APLED 2022 (Ankara, Türkiye - online)

6th Asia-Pacific Luminescence and Electron Spin Resonance Dating (APLED2022) Conference

26-28 September 2022 (Online event due to Covid-19 pandemic)

Host institution

Ankara University, Türkiye

Local Organising Committee

E. Şahiner (Conference Chairman and Secretary), G. S. Polymeris, G.Ö. Cakal, S. Kaya-Keles, E. Aslar, Y. K. Kadıoğlu, M. K. Erturac, N. Meric

International Scientific and Advisory Committee

E. Şahiner (Chairman of 6th APLED), N. Meric (Emeritus), G. S. Polymeris (Co-Chairman), L. Zhou (president of 5th APLED), N. Spooner (president of 4th APLED), S.Toyoda (president of 3th APLED), A.K. Singhvi (president of 2nd APLED), S.H. Li (president of 1st APLED), G. Adamiec, L. J. Arnold, C. Athanassas, I. Bailiff, M. L. Chithambo, J.-H. Choi, R. DeWitt, S. Forman, R. Grün (Emeritus), M. Jain, G. E. King, D. Koul, I. Liritzis, S. Tsukamoto, E. Yukihara

Book of Abstracts


Radiation Physics and Chemistry (2024), https://www.sciencedirect.com/special-issue/10MNLD5M6MZ

Short description

The sixth APLED meeting (APLED2022) was hosted by Ankara University, Türkiye. Because of the Covid-19 pandemic, and the resulting strict travel and meeting regulations, the 6th APLED conference was organized as an online event on 26-28 September 2022.

The meeting used a Live Stream platform for interactive questions and discussions, and a dedicated webpage for poster sessions was created on the website, allowing participants to walk in a virtual conference environment, look at posters and engage in scientific discussions with presenters and other researchers. According to the statistical information obtained from the live streaming system, nearly 500 people were connected in total over the three days. The number of individuals who accessed daily the live presentations was 250 (opening day), 127, and 108, respectively. A total of 60 (31+29) oral or poster presentations and 7 invited talks was given by the trapped-charge dating and dosimetry community via the digital platform. The complete book of abstracts is made available on the website of the Journal Ancient TL.

The proceedings of the 6th APLED online conference has been published as a Special Issue of Radiation Physics and Chemistry, which includes a total of 23 original peer-reviewed papers.

This Special Issue demonstrates the dynamic and multifaceted engagement of the scientific community in exploring both the applied and theoretical dimensions of luminescence and electron spin resonance (ESR) research. The contributions not only advance foundational understanding but also highlight transformative implications across interdisciplinary trapped charge dosimetry/dating fields, including novel technology, environmental science and cultural heritage applications.