the classic fluvio-aeolian succession known from studies in the European Sand Belt. Previous chronostratigraphic studies were mainly based on uncalibrated radiocarbon dates from organic sediments and thermoluminescence dating. The picture visible from these studies indicated a number of discrepancies between these methods. The new research in this exposure was based on optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating and calibrated radiocarbon dates. The results obtained indicate a general discrepancy between the results achieved by these two methods. While the radiocarbon dates provide some meaningful picture and allow correlation with previous studies, the results of OSL dating do not allow for a chronological model of sedimentary processes. The OSL dates show large inversions of the results and are clearly younger than the other dating results. Detailed analysis of OSL measurements shows radioactive disequilibrium and variability linked to differential stratification of sediments, significantly impacting the assessment of environmental dose rates. We believe that this atypical variability is presumably the result of postdepositional processes, such as changes in groundwater levels, chemical weathering and radionuclide migration. AU - Szymak, Agnieszka AU - Moska, Piotr AU - Sokołowski, Robert Jan AU - Poręba, Grzegorz AU - Tudyka, Konrad DO - 10.20858/geochr/189750 LB - Szymak2024 IS - 1 M3 - journal article PY - 2024 RN - fluvial SN - 1733-8387 SP - 189750 JO - Geochronometria TI - Chronostratigraphy of the Late Glacial Żabinko site (western Poland) and investigation of the dose rate variability UR - https://doi.org/10.20858/geochr/189750 VL - 51 ID - 176 ER - TY - JOUR AB - Since 2015, the Stelida Naxos Archaeological Project (SNAP) has excavated a prehistoric site on what today is the northwest coast of Naxos, the largest island of the Cycladic archipelago in the southern Aegean Sea (Greece). Survey and excavations at the site have produced artefacts spanning the Lower Palaeolithic through the Mesolithic periods based on their techno-typological attributes. These discoveries suggest that exploitation of Stelida began as early as the Middle Pleistocene, challenging the long-standing model that the Cyclades were not inhabited until the Early Holocene. Due to the site’s likely temporal depth and the lack of preserved organics, luminescence dating is the most appropriate method to scientifically date this activity. However, luminescence dating in this context is complicated by the site’s complex hillslope formation processes. Experiments upon the Stelida sediments have demonstrated a lack of luminescence sensitivity of quartz at the site. To evaluate the potential for post-depositional mixing of previously acquired dates yielded from a stratigraphic sequence first published in 2019, as well as to evaluate the efficacy of multiple luminescence dating models, we measured and compared different infrared stimulated luminescence [IRSL] measurements on K-feldspars, with IR50 and pIRIR290 multi-grain and pIRIR290 single-grain signals. The single-grain results confirm the multi-grain results and provide additional and more precise information on the site’s depositional and post-depositional events. The results of each approach demonstrate that feldspars were well-bleached, suggesting that in hillslope settings where quartz grains prove difficult to date, IR50 and pIRIR290 multi-grain, and pIRIR290 single-grain signals of feldspars can be used to achieve reliable results. Finally, when considered alongside field and laboratory observations of site stratigraphy, these results suggest that colluvial and aeolian (windblown) deposits at Stelida retain a degree of stratigraphic integrity characterized by minimal post-depositional alteration following their most recent deposition. These support previous estimates of the deposition at the site, the new earliest determination being 233 – 217 thousand years ago [ka], compared to the date of 198.4 ± 14.5 ka published in 2019. These dates represent the earliest – indirect – evidence for open sea crossings in the northern hemisphere, though it remains uncertain as to which species of the genus Homo was responsible for such maritime activity. These results also have implications for the preservation potential of similar deposits across the hillslope, as well as deposits preserved in similar geomorphic settings in Mediterranean landscapes. AU - Taffin, Ninon AU - Lahaye, Christelle AU - Contreras, Daniel A. AU - Holcomb, Justin A. AU - Mihailović, Danica D. AU - Karkanas, Panagiotis AU - Guérin, Guillaume AU - Athanasoulis, Demetris AU - Carter, Tristan DA - 2024/11/01/ DO - 10.1016/j.jasrep.2024.104776 KW - Luminescence dating single-grain IRSL Palaeolithic chronology Post-deposition Central Aegean Stelida Early seafaring PY - 2024 RN - archaeology SN - 2352-409X SP - 104776 JO - Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports TI - Chronological and post-depositional insights from single-grain IRSL dating of a Palaeolithic sequence at Stelida, Naxos (Greece) UR - https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2352409X24004048 VL - 59 ID - 32 ER - TY - JOUR AB - The emerging use of quartz luminescence properties to characterize Earth-surface processes shows promise, with optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) sensitivity proposed as a valuable tool for provenance or sediment history tracing. However, the geologic processes that lead to quartz sensitization remain unclear. Here we study the impact of source rock and surface processes on the luminescence properties of quartz sand from bedrock and modern and Late Pleistocene alluvium generated from a mountainous catchment in northern Utah, USA. Continuous wave and linear modulated OSL are used to characterize the luminescence sensitivity and intensity of the fast-decay component. We compare the OSL sensitivity with sand-grain provenance and with proxies for surface processes such as topographic metrics, cosmogenic 10Be-derived erosion rates, chemical weathering indices, and magnetic susceptibility. Late Pleistocene sediment has low OSL sensitivity and a weak fast-decay component, similar to bedrock samples from the source area. In contrast, modern alluvium is dominated by the fast-decay component and has higher and more variable OSL sensitivity, with no clear relationship to upstream bedrock source. There is, however, an inverse relationship between OSL sensitivity and catchment-averaged erosion rates and a positive relationship with chemical weathering indices and magnetic susceptibility. These metrics suggest that the modern alluvium has experienced increased residence time in the shallow critical zone compared to the Late Pleistocene sediments. We suggest that changes in hillslope processes between the effectively wetter, cooler Pleistocene and the dryer, warmer conditions of the Holocene enhanced the luminescence properties. The results suggest that climatic controls on rates and processes of chemical and mechanical weathering and sediment transport and residence within the critical zone are encoded in the luminescence properties of quartz sand. AU - Tanski, Natalie M. AU - Rittenour, Tammy M. AU - Pavano, Francesco AU - Pazzaglia, Frank AU - Mills, Jenna AU - Corbett, Lee B. AU - Bierman, Paul DA - 2024/10/01/ DO - 10.1016/j.quageo.2024.101613 KW - Quartz luminescence sensitivity Surface processes Critical zone Magnetic susceptibility Chemical weathering indices Be erosion rates PY - 2024 RN - basic research SN - 1871-1014 SP - 101613 JO - Quaternary Geochronology TI - Quartz luminescence sensitivity enhanced by residence time in the critical zone UR - https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1871101424001171 VL - 84 ID - 95 ER - TY - JOUR AB - Limekilns, common throughout the southern Levant in carbonate rock highlands, were rare in aeolian sand terrains. This study presents for the first time a limekiln within an archaeological landscape of an Early Islamic groundwater harvesting Plot-and-Berm agroecosystem, in an anthropogenically modified Mediterranean coastal dunefield near the ancient town of Caesarea. The agroecosystem consists of a checkerboard landscape pattern of human-made rectangular depressions used as agricultural plots possessing a distinct dark gray anthrosol. The anthrosols made of sand mixed with domestic refuse transported from Caesarea are hypothesized to retain physical agricultural utilities. The plots are confined by anthropogenically designed, sand-based berms, coated by anthrosediments. Applying archaeological, minerological (FTIR), microarchaeological (thin section analysis), portable OSL reconnaissance profiling, and OSL dating, coupled with similar data from nearby anthrosols and anthrosediments of the agroecosystem, we demonstrate that the limekiln produced pyrogenic lime. The lime additives, in combination with the refuse, enrichened and stabilized the aeolian sand substrate and probably improved its water retention capacity. These actions demonstrate an additional technological innovation regarding water harvesting in “dead” lands that, in turn, supported for a defined timespan extensive agricultural practice whose crop types/species remain a mystery. The limekiln possibly functioned for a couple hundred years, contemporary and imbricated with the P&B agroecosystem. It is the first evidence of such an endeavor to improve sandy soil properties for a novel and ancient agricultural practice. AU - Taxel, Itamar AU - Roskin, Joel AU - Grono, Elle AU - Balila, Moran AU - Bookman, Revital AU - Ostrowski, Adam AU - Shor, Meidad AU - Asscher, Yotam AU - Porat, Naomi AU - Robins, Lotem DA - 2023/10/27 DO - 10.1007/s12520-023-01875-5 IS - 11 PY - 2023 RN - archaeology SN - 1866-9565 SP - 170 JO - Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences TI - Limekiln services soil enrichment and water retention of an Early Islamic Plot-and-Berm groundwater-harvesting agroecosystem in coastal dunes near Caesarea, Israel UR - https://doi.org/10.1007/s12520-023-01875-5 VL - 15 ID - 158 ER - TY - JOUR AB - Abstract Previous research on mixed bedrock-alluvial anabranching rivers has documented how alluvial islands commonly grow under vegetation influences atop slowly eroding bedrock templates, but timescales of island dynamics remain poorly constrained. We focus on the Vaal River near Parys, South Africa, and combine field investigations, aerial image analyses and optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating to establish timescales of initiation, growth and erosion for nine bedrock-cored, tree-covered, alluvial islands. For each island, two OSL samples were collected in vertical succession from sand-rich exposures up to 4?m in thickness to establish minimum ages for island initiation (~1802 to 243?years) and to estimate local vertical aggradation rates (~0.20 to 1.8?cm?year?1). The diachronous lower ages and lack of systematic upstream-downstream trend in island age support an interpretation of patchwork initiation, growth, and erosion of islands throughout the late Holocene. Following island initiation, vertical island aggradation occurs in association with establishment of reeds, shrubs and trees, but erosion of island margins or dissection by cross-cutting channels also can occur. Observations during and after recent large floods (peak discharges >3000?m3?s?1) provide further insights into island dynamics, including the influence of exotic trees (e.g., Eucalyptus spp.) that have colonised many islands in the postcolonial era (last ~150?years). Our findings extend previous conceptual models by constraining timescales of island dynamics and providing new insights into island stability and longevity in mixed bedrock-alluvial anabranching rivers. Improved communication of findings regarding island geomorphology, ecology and stability can benefit local community engagement, geo/eco-tourism and education activities, and land use planning. AU - Tooth, S. AU - Keen-Zebert, A. AU - Grenfell, M. C. AU - Addison, G. DA - 2024/07/01 DO - 10.1002/rra.4296 KW - biogeomorphology flood Holocene luminescence dating mixed bedrock-alluvial river riparian vegetation IS - 6 PY - 2024 RN - fluvial SN - 1535-1459 SP - 1049-1066 JO - River Research and Applications TI - Timescales of tree-covered island dynamics on the mixed bedrock-alluvial anabranching Vaal River, South Africa UR - https://doi.org/10.1002/rra.4296 VL - 40 Y2 - 2024/12/16 ID - 156 ER - TY - JOUR AB - This study presents the results of a geomorphological and paleoseismological investigation on the Angelochori normal fault. This fault controls the southern boundary of the Anthemountas basin and constitutes the western segment of the Anthemountas extensional detachment fault (AEDF), a ∼48 km-long, E-W-trending, north-dipping low-angle normal fault in Central Macedonia, Greece. To assess the relative tectonic activity of the Angelochori fault and to determine the number, timing, and displacement of surface-faulting earthquakes, we conducted detailed field mapping and paleoseismological investigations. Our approach involved utilizing geomorphic indices, analyzing stratigraphic and structural relations, considering luminescence ages, and employing OxCal modeling techniques. The acquired data reveal, for the first time, the Middle-Late Holocene activity of the Anghelochori fault, providing constraints on the age of three strong (M > 6) surface-rupturing earthquakes over the last ∼7.7 ka. The youngest of these events aligns with the historical earthquake of the Anthemountas basin in 1677 CE. The observed minimum displacement per event ranges from 0.48 m to 0.65 m, consistent with a fault length estimated at about 24–28 km, suggesting an earthquake magnitude on the order of 6.6. The cumulative slip rate over the recorded period averages 0.21 ± 0.02 mm/a, with an average open recurrence interval of 2.6 ± 0.2 ka. Nonetheless, the displacement pattern displays alternating intervals of rapid slip at 0.60 ± 0.16 mm/a and slower slip at 0.08 ± 0.01 mm/a. Classified as Class 1, the Angelochori fault signifies an active tectonic structure posing a significant seismic hazard for the Thessaloniki metropolitan area. AU - Tsodoulos, Ioannis M. AU - Gallousi, Christina AU - Stamoulis, Konstantinos AU - Chatzipetros, Alexandros AU - Pavlides, Spyros AU - Ioannides, Konstantinos DA - 2024/10/15/ DO - 10.1016/j.geomorph.2024.109372 KW - Paleoseismology Surface faulting Earthquake event Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating Anthemountas basin Anthemountas detachment fault Northern Greece PY - 2024 RN - earthquake (and fault related) SN - 0169-555X SP - 109372 JO - Geomorphology TI - Tectonic geomorphology and paleoseismology of the Angelochori fault segment of the Anthemountas extensional detachment fault, Central Macedonia, Greece: Paleoseismic evidence from the 1677 CE earthquake UR - https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0169555X24003222 VL - 463 ID - 20 ER - TY - JOUR AB - In this study we apply optically stimulated luminescence and infra-red stimulated luminescence to the sediments from the interfluve dividing three river basins: the Pechora, the Kama and the Severnaya Dvina, hoping to gather new age data on glaciofluvial sediment. We also studied the valley of the Berezovka, a medium-scale river cutting through this interfluve. We obtained a chronology from 17 quartz and 15 feldspar ages. Sedimentological analyses and luminescence dating show that most of the sediments examined here are water-transported (gully alluvium, slopewash deposits), and their ages mark a period of accumulation during MIS 2. Some of these sediments were reworked by aeolian processes; these took place over a time span consistent with such processes in other parts of the East European Plain (19-12 ka). The Berezovka river experienced incision before ∼22 ka and another erosion event with extremely high floods at 15–16 ka. Its terrace formed in MIS 5, constraining the minimum age of the valley. In the bottom part of the sections, much older, possible MIS 8, glaciofluvial sediments were found; the apparent absence of MIS 6 sediments may argue for moving the MIS 6 ice sheet limit further to the north of the study area. AU - Utkina, Anna AU - Choi, Jeong-Heon AU - Murray, Andrew AU - Panin, Andrei AU - Zaretskaya, Nataliya AU - Kurbanov, Redzhep AU - Buylaert, Jan-Pieter DA - 2024/08/01/ DO - 10.1016/j.quageo.2024.101578 KW - Pechora river OSL dating feldspar luminescence dating Kama river glaciofluvial and alluvial deposits Vychegda river PY - 2024 RN - glacial and periglacial SN - 1871-1014 SP - 101578 JO - Quaternary Geochronology TI - Luminescence ages of sediments from the margin of the penultimate glaciation in the north-eastern East European plain UR - https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1871101424000827 VL - 83 ID - 69 ER - TY - JOUR AB - Sediments of the Lena River represent an important environmental archive for understanding the Quaternary history of North-Eastern Siberia. However, at present, the structure, origin and age of the Lena River terraces are poorly known. This article presents results of lithofacies analysis and absolute dating of the Ust’-Buotama section exposing the fourth (Bestyakh) terrace of the Lena River. We report the first quartz and K-feldspar luminescence ages, the reliability of which was argued by age relations and standard tests. Three stratigraphic units have been recognized in the section (depths from the top): lacustrine-alluvial deposits (85–120 m) of the Mavrinka Formation; aeolian sand deposits of the Dolkuma Formation (23–85 m), and Holocene aeolian dune sediments (0–23 m). The resulting chronology suggests that the sediments of the Mavrinka Formation were deposited no later than 300 ka (MIS 9 or later). Deposition of the Dolkuma Formation occurred from ∼30 ka to ∼15 ka (late MIS 3 - late MIS 2). Holocene aeolian dune formed during initial Neoglacial cooling post climatic optimum (c. 5.5 cal ka BP). More extensive Late Holocene dune sediments which formed ∼400 years ago are coeval with Little Ice Age (11th-19th centuries). AU - Vasilieva, Anzhela N. AU - Murray, Andrew S. AU - Taratunina, Natalia A. AU - Buylaert, Jan-Pieter AU - Lytkin, Vasiliy M. AU - Shaposhnikov, Grigoriy I. AU - Stevens, Thomas AU - Ujvari, Gábor AU - Kertész, Titanilla G. AU - Kurbanov, Redzhep N. DA - 2024/08/01/ DO - 10.1016/j.quageo.2024.101592 KW - Fluvial terraces Aeolian deposits Quaternary Late pleistocene Holocene Aeolian dunes PY - 2024 RN - fluvial SN - 1871-1014 SP - 101592 JO - Quaternary Geochronology TI - Absolute dating of sediments forming the Lena river terraces (Northeastern Siberia) UR - https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1871101424000967 VL - 83 ID - 84 ER - TY - JOUR AB - Homo sapiens was present in northern Asia by around 40,000 years ago, having replaced archaic populations across Eurasia after episodes of earlier population expansions and interbreeding1–4. Cultural adaptations of the last Neanderthals, the Denisovans and the incoming populations of H. sapiens into Asia remain unknown1,5–7. Here we describe Xiamabei, a well-preserved, approximately 40,000-year-old archaeological site in northern China, which includes the earliest known ochre-processing feature in east Asia, a distinctive miniaturized lithic assemblage with bladelet-like tools bearing traces of hafting, and a bone tool. The cultural assembly of traits at Xiamabei is unique for Eastern Asia and does not correspond with those found at other archaeological site assemblages inhabited by archaic populations or those generally associated with the expansion of H. sapiens, such as the Initial Upper Palaeolithic8–10. The record of northern Asia supports a process of technological innovations and cultural diversification emerging in a period of hominin hybridization and admixture2,3,6,11. AU - Wang, Fa-Gang AU - Yang, Shi-Xia AU - Ge, Jun-Yi AU - Ollé, Andreu AU - Zhao, Ke-Liang AU - Yue, Jian-Ping AU - Rosso, Daniela Eugenia AU - Douka, Katerina AU - Guan, Ying AU - Li, Wen-Yan AU - Yang, Hai-Yong AU - Liu, Lian-Qiang AU - Xie, Fei AU - Guo, Zheng-Tang AU - Zhu, Ri-Xiang AU - Deng, Cheng-Long AU - d’Errico, Francesco AU - Petraglia, Michael DA - 2022/03/01 DO - 10.1038/s41586-022-04445-2 IS - 7900 PY - 2022 RN - archaeology SN - 1476-4687 SP - 284-289 JO - Nature TI - Innovative ochre processing and tool use in China 40,000 years ago UR - https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-022-04445-2 VL - 603 ID - 163 ER - TY - JOUR AB - The spatiotemporal patterns of late Quaternary lake evolution, along with their responses to climatic changes and glacial meltwater in the westerlies-dominated Central Asia, remain unclear primarily due to the lack of well-dated records spanning across glacial and interglacial cycles. In this study, we investigated five well-preserved paleolake shoreline sequences, 15–27 m above the modern lake basin of the now-dry Manas Lake, a representative terminal lake in the Junggar Basin of arid Central Asia. Both single aliquot and single-grain K-feldspar post-infrared infrared stimulated luminescence (pIRIR) dating protocols were applied to 26 shoreline samples to reconstruct a lake level variation for Manas Lake over the past 90 kyr. The reliability of the K-feldspar pIRIR dating was tested through assessment of luminescence characteristics and comparison of single-grain and single-aliquot K-feldspar pIRIR Des. The results indicate that the highest water levels (∼25 m deep) occurred during late Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 5 (∼80 ka) and MIS 3 (31–27 ka). A lake level 20 m above modern lake basin (a.m.l.b.) occurred from the last deglaciation to the early Holocene (14–10 ka) and again in the late Holocene (3.4–0.3 ka). The lake level changes of Manas Lake are decoupled from observed Westerlies precipitation changes over the past 90 kyr. This decoupling suggests enhanced glacial meltwater sourced from the high Tianshan Mountains, triggered by higher mean summer temperatures, worked together with Westerlies precipitation drove periods of lake level highstand in Manas Lake during late MIS 5, late MIS 3, and early Holocene periods. AU - Wang, Xiaoyan AU - Li, Guoqiang AU - Yang, He AU - Wang, Yixuan AU - Jin, Ming AU - Yan, Zhongfeng AU - Qin, Caixin AU - Gou, Siyi AU - Pan, Long AU - Yang, Jin DA - 2024/08/01/ DO - 10.1016/j.quageo.2024.101601 KW - Single-grain K-Feldspar pIRIR dating Paleolake shorelines Lake level changes Glacier meltwater Central Asia PY - 2024 RN - lacustrine SN - 1871-1014 SP - 101601 JO - Quaternary Geochronology TI - Single-grain luminescence dating of Manas Lake paleoshorelines reveals late quaternary glacial meltwater forced lake level highstand in arid Central Asia UR - https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1871101424001055 VL - 83 ID - 70 ER - TY - JOUR AB - It is crucial to establish a robust chronology for understanding late Quaternary sedimentation processes and environment changes in response to sea-level fluctuation on shelves. The shelf of the East China Sea (ECS) is featured by huge terrigenous sediment input and striking land -sea interaction during the late Quaternary. However, there remains controversy in chronostratigraphic rebuilding of transgression and regression deposits during eustatic-glacial cycles, mainly due to a lack of reliable dating data. In this study, an extensive comparison of 17 optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) and 15 AMS 14C ages from core TBF-1 (upper 40 m) provides a constraint in chronostratigraphic reconstruction since Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 5. OSL ages range from 9.5 ± 0.7 to 67.3 ± 4.8 ka at depths from 2.00 to 28.00 m, while 14C ages range from 6645 to 41435 cal a BP at depths from 0.02 to 17.52 m. Regression analysis demonstrates a high level of agreement between OSL and 14C ages, with r2 values of 0.91 and 0.90, respectively. For Holocene sediments (U1), both OSL and 14C methods are applicable in tidal sand ridges, however, it should be noted that 14C ages may exhibit a young bias of up to 3 ka. For pre-Holocene sediments (U6-U2), OSL ages are robust within saturation limitation of OSL signal (De up to ca. 166 Gy), cross-checked by feldspar post-IR IRSL (pIRIR) dating protocol. Nevertheless, the shell 14C ages (11620 and 10390 cal a BP at depths of 13.95–14.56 m) in Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) fluvial sediments of U2 are significantly underestimated, because of their susceptibility to recrystallization and overgrowth, resulting in carbon exchange with environment. While the peaty layer's14C age in deltaic deposition (17.50 m, U5) was determined to be 36420 cal a BP, coincided with OSL age of 39.6 ± 3.9 ka. The chronostratigraphy since MIS 5 for core TBF-1 exhibits a significant correlation with previously published cores SFK-1, DZQ4, and DH02, on the ECS outer shelf. Through the evaluation of those underestimated 14C ages and saturated OSL ages, we re-elucidated the primary sedimentary facies and their respective formation periods. This sedimentary stratigraphic illustration exhibits significant consistency with eustatic-glacial cycles. The renewed chronological framework for ECS shelf allows better correlation between the late Quaternary sedimentary evolution and the land-sea interaction on open shelves dominated by siliciclastic sedimentation. AU - Wang, Zhongbo AU - Tang, Nan AU - Lin, Penghui AU - Qiao, Pengyu AU - Lu, Kai AU - Mei, Xi AU - Sun, Jun AU - Qi, Jianghao AU - Wang, Yang AU - Chu, Hongxian AU - Lai, Zhongping DA - 2024/10/01/ DO - 10.1016/j.quageo.2024.101614 KW - Optical stimulated luminescence dating AMS C dating Chronostratigraphic reconstruction TBF-1 The East China sea shelf Late Quaternary PY - 2024 RN - marine SN - 1871-1014 SP - 101614 JO - Quaternary Geochronology TI - OSL and radiocarbon dating of core TBF-1 on the outer shelf of the East China Sea and implications for late Quaternary stratigraphic correlation UR - https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1871101424001183 VL - 84 ID - 96 ER - TY - JOUR AB - The age of prehistoric human sites serves as a fundamental basis for studying the relationship between human activities and landscape changes in the humid subtropical mountains of South China. The presence of pottery in these archaeological sites is widespread and offers a valuable resource for precise dating purposes. The Longtoushan (LTS) site, located in the northern mountains of Fujian Province, contains a rich variety of pottery types from various periods, representing a rare multi-period stratigraphic overlap in this area and playing a crucial role in constructing the cultural sequence and lineage of prehistoric and ancient times in this region. In this study, we employed thermoluminescence (TL) and optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) techniques to establish the age of pottery samples collected from the LTS site situated in the upper Minjiang River region of southeast China for the first time, while also comparing our findings with other dating methods to construct a chronological framework for the site. The results showed that: (1) The samples analyzed in this study can be classified according to the peak strength of 325 °C TL signal at natural and regenerative doses of quartz. Samples with weak TL signal at 325 °C (type II samples) showed high recuperation and equivalent dose underestimation at a low preheat temperature (220 °C) in OSL test. (2) Conventional SAR procedures employed for type I samples are not suitable for type II samples. Type II samples require additional OSL stimulation towards the end of the cycle and an extended stimulation duration. (3) The application of various dating methods has revealed that the LTS site represents a long-term settlement in the humid subtropical mountains of South China, commencing around 4.6–4.4 thousand years ago (ka). Specifically, the dating of pottery pieces from kiln sites and tombs in the late Neolithic period provides a specific temporal reference for further understanding of prehistoric human culture and production behavior in the humid mountains of Fujian. AU - Wei, Junjie AU - Jin, Jianhui AU - Fu, Lin AU - Zuo, Xinxin AU - Qiu, Junjie AU - Hou, Chenyang AU - Xu, Daiyu DA - 2024/11/01/ DO - 10.1016/j.jas.2024.106072 KW - Luminescence dating Pottery Neolithic site Chronology Subtropical humid region PY - 2024 RN - archaeology SN - 0305-4403 SP - 106072 JO - Journal of Archaeological Science TI - New chronology evidence of prehistoric human activities indicated by pottery luminescence dating in the humid subtropical mountains of South China UR - https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0305440324001407 VL - 171 ID - 30 ER - TY - JOUR AB - Feldspars vary in major and minor element chemistry and mineral structure. For luminescence dating, separating feldspar types in sediments using density separation techniques is challenging, and when using rock slices and fine-grain samples it is not possible. For 19 chemically and structurally diverse feldspars, the intensity and optical resetting behaviour of different Infrared Photoluminescence (IRPL) and Infrared Stimulated Luminescence (IRSL) signals is investigated. After a 140 Gy beta dose IRPL was observed from each feldspar, and IRSL signals were seen in all except the most Ca-rich sample. The intensity of IRPL was more strongly related to feldspar major element chemistry than appeared to be the case for IRSL signals, where some K-rich and K-poor feldspars have similar IRSL intensities. Correlations between Fe and Mn concentrations with IRSL and IRPL signal intensity were found. The influence of mineral structure, particularly the state of Al,Si order also appeared to affect IRSL intensity. Bleaching experiments showed that IRPL signals are more difficult to bleach in comparison to IRSL. In some K-rich and K-poor feldspars resetting of IRPL was limited, and an IRPL component with lower optical sensitivity was observed in each IRPL signal. The IRPL signal remaining after subtracting this component, and also delta IRPL (ΔIRPL) signals, bleach in a similar manner to IRSL signals measured at elevated temperatures (225 and 290 °C). IRSL bleached reproducibly across the samples, with most IRSL50 and pIR50 IRSL225 signals decreasing to below 5% of the initial signal intensity after ∼1000 s and ∼10,000 s, respectively. A relationship was seen between IRPL bleaching and Ca-content, but no clear trends were observed between bleaching and Na and K contents, or minor element chemistry and mineral structure. This study shows that the suitability of IRPL signals for dating in terms of their potential to be effectively bleached in nature can be enhanced by subtracting the less optically sensitive component from the signals used. AU - Winzar, J. A. AU - Duller, G. A. T. AU - Roberts, H. M. AU - Gunn, M. AU - Bell, A. M. T. DA - 2025/03/01/ DO - 10.1016/j.jlumin.2024.121018 KW - Feldspar Luminescence Optical resetting Intensity IRSL IRPL ΔIRPL PY - 2025 RN - basic research SN - 0022-2313 SP - 121018 JO - Journal of Luminescence TI - Intensity and optical resetting of Infrared Photoluminescence (IRPL) and Infrared Stimulated Luminescence (IRSL) signals in feldspars UR - https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0022231324005829 VL - 278 ID - 45 ER - TY - JOUR AB - The Quaternary sedimentary history of the Yellow Sea and Bohai Sea offers significant insights into global sea-level changes. This history is intricately linked to tectonic subsidence. However, the process of the Quaternary transgressions of these areas remains controversial due to the lack of cores with comprehensive sedimentary sequences and reliable chronological frameworks in representative sites. This study evaluated the grain size, benthic foraminifera assemblages, quartz optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dates, and magnetostratigraphy of Core CSH05 (102.4 m) from the eastern boundary of the Bohai Sea. By comparing these results with previous research, new insights were gained into sea-level changes and tectonic events in the Bohai Sea. The paleomagnetic analysis revealed the existence of Brunhes and Matuyama chrons in the core, including the Jaramillo and Cobb Mountain subchrons and Blake excursion. The boundary between the Brunhes and Matuyama chrons was determined at 57.2 m in the core, aligning with adjacent cores. The basal age of the core is estimated to be ∼1.35 Ma. Thirteen sedimentary units (U1-U13), consisting of seven neritic deposits and six terrestrial/littoral deposit layers, were identified in the core through sedimentology and environmental proxies (grain size and benthic foraminifera), indicating alternating transgression-regression cycles. OSL samples suggest that the neritic deposits layer (16.2–20.6 m) probably originated during the early Marine Isotope Stage 3 (MIS3), exhibiting a weaker transgression than MIS5 and MIS1. The initial transgression (U13) dates back to no later than 1.35 Ma, representing the earliest documentation in the Bohai Sea. U11 shows a transgression to 1 Ma, aligning with results from adjacent cores, indicating that the Miaodao Island uplift experienced further subsidence between 1 and 0.83 Ma, allowing seawater to inundate the central basin of the Bohai Sea during high sea level periods. The current sea-land configuration structure emerged after 0.3 Ma due to the complete subsidence of the Miaodao Islands Uplift. The Quaternary transgressions in the Bohai Sea demonstrate a coupling relationship with the uplift of the Qinghai Tibet Plateau, glacial-interglacial cycles, and integration of the Yellow River. This study traces the initial transgression in the Bohai Sea to 1.35 Ma and provides a new detailed evolutionary model of the timing and routes for the Quaternary transgression of the Bohai Sea and Yellow Sea, thereby enhancing our understanding of sedimentary evolution and paleoenvironmental changes in the region. AU - Xiong, Wei AU - Huang, Long AU - Zhang, Yong AU - Wang, Zhonglei AU - Bi, Nai Shuang AU - Pan, Jun AU - Sun, Jun AU - He, Lelong AU - Wang, Feifei AU - Mei, Xi DA - 2025/01/01/ DO - 10.1016/j.palaeo.2024.112602 KW - Bohai Sea Magnetostratigraphy Sea level Tectonic subsidence Initial transgression PY - 2025 RN - marine SN - 0031-0182 SP - 112602 JO - Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology TI - Quaternary transgression process controlled by tectonic subsidence over the last 1.35 Ma: New insights from the eastern Bohai Sea UR - https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0031018224005911 VL - 657 ID - 37 ER - TY - JOUR AB - The Ti–H center exhibits rapid and complete optical bleaching properties, meaning it has significant potential for dating applications. However, the equivalent dose of Ti–H centers is underestimated when total doses received by quartz during its geological history reaches a higher level, and there appears to be linked to saturation of the equivalent dose obtained from Ti–H centers. To investigate this phenomenon, a series of samples were analyzed from two sections at Ximachi in Heqing County, China, which have strong Ti–H signals. The sample ages were obtained using the electron spin resonance (ESR) multiple-centers approach, and the reliability of the ages was validated by comparison with optically simulated luminescence (OSL) ages and between different paramagnetic centers. The ESR data demonstrate that the Ti–H centers can provide accurate dose estimates up to 750–950 Gy, with varying degrees of underestimation at high doses. Combined with previously published Ti–H data, it is evident that the upper threshold of the accurate data obtained from Ti–H centers depends on the sample, and may be positively correlated with the Ti–H/(Ti–Li + Ti–H) ratio (option C/D). According to the provenance significance of the Ti–H/(Ti–Li + Ti–H) ratio, we propose that the Ximachi samples have high Ti–H/(Ti–Li + Ti–H) ratios and then equivalent dose saturation values of Ti–H centers, which may be related to the thermal history of the analyzed quartz grains. AU - Xu, Xingshuo AU - Wei, Chuanyi AU - Yin, Gongming AU - Ji, Hao AU - Liu, Chunru AU - Zhao, Lin AU - Yang, Huili AU - Yang, Guang DA - 2024/12/01/ DO - 10.1016/j.quageo.2024.101635 KW - Ti–H center High equivalent dose saturation value Middle Pleistocene ESR dating Optically bleached quartz grain PY - 2024 RN - ESR SN - 1871-1014 SP - 101635 JO - Quaternary Geochronology TI - Application of multiple-centers ESR dating to middle Pleistocene fluviolacustrine sediments and insights into the dose underestimation from the Ti–H center at high equivalent doses UR - https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1871101424001390 VL - 85 ID - 2 ER - TY - JOUR AB - The Guxiang Glaciation, a key reference for classifying late Quaternary glaciations on the Tibetan Plateau, has been dated to MIS 6 using cosmogenic 10Be exposure dating of two boulders. However, additional dating methods are needed to evaluate and improve its chronology. In this study, we used the post-infrared infrared stimulated luminescence (post-IR IRSL) signal at 225 °C from single K-feldspar grains to date a lateral moraine corresponding to the Guxiang Glaciation in the Bodui Zangbo Valley, southeastern Tibetan Plateau. Six samples from glaciofluvial sand lenses interbedded within the moraine were analyzed. The LnTn method was utilized for De determination to avoid truncation in De distribution and age underestimation. A common standardized growth curve (SGC) was established for all samples, and the least-squares (LS)-normalized Ln/Tn values of the brightest grains were selected for Ln/Tn and De estimation using the central age model (CAM). Using one fading-correction model, the post-IR IRSL ages (159 ± 9 ka to 181 ± 11 ka, average value of 173 ± 4 ka) fall within the expected MIS 6 interval and align with previous 10Be exposure ages. However, the ages are close to the limit of the method, and a different model for correcting fading suggests a much older age (average 308 ± 27 ka). This study reveals both the potential and challenges of single-grain K-feldspar luminescence dating as a means to establish chronological control for glaciations beyond the last glacial period on the Tibetan Plateau. AU - Xu, Yantian AU - Ou, Xianjiao AU - Zou, Xiaojun AU - Yang, Cai AU - Duller, Geoff A. T. AU - Li, Yang AU - Roberts, Helen M. AU - Yang, Kunmei AU - Zeng, Lanhua DA - 2024/10/01/ DO - 10.1016/j.quageo.2024.101612 KW - Guxiang Glaciation Post-IR IRSL dating Single grain Glacial sediments Tibetan Plateau PY - 2024 RN - glacial and periglacial SN - 1871-1014 SP - 101612 JO - Quaternary Geochronology TI - Single-grain K-feldspar post-IR IRSL dating of glaciofluvial sediments of Guxiang Glaciation in SE Tibetan Plateau UR - https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S187110142400116X VL - 84 ID - 98 ER - TY - JOUR AB - The variations of glaciers in the Kunlun Mountains of the northern Tibetan Plateau are influenced by the complex interaction of the East Asia summer monsoon (EASM), Indian summer monsoon (ISM) and Westerlies, as well as human activity during the Holocene period. Consequently there is ongoing debates regarding the evolution of glaciers and the factors driving their changes. The reconstruction of glacial evolutions in these regions has been hindered by insufficient chronological data for moraines and other glacial landforms. In this study, glacial sediment samples were collected from five moraine sequences located on the southern and northern slopes of the Yuzhu Peak in the Kunlun Mountains. These poorly bleached moraine samples were dated using the single-grain quartz optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) and K-feldspar post-infrared infrared stimulated luminescence (pIRIR) dating methods. The luminescence characteristics analysis of quartz grains shows that single grain quartz OSL dating cannot be used to date Holocene moraine samples due to the low brightness of quartz OSL signals. Various tests were conducted to assess the reliability of K-feldspar pIR50IR170 dating, including anomalous fading tests, dose recovery, and residual dose tests. The K-feldspar pIR50IR170 ages, determined using the Minimum Age Model (MAM), indicate that during the early Holocene, glaciations have expanded by ∼800 m in length at ∼ 8 ka, and during the end of the Neoglacial period, they extended by ∼200 m in length at ∼ 1 ka. The strengthened ISM precipitation and northward movement of ISM boundary likely contributed to the glacial expansion in the early Holocene. During the end of the Neoglacial period, the increase in westerlies precipitation and cold events may have played a role in the advancement of glaciers. AU - Yang, Jilei AU - Wang, Yixuan AU - Li, Guoqiang AU - Wang, Xiaoyan AU - Lu, Tao AU - Ding, Weiping AU - Ou, Xianjiao AU - Gao, Donglin DA - 2024/08/01/ DO - 10.1016/j.quageo.2024.101586 KW - Glacigenic deposits K-feldspar pIRIR dating Single grain Northeast of the Tibetan Plateau Yuzhu Peak PY - 2024 RN - glacial and periglacial SN - 1871-1014 SP - 101586 JO - Quaternary Geochronology TI - Single grain pIRIR dating of glacigenic deposits in the Yuzhu Peak area of Kunlun Mountains of Tibetan Plateau revealed the glaciations during Holocene period UR - https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1871101424000906 VL - 83 ID - 89 ER - TY - JOUR AB - The environment of the Tibetan Plateau (TP) is extremely sensitive to global climate change, and the frequent aeolian activity on the central TP generates large amounts of dust with the result that the region has a major impact on regional and global environmental change. The extensive aeolian dunes on the central TP provide a direct and valuable archive of aeolian activity; however, the age and sediment deposition processes of these dunes are still poorly understood. Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating, an effective method for dating aeolian sediments, has been used sparingly in the region. In this study, we applied quartz single-aliquot regenerative-dose (SAR) OSL, K-feldspar post-infrared infrared-stimulated luminescence (pIRIR), and single-grain K-feldspar pIRIR methods to determine the ages of two well-preserved sand dunes in the Lunpola (LD) and Tuotuohe (TTH) river basins in the central TP. Our results showed that the quartz OSL signal of the TTH dune was dim, while the LD dune quartz exhibited a higher OSL sensitivity than that of the TTH dune. The high recuperation observed could be attributed to the low signal-to-noise ratio of the OSL signals. The K-feldspar signal was bright and the pIR50IR170 signal could be used to date young dune samples in the central TP, whereas it could be affected by the residual dose, or incomplete bleaching in the TTH profile, resulting in age overestimation. The single-grain K-feldspar protocol had a good potential for dating the young TP dunes. Multi-method luminescence dating is recommended for the cross-checking of young dune samples with low OSL sensitivity in the TP. Our luminescence dating reveals that aeolian dunes in the central TP formed approximately 385 to 330 a and persisted to the present, possibly in response to climate change since the late stage of Little Ice Age (1400−1850 CE). AU - Yang, Shengli AU - Liu, Xiaojing AU - Zan, Jinbo AU - Li, Pushuang AU - Xu, Xuechao AU - Li, Dongxue AU - Li, Qiong AU - Liu, Li AU - Wen, Chen AU - Fang, Xiaomin DA - 2024/08/01/ DO - 10.1016/j.quageo.2024.101595 KW - Quartz SAR K-feldspar pIRIR dating Desertification Tibetan plateau PY - 2024 RN - aeolian SN - 1871-1014 SP - 101595 JO - Quaternary Geochronology TI - Multi-method luminescence dating of young aeolian dunes in the central Tibetan plateau UR - https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1871101424000992 VL - 83 ID - 61 ER - TY - JOUR AB - As a key geomorphic archive, staircase sequences of terraces and sediments record the history of fluvial aggradation and incision, which are related to tectonic activities, climatic fluctuations, and varying base levels. While numerous studies have investigated their influence on the formation of fluvial terraces, the manner in which rivers adapt to diverse climatic transitions (specifically, the shifts from warm to cold and from cold to warm) remains a subject of ongoing debate, particularly when considered within varying tectonic and climatic contexts. Here, we address this issue by reconstructing terrace distributions and identifying sedimentary features with OSL dating in the headwaters of the Yangtze River in the southeastern Tibetan Plateau. We discovered two distinct sets of thick valley-filling sequences at different elevations indicating two phases of aggradation during the penultimate and last glacial periods, when the Yangtze River was in a transport-limited condition. During the warmer interglacial and deglacial periods, increased monsoon precipitation led to higher discharge, causing the river to incise into these valley fills. In addition, superimposed tectonic activities produced diverse river response to the climatic transition from interglacial to glacial between the upstream shallow valley and the downstream deeply incised gorge. In the upper valley, stable tectonic conditions resulted in minimal incision, with younger deposits overlying older ones. Conversely, in the downstream gorge, with more intense tectonic activities, sediments only partially covered the riverbed. These sediments acted as abrasion tools, facilitating rapid incision during the warm-to-cold transition, thereby creating two separated valley fills. This finding enhances our understanding of how tectonic forces influence river responses to interglacial—glacial cycles. AU - Yu, Yang AU - Wang, Xianyan AU - Yang, Xun AU - Yi, Shuangwen AU - Lu, Huayu DA - 2024/11/15/ DO - 10.1016/j.geomorph.2024.109418 KW - Fluvial terraces OSL dating Aggradation and incision Diverse erosion mechanisms Climatic transitions The headwaters of the Yangtze River PY - 2024 RN - fluvial SN - 0169-555X SP - 109418 JO - Geomorphology TI - Diverse fluvial aggradation and incision response to interglacial—Glacial transitions in the headwaters of the Yangtze River, SE Tibetan Plateau UR - https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0169555X24003684 VL - 465 ID - 23 ER - TY - JOUR AB - Krotovinas, the infilled burrows created by small mammals through bioturbation, represent a distinct pedogenic process and provide valuable records of soil and landscape history. Traditionally, macro- and micromorphological features are analyzed to investigate the origin of burrow fills, and ages are often estimated using 14C dating. However, in some environments, morphological features can be misleading and material for 14C dating is insufficient. This study explores the potential of luminescence techniques to address these issues. We studied a Chernozem profile with typical krotovinas, forming from fluvial sediment in northeast China. Three krotovinas of different depths and colors (two black and one yellow) were sampled, along with their respective supposedly undisturbed counterparts from the surrounding soil. We conducted single-grain (SG) luminescence dating of the K-feldspar fraction and multigrain (MG) luminescence dating of both quartz and K-feldspar fractions. Significant differences in luminescence ages between samples inside and outside the krotovinas at both MG and SG levels suggest the presence of vertical bioturbation. Comparisons of SG distributions among samples indicate that the yellow krotovina at ca.70 cm was the result of upward transportation from a lower layer and was formed after the end of the Last Glacial Maximum. The two black krotovinas at ca. 80 and 160 cm are genetically linked, and probably formed in a single, rapid, simultaneous filling event occurring no earlier than 2.7 ka. This study highlights the unique role of luminescence dating in elucidating formation processes of krotovinas and the soils in which they are found. AU - Zhang, Aimin AU - Long, Hao AU - Yang, Fei AU - Zhang, Jingran AU - Peng, Jun AU - Gong, Keyang AU - Hong, Yunpeng AU - Shi, Yonghui AU - Zhou, Shengfang AU - Shao, Zhudong AU - Yang, Na AU - Huang, Xiaoling AU - Luo, Xi AU - Zhang, Ganlin DA - 2025/01/01/ DO - 10.1016/j.catena.2024.108554 KW - Pedogenesis Krotovina Bioturbation Single-grain luminescence Chernozem PY - 2025 RN - soil SN - 0341-8162 SP - 108554 JO - CATENA TI - Revisiting krotovina formation using luminescence dating − a case study from NE China UR - https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0341816224007513 VL - 248 ID - 11 ER - TY - JOUR AB - The middle reaches of Yarlung Tsangpo, situated on the southern Tibetan Plateau, have experienced extensive river damming events due to glacier advances, resulting in the formation of several ancient dammed lakes. These palaeolakes offer invaluable insights into past hydrological and geomorphological dynamics on the Tibetan Plateau. In this study, we reported a newly identified ancient dammed lake, named the Xiaru palaeolake, located upstream of the Ganglai Gorge in the uppermost segment of the middle reaches of Yarlung Tsangpo, and conducted a pioneer chronological investigation of the lake using K-feldspar post-IR IRSL (pIRIR) dating. Quartz minerals from most lacustrine and fluvial sediments can not provide reliable ages characterized with low intensity and large inter-aliquot scatter in equivalent doses (De). In contrast, the K-feldspar exhibited much greater luminescence intensity and narrower De distribution using the pIRIR225 dating protocol. Residual, dose recovery, and fading tests demonstrated that the pIRIR225 signals are well bleached with a relatively low fading rate, making it a more suitable dosimeter for dating applications in the study area. The pIRIR225 ages, derived through single aliquots, standard growth curve (SGC), and single grain measurements, reveal a major phase of the Xiaru Lake between 24.1 ± 1.0 ka and 15.8 ± 1.1 ka, that commenced aligning with the global Last Glacial Maximum. Furthermore, one lacustrine sample dated to 29.9 ± 2.2 ka suggests the possibility of multiple damming events in Ganglai Gorge during the last glacial period, although further evidence is required for a comprehensive interpretation. AU - Zhang, Jingran AU - Cao, Xilin AU - Zhang, Zhigang AU - He, Mengying AU - Kong, Xinggong AU - Zhao, Zhijun DA - 2024/08/01/ DO - 10.1016/j.quageo.2024.101570 KW - Yarlung Tsangpo Dammed lake Quartz Post-IR IRSL dating Single grain Standard growth curve PY - 2024 RN - lacustrine SN - 1871-1014 SP - 101570 JO - Quaternary Geochronology TI - The post-IR IRSL dating of an ancient dammed lake upstream of the Ganglai gorge in the upper-middle reaches of Yarlung Tsangpo UR - https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1871101424000748 VL - 83 ID - 87 ER - TY - JOUR AB - Speleothems are a key archive of past climatic and environmental changes. 230Th/U dating is the most commonly used method to determine speleothem ages. However, incorporation of non-radiogenic thorium may hamper 230Th/U dating, and samples older than 600 ka also remain out-of-reach. Calcite exhibits a thermoluminescence (TL) signal at 280 °C with a high characteristic saturation dose, and provides significant potential to date carbonate samples over several million years. Hitherto, the application of TL dating for calcite has mainly been hindered by two factors: 1) a spurious TL signal occurring in the high temperature range, and 2) non-uniform dose rate due to U-series disequilibrium. Here we test an isothermal TL (ITL) dating method on a speleothem sample from Bleßberg cave 2, Germany. We show that the ITL signal measured at 240 °C can completely remove the 280 °C TL peak with a negligible TL contribution from the higher temperature range, thus reducing the influence from the spurious signal. The time-dependent dose rate variation can be simulated using the initial radioactivity of 238U, 234U, 230Th and their decay constants. We use the 230Th/U dating method to provide precise and accurate radiometric ages documenting that the speleothem grew between 425.5 ± 5.4 and 320.5 ± 9.7 ka. The ITL ages (421 ± 23 to 311 ± 23 ka) of four subsamples from the speleothem are consistent with the 230Th/U ages at isochronous sampling positions, showing the general reliability of the ITL dating method. ITL dating provides a pathway to construct chronologies for palaeoclimate reconstructions for speleothems beyond the range of the 230Th/U-method and for samples that are unsuitable for U-series dating methods. AU - Zhang, Junjie AU - Klose, Jennifer AU - Scholz, Denis AU - Marwan, Norbert AU - Breitenbach, Sebastian F. M. AU - Katzschmann, Lutz AU - Kraemer, Dennis AU - Tsukamoto, Sumiko DA - 2024/12/01/ DO - 10.1016/j.quageo.2024.101628 KW - Speleothem Calcite Isothermal thermoluminescence dating Th/U dating PY - 2024 RN - cave SN - 1871-1014 SP - 101628 JO - Quaternary Geochronology TI - Isothermal thermoluminescence dating of speleothem growth – A case study from Bleßberg cave 2, Germany UR - https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1871101424001328 VL - 85 ID - 102 ER - TY - JOUR AB - As a vital component of the “Asian water tower”, lakes on the Tibetan Plateau (TP) significantly influence the regional ecosystems and economies and they are also an effective sentinel of climate change. However, the temporal and spatial patterns of lakes and the related hydroclimatic evolution on the northwestern TP (NWTP) remain unclear. We reconstructed the lake level variations of a non-glacier-fed lake, Longjue Co, on the NWTP, using optical dating of paleo-shorelines. The optically stimulated luminescence signals of quartz grains were unsuitable for dating due to high contributions of the medium component, and thus the post-infrared infrared stimulated luminescence signals (pIR50IR170, pIR50IR225) of K-feldspar single grains were used. Internal checks including dose recovery tests, residual dose tests, and anomalous fading tests showed that the pIR50IR170 signal was suitable for paleo-shoreline dating in Longjue Co. However, some of the samples were affected by the incomplete bleaching of pIRIR signals before deposition, and in this case the Minimum Age Model was used to constrain the ages. We also examined the dependence of the K-feldspar equivalent dose (De) on grain brightness and explored the possible mechanisms, and the brightest grains were then used for De calculations. The results show that Longjue Co reached its maximum Holocene level (+34 m) during the early Holocene (10.06 ± 1.39 ka), and then after ∼5 ka it commenced a shrinking trend, punctuated by two rapid lake level decreases. Reference to independent paleoclimate records suggests that the Holocene lake level variations of Longjue Co and the regional hydroclimate were mainly controlled by the Indian summer monsoon. AU - Zhang, Shuai AU - Zhao, Hui AU - Wang, Leibin AU - Chen, Fahu DA - 2024/08/01/ DO - 10.1016/j.quageo.2024.101583 KW - pIRIR K-feldspar Single grain Paleo-shoreline Lake level Indian summer monsoon Northwestern Tibetan plateau PY - 2024 RN - lacustrine SN - 1871-1014 SP - 101583 JO - Quaternary Geochronology TI - Holocene lake shrinkage on the northwestern Tibetan Plateau revealed by K-feldspar single-grain pIRIR dating of paleo-shorelines UR - https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1871101424000876 VL - 83 ID - 91 ER - TY - JOUR AB - Investigating the history of wind-dust deposition and soil erosion is crucial for understanding the relationship between geomorphologic formation, monsoon evolution and the current state of soil erosion on the Loess Plateau. This study utilizes a 50-m sedimentary record from Lake Luyanghu (LYH) in the southern Loess Plateau. We developed a chronological framework using optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating and stratigraphic comparisons. By applying end-member modeling of grain size, we identified various sediment sources and quantitatively reconstructed the dust deposition fluxes and soil erosion modulus during the late Quaternary. Additionally, we examined the patterns of sediment source evolution with environmental changes at LYH. Our findings reveal that dust constitutes an average of 32.3% of the lake sediments, with an average deposition rate of 40.2 g/cm2/ka. Notably, after the Last Glacial period, dust deposition became the dominant component of the lake sediment. During the Marine Isotope Stages (MIS) 5b, 5d, 4 and 2, enhanced dry climatic conditions, decreased vegetation cover and composition, leading to significant soil erosion. Based on the results of this research, future studies should aim to reconstruct the watershed's erosion and deposition processes throughout geological periods by integrating aspects of lake evolution, such as water levels and developmental stages. AU - Zhao, Hongfei AU - Zhou, Xin AU - Yang, Linhai AU - Long, Hao AU - Cheng, Liangqing AU - Yan, Yonghao AU - Zhou, Jie AU - Sun, Qianli AU - Delang, Claudio O. AU - He, Hongming DA - 2024/12/15/ DO - 10.1016/j.quascirev.2024.109000 KW - Soil erosion Dust deposition Late Quaternary End-member modeling Lake sediment Loess Plateau PY - 2024 RN - loess SN - 0277-3791 SP - 109000 JO - Quaternary Science Reviews TI - Reconstructing the late Quaternary soil erosion and dust deposition dynamics in the southern Loess Plateau: Insights from Lake Luyanghu sedimentary records UR - https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0277379124005018 VL - 346 ID - 57 ER - TY - JOUR AB - The aeolian sediments in the Central Shandong Mountains (CSM) in eastern China provide a faithful carrier of climate and sea-level variations outside of the Chinese Loess Plateau. However, due to the lack of or limited application of absolute dating protocols, previous studies of Shandong loess have focused mainly on loess deposited since the last interglacial period, with fewer studies on provenances and climate changes recorded in older penultimate interglacial period characterized by a long duration and significant climate fluctuations, which is not helpful to understand the spatiotemporal pattern changes of East Asian monsoon. In this study, multi-elevated-temperature post-infrared infrared-stimulated luminescence (MET-pIRIR) dating method was utilized to obtain the absolute ages from the Dongheishan (DHS) section in CSM region. Preheat plateau and dose recovery tests indicate that the MET-pIRIR signals of 250 °C and 300 °C have negligible anomalous fading and they can give reliable ages for the loess since ∼270 ka. Luminescence dating results suggest that the DHS loess mainly accumulated from 265 ± 12 ka to 93 ± 4 ka. The loess sedimentation rates during ∼195 ± 18–108 ± 4 ka were much lower than expected in the DHS section, which occurred approximately correlates with the Qingshui erosion period (∼136 ka), as indicated by the planation surface outside the CSM. Both the grain-size characteristics and sedimentation rate variations suggest that the dust sources of the DHS loess were primarily proximal sediments, which is possibly due to frequent variations in dust provenances caused by plentiful precipitation during the interglacial periods and diversions of the Yellow River. This study implies that the CSM loess with a good chronology could be utilized to decipher regional sedimentation and climatic changes processes. AU - Zhao, Qiuyue AU - Peng, Shuzhen AU - Liu, Xiuying AU - Ding, Min AU - Wang, Luo AU - Hao, Qingzhen AU - Kang, Shugang AU - Zhang, Wei AU - Xiong, Renwei AU - Yue, Junsheng AU - Fan, Ting DA - 2024/08/01/ DO - 10.1016/j.quageo.2024.101590 KW - Luminescence dating Loess Palaeoclimate Palaeosol MET-pIRIR PY - 2024 RN - loess SN - 1871-1014 SP - 101590 JO - Quaternary Geochronology TI - Multi-step post-IR IRSL dating and palaeoclimate implications from 270 to 90 ka in the Central Shandong Mountains, eastern China UR - https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1871101424000943 VL - 83 ID - 67 ER - TY - JOUR AB - Abstract The desiccation (extreme drying) of rivers has important implications for the broader Earth System. However, the desiccation history and its linkage to climate are rarely known for numerous major river systems, primarily due to difficulties in recognizing desiccation events from available stratigraphic records. Here, using a combination of geochemical techniques (major and rare-earth element geochemistry, detrital zircon geochronology, and optically stimulated luminescence dating), we demonstrate that the Yellow River, which maintains the highest sediment load on Earth, became desiccated during the Last Glacial Maximum at approximately 20 thousand years ago. This finding implies that transportation of sediments and dissolved constituents to the oceans via the Yellow River may have decreased substantially or ceased during glacials, which would have ramifications for ocean chemistry and biology. Furthermore, our work highlights the importance of desiccated riverbed sediments as potential dust sources during glacial periods, a finding that is different from what is observed today. AU - Zhao, Yuqi AU - Fan, Niannian AU - Nie, Junsheng AU - Abell, Jordan T. AU - An, Yu AU - Jin, Zhangdong AU - Wang, Chengshan AU - Zhang, Jiafu AU - Liu, Xingnian AU - Nie, Ruihua DA - 2023/08/16 DO - 10.1029/2023GL103632 KW - Yellow River Last Glacial Maximum desiccation re-integration Holocene IS - 15 PY - 2023 RN - fluvial SN - 0094-8276 SP - e2023GL103632 JO - Geophysical Research Letters TI - From Desiccation to Re-Integration of the Yellow River Since the Last Glaciation UR - https://doi.org/10.1029/2023GL103632 VL - 50 Y2 - 2024/12/16 ID - 170 ER - TY - JOUR AB - River channel profiles and river terraces are two typical landscape features to investigate river incision history. However, incision history inferred from the two markers can be inconsistent. For example, along the Jinshan Gorge in the middle Yellow River, pseudo-terraces (a virtual metric derived from channel profile modelling) suggest a recent acceleration in incision rates only in the southern gorge, and the northern keeps steady, while river terraces in the trunk channel indicate recently increased incision rates all along the gorge. To mitigate these discrepancies, we investigate six tributaries along the Jinshan Gorge by mapping and dating several strath terraces at various distances from the confluence to the trunk channel. By comparing tributary terraces of similar age, we find generally increasing incision rates towards the confluence with the trunk river in the southern Jinshan Gorge. North to south increasing incision rates along the gorge are also observed from coeval tributary terraces. In addition, two different landscapes between the southern and northern tributaries near the confluence are recognized, one with a deeply incised gorge and another one with floodplains, suggesting incision rate in the northern gorge is steady through time. Integrating the new infrared stimulated luminescence (IRSL) and Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (AMS) 14C data from tributaries with the abundant literature data of terrace samples mostly in the Jinshan Gorge dated with various methods, we suggest published ages from optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) might be too young. The methodological limitation associated to the dating method can explain the observed mismatch of incision history in the northern gorge inferred from pseudo-terraces and from river terraces in the trunk channel, and reconcile some contradicting patterns in published trunk terrace data. AU - Zhong, Yuezhi AU - Picotti, Vincenzo AU - Xiong, Jianguo AU - Willett, Sean D. AU - Schmidt, Christoph AU - King, Georgina DA - 2024/10/01/ DO - 10.1016/j.geomorph.2024.109330 KW - Tributary terraces Jinshan Gorge Incision history Middle Yellow River PY - 2024 RN - fluvial SN - 0169-555X SP - 109330 JO - Geomorphology TI - New data on tributary terraces and a reappraisal of the incision history of the Jinshan Gorge, middle Yellow River UR - https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0169555X24002800 VL - 462 ID - 16 ER - TY - JOUR AB - Abstract We use high-resolution lidar microtopographic data and luminescence dating to constrain incremental Holocene?latest Pleistocene slip rates for the Wairau fault, a major dextral strike-slip fault in the Marlborough Fault System, South Island, New Zealand. Our data come from two closely spaced study areas along the structurally simple, central portion of the fault: The well-known Branch River terrace flight, and a previously undated series of offset risers and channel features several km to the east that we refer to as the Dunbeath site. Field work and mapping using lidar-derived topography yields revised or novel measurements of nine fault offsets. We date those features using a post-IR50-IRSL225 infrared stimulated luminescence dating method, and a stratigraphically informed Bayesian age model. The dated slip history of the Wairau fault is further constrained using newly cataloged offset measurements collected along a ?35 km stretch of the fault, and available paleoseismic data. Incremental slip rates are precisely computed using a Monte Carlo resampling scheme. Our results provide a nearly earthquake-by-earthquake record of incremental slip, with pronounced variations in incremental slip rate spanning multiple millennia and tens of m of slip. These extreme, multi-millennial variations in fault slip rate have basic implications for earthquake occurrence, plate boundary lithosphere behavior, and probabilistic seismic hazard assessment. AU - Zinke, R. AU - Dolan, J. F. AU - Rhodes, E. J. AU - Van Dissen, R. J. AU - Hatem, A. E. AU - McGuire, C. P. AU - Brown, N. D. AU - Grenader, J. R. DA - 2021/09/01 DO - 10.1029/2021GC009656 KW - incremental slip rates slip rate variability Marlborough fault system seismic hazard IS - 9 PY - 2021 RN - earthquake (and fault related) SP - e2021GC009656 JO - Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems TI - Latest Pleistocene–Holocene Incremental Slip Rates of the Wairau Fault: Implications for Long-Distance and Long-Term Coordination of Faulting Between North and South Island, New Zealand UR - https://doi.org/10.1029/2021GC009656 VL - 22 Y2 - 2024/12/16 ID - 164 ER - TY - JOUR AB - ABSTRACT The stratigraphy and dating of lacustrine sediments and loess derivatives from Rodderberg, a crater of the East Eifel Volcanic Field in Germany, is based on luminescence dating and incorporates radiocarbon ages, fingerprinting of key tephra layers of the East Eifel Volcanic Field (Rieden Tephra, Hüttenberg Tephra, Laacher See Tephra), pollen stratigraphy, varve counting data, and a correlative age?depth model. These methods yield a robust age?depth model for the last 258 ka. Beyond this, luminescence ages differ from tephra-derived ages. In light of the apparent presence of the Rieden Tephra, the lowermost interglacial is assigned to Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 11 or 420 ka. This provides a high-resolution record of environmental conditions representing an analogue for the Holocene, characterized by a warming planet. However, new luminescence ages may indicate a younger age for basal sediments, with the lowermost interglacial representing MIS 9. Both age?depth models constrain regional environmental changes during the Middle Pleistocene controlled by global climate variations. For the hydrologically closed nature of the Rodderberg crater, with limited pathways for sediment inflow and erosional export, these results shed new light on the continuity of long Middle Pleistocene records. AU - Zolitschka, Bernd AU - Preusser, Frank AU - Zhang, Junjie AU - Hogrefe, Ines AU - Froitzheim, Nikolaus AU - Böning, Philipp AU - Schläfli, Patrick AU - Bittmann, Felix AU - Binot, Franz AU - Frechen, Manfred DA - 2024/10/01 DO - 10.1002/jqs.3654 KW - East Eifel Volcanic Field lacustrine sediments loess derivates luminescence dating Middle Pleistocene IS - 7 PY - 2024 RN - tephra (and volcanic related) SN - 0267-8179 SP - 1011-1030 JO - Journal of Quaternary Science TI - Stratigraphy and dating of Middle Pleistocene sediments from Rodderberg, Germany UR - https://doi.org/10.1002/jqs.3654 VL - 39 Y2 - 2024/12/16 ID - 145 ER -