APLED 2018 (Beijing, China)
5th Asia Pacific Conference on Luminescence and Electron Spin Resonance Dating (APLED 2018)
15-17 October 2018
Host institution
Peking University, Beijing, China
Planning Committee
Grzegorz Adamiec, Yue-Gau Chen, Jeong-Heon Choi, Steven Forman, Rainer Grün, Zenobia Jacobs, Michel Lamothe, Shenghua Li, Niyazi Meriç, Naomi Porat, Ashok Singhvi, Shin Toyoda, Liping Zhou (Convener)
Geochronometria, Vol. 48, https://sciendo.com/fr/issue/GEOCHR/48/1
Short description
APLED 2018 was the first meeting in the series held in the mainland of China. It was hosted by the Luminescence Dating Laboratory of the Key Laboratory for Earth Surface Processes at Peking University and the Stratigraphy and Chronology Commission of the Chinese Association for Quaternary Research. Over 100 participants from 13 countries and regions attended the conference. Thirty-seven oral and 48 poster presentations reported the latest progress in luminescence and ESR dating, ranging from advances in methodology to new applications in the fields of Quaternary geochronology, interactive tectonic and surface processes, and source tracing as well as archaeology. The geographical areas covered not only Asia-Pacific, but also Europe, North America and other regions. A forum of Editors-in-Chief with presentation of Quaternary Geochronology (Rainer Grün), Radiation Measurements (Ian Bailiff) and Geochronometria (Grzegorz Adamiec) was followed by a panel discussion on the Uncharted Realms of Trapped Charge Dating which was moderated by Ashok Singhvi. Bids for the next Conference came from Korea and Turkey (now Turkiye) with a majority of votes for the latter.