Guideline for authors
Types of Articles
Original research article
There is generally no page limit for original research articles, but authors are asked to not exceed 10,000 words. The editor should be consulted for manuscripts estimated to be long.
Short communication
This type of contribution is limited to 4,000 words and a maximum of four figures/tables.
Spotlight review
This invited contribution is usually limited to 5,000 words and a maximum of five figures/tables. Larger contributions might be possible, subject to the editor’s endorsement.
Article Organisation
Articles and short communications include an abstract (max. 250 words) and itemised topical sections: Introduction, Methods (or Materials and Methods), Results, Discussion, Conclusions, Declaration(s), Acknowledgements, Data Availability, Financial Support, Conflict of Interest. Appendices containing supplementary information, details on mathematical procedures etc. can be included. The title page must contain the following information:
- Title of the article
- List of authors (names written in full)
- Authors’ affiliations (including postal address)
- Corresponding author, including e-mail address
- Up to eight keywords
Article Template
All manuscripts must be submitted as a Word file (or equivalent) via the online submission system. A font size of 11 pt and font type Arial or Times New Roman must be used along with a line spacing of 1.5, page numbers and continuous line numbers.
Tables are to be submitted as separate files (Word or equivalent) including headings. Diagrams and figures should be ready for direct reproduction. A separate file should be provided for each figure. Figures consisting of several components (e.g., Fig. 1a, 1b) should be combined into one file. PDF, EPS, or high-resolution PNG are accepted. Ideally, single-column figures have a width of 90 mm (min. 1,063 px) and should not be smaller than 30 mm (min. 354 px). 1.5 column figures have a width of 140 mm (min. 1,654 px). Full-width figures (i.e., double column) have a width of 190 mm (min. 2,244 px). A list of table headings and figure captions must be included at the end of the manuscript (following the references and starting a new page). Inappropriately scaled drawings and labels have to be returned to the authors.
The final version of text, tables and figures must be submitted using the electronic submission system accessible on the Ancient TL homepage. Ancient TL is typeset in LaTeX. To facilitate typesetting authors are encouraged to use a template here [ZIP].
Thesis Abstracts
Thesis abstracts are to be uploaded in the online submission system utilising the provided template (see Ancient TL homepage). The abstract text should not exceed 750 words; figures and tables are not accepted.
English Writing
Authors are required to ensure that the English writing style is appropriate, and that grammar and spelling checks have been performed. Authors may wish to use an English language editing service.
Data Reporting and Referencing
The article must contain details and references that allow comprehension and replication of the work. If luminescence and/or ESR ages are reported, methods and results should be described in accordance with the standards usually accepted within the community. Depending on the method used to derive a luminescence or ESR age, the following articles may serve as a guideline:
Duller, G.A.T., 2008. Luminescence Dating: guidelines on using luminescence dating in archaeology. English Heritage, Swindon.
Duval, M., Bahain, J.-J., Bartz, M., Falguères, C., Guilarte, V., Moreno, D., Tissoux, H. del Val, M., Voinchet, P., Arnold, L.J., 2017. Defining minimum requirements for reporting ESR dating methodology and age estimates based on optically bleached quartz grains. Ancient TL 35(1): 11-19.
Grün, R., 1992. Suggestions for minimum requirements for reporting ESR age estimates. Ancient TL 10(3): 37-41.
Mahan, S.A., Rittenour, T.M., Nelson, M.S., Ataee, N., Brown, N., DeWitt, R., Durcan, J., Evans, M., Feathers, J., Frouin, M., Guérin, G., Heydari, M., Huot, S., Jain, M., Keen-Zebert, A., Li, B., López, G.I., Neudorf, C., Porat, N., Rodrigues, K., Sawakuchi, A.O., Spencer, J.Q.G., Thomsen, K., 2022. Guide for interpreting and reporting luminescence dating results. GSA Bulletin 135: 1480-1502.
Nomenclature and units must follow international conventions. Most importantly, SI units should be used, and physical symbols set in italics (e.g., E, s, t, De), while physical units remain in non-italics (e.g., eV, s, ka, Gy).
Citations in the text should follow the format
Doe (2003) showed that…
Doe & Foe (2003) showed that…
Doe et al. (2003) showed that…
Bibliography entries for journal articles should follow the format
Combès, B., Philippe, A., Lanos, P., Mercier, N., Tribolo, C., Guérin, G., Guibert, P., Lahaye, C., 2015. A Bayesian central equivalent dose model for optically stimulated luminescence dating. Quaternary Geochronology, 28: 62–70. doi: 10.1016/j.quageo.2015.04.001.
Bibliography entries for books should follow the format
Reeves, R.D., Brooks, R.R., 1979. Trace Element Analysis of Geological Materials. John Wiley and Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey, 421 pp.
Bibliography entries for book chapters should follow the format
Balintoni, I., 2019. Geology of Romania. In: Ponta, G.M.L., Onac, B.P. (Eds.), Cave and Karst Systems of Romania, Springer, Cham, pp. 9-20.